Hướng dẫn lập trình game bằng pascal năm 2024

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Đây là code rất đơn giản cho trò chơi giống flappy bird do mình không sử dụng unit graph nên nhìn hơi xâu .


procedure TAOCNV(cot,tren,duoi : integer ) ; {-HAM NAY DE TAO CHUONG NGAI VAT.- }

var i: integer;

begin for i := 1 to tren do begin gotoxy(cot,i) ; write(

25) ;


for i:= 21-duoi to 21 do begin gotoxy(cot,i) ; write(


end; end;

procedure VIETDT(x,y: integer); {HAM NAY DUNG DE TAO DOI TUONG.2 BIEN LA TOA DO CUA DOI TUONG-} uses crt,dos; {//vn.myblog.yahoo.com/kien_coi_1997} type quan=(k,xeD,maD,tuongD,hauD,vuaD,totD, xeT,maT,tuongT,hauT,vuaT,totT); nguoi=(Trang,Den); mType=array[1..8,1..8]of quan; his=record xh1,yh1,xh2,yh2:0..8; Old:quan;dirh:0..3; end; const xStart=2; yStart=1; Player:nguoi=trang; {den:darkgray;trang:white} New:mType= ((xeT,MaT,TuongT,HauT,VuaT,TuongT,MaT,XeT) ,(totT,totT,totT,totT,totT,totT,totT,totT) ,(k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k),(k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k) ,(k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k),(k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k) ,(totD,totD,totD,totD,totD,totD,totD,totD) ,(xeD,MaD,TuongD,HauD,VuaD,TuongD,MaD,XeD)); function mouseinstalled:boolean; assembler; asm xor ax,ax; int 33h; cmp ax,-1; je @skip; xor al,al; @skip: end; function getmousex:word; assembler; asm mov ax,3; int 33h; mov ax,cx end; function getmousey:word; assembler; asm mov ax,3; int 33h; mov ax,dx end; function leftpressed:boolean; assembler; asm mov ax,3; int 33h; and bx,1; mov ax,bx end; function rightpressed:boolean; assembler; asm mov ax,3; int 33h; and bx,2; mov ax,bx end; procedure mousesensetivity(x,y:word); assembler; asm mov ax,1ah; mov bx,x; mov cx,y; xor dx,dx; int 33h end; function mouserange(x1,y1,x2,y2:word):boolean; begin if (getmousex div 8>=x1) and (getmousex div 8<=x2) and (getmousey div 8>=y1) and (getmousey div 8<=y2) then mouserange:=true else mouserange:=false; end; function getmousexcrt:word; begin getmousexcrt:=trunc(getmousex/8+1); end; function getmouseycrt:word; begin getmouseycrt:=trunc(getmousey/8+1); end; procedure vekhung(x1,y1,x2,y2:word); var z,a,b:word; begin if (x1<>x2) and (y1<>y2) then begin a:=wherex; b:=wherey; if x1>x2 then begin z:=x1; x1:=x2; x2:=z; end; if y1>y2 then begin z:=y1; y1:=y2; y2:=z; end; gotoxy(x1,y1); write( # 201); if x2-x1>1 then for z:=1 to x2-x1-1 do write( # 205); gotoxy(x2,y1); write( # 187); gotoxy(x1,y2); write( # 200); if x2-x1>1 then for z:=1 to x2-x1-1 do write( # 205); gotoxy(x2,y2); write( # 188); if y2-y1>1 then for z:=1 to y2-y1-1 do begin gotoxy(x1,z+y1); write( # 186); end; if y2-y1>1 then for z:=1 to y2-y1-1 do begin gotoxy(x2,z+y1); write( # 186); end; end; gotoxy(a,b); end; procedure RangeMouse(x1,y1,x2,y2:word); var regs:registers; begin Regs.AX:=7; Regs.CX:=x1; Regs.DX:=x2; Intr($33,Regs); Regs.AX:=8; Regs.CX:=y1; Regs.DX:=y2; Intr($33,Regs); end; var x1,y1,x2,y2:byte; xMove1,yMove1,xMove2,yMove2:byte; Moving:boolean;c:char; History:array[1..4]of his; dir:0..3;m:mtype; function Lawful(x1,y1,x2,y2:byte):boolean; var z:quan; function NotBlock(x1,y1,x2,y2:byte):boolean; var c,d:byte; begin NotBlock:=true;c:=0;d:=0; if m[x2,y2]=k then d:=1; if (x1>x2)and(y1=y2) then begin c:=x1; x1:=x2; x2:=c; end; if (y1>y2)and(x1=x2) then begin c:=y1; y1:=y2; y2:=c; end; if x1=x2 then begin for c:= y1 to y2 do if m[x1,c]<>k then d:=d+1; end; if y1=y2 then begin for c:= x1 to x2 do if m[c,y1]<>k then d:=d+1; end; if abs(x2-x1)=abs(y2-y1) then begin if x1<x2 then for c:= x1 to x2 do begin if y1<y2 then if m[c,c+y1-x1]<>k then d:=d+1; if y1>y2 then if m[c,x2+y2-c]<>k then d:=d+1; end; if x1>x2 then for c:= x2 to x1 do begin if y1<y2 if m[c,x2+y2-c]<>k then d:=d+1; if y1>y2 then if m[c,c+y2-x2]<>k then d:=d+1; end; end; if d>2then notblock:=false; end; begin z:=m[x1,y1]; textbackground(black); gotoxy(68,7); write(' '); gotoxy(75,5); write(' '); if ((m[x1,y1]in[xeD..totD])and(m[x2,y2]in[xeT..totT]) or (m[x1,y1]in[xeT..totT])and(m[x2,y2]in[xeD..totD]) or (m[x2,y2]=k)) and ((x1<>x2)or(y1<>y2)) then case z of xeT,xeD: Lawful:=((x1=x2)xor(y1=y2))and NotBlock(x1,y1,x2,y2); maT,maD: lawful:=(abs(x1-x2)+abs(y1-y2)=3)and(x1<>x2)and(y1<>y2); tuongT,tuongD: Lawful:=(abs(x2-x1)=abs(y2-y1))and NotBlock(x1,y1,x2,y2); hauT,hauD: Lawful:=(((x1=x2)or(y1=y2))or(abs(x2-x1)=abs(y2-y1))) and NotBlock(x1,y1,x2,y2); vuaT,vuaD: Lawful:=(abs(x2-x1)<2)and(abs(y2-y1)<2) and((x1<>x2)or(y1<>y2)); totT: Lawful:=(((dir=0)and(x2-x1=1)and(y1=y2) or (x2-x1=1)and(abs(y1-y2)=1)and(m[x2,y2]<>k) or (x2-x1=2)and(x1=2)and(y1=y2)) or ((dir=1)and(y2-y1=1)and(x1=x2) or (y2-y1=1)and(abs(x1-x2)=1)and(m[x2,y2]<>k) or (y2-y1=2)and(y1=2)and(x1=x2)) or ((dir=2)and(x1-x2=1)and(y1=y2) or (x1-x2=1)and(abs(x1-x2)=1)and(m[x2,y2]<>k) or (x1-x2=2)and(x1=7)and( y1=y2)) or ((dir=3)and(y1-y2=1)and(x1=x2) or (y1-y2=1)and(abs(x1-x2)=1)and(m[x2,y2]<>k) or (y1-y2=2)and(y1=7)and(x1=x2))) and notblock(x1,y1,x2,y2); totD: Lawful:=(((dir=2)and(x2-x1=1)and(y1=y2) or (x2-x1=1)and(abs(y1-y2)=1)and(m[x2,y2]<>k) or (x2-x1=2)and(x1=2)and(y1=y2)) or ((dir=3)and(y2-y1=1)and(x1=x2) or (y2-y1=1)and(abs(x1-x2)=1)and(m[x2,y2]<>k) or (y2-y1=2)and(y1=2)and(x1=x2)) or ((dir=0)and(x1-x2=1)and(y1=y2) or (x1-x2=1)and(abs(x1-x2)=1)and(m[x2,y2]<>k) or (x1-x2=2)and(x1=7)and(y1=y2)) or ((dir=1)and(y1-y2=1)and(x1=x2) or (y1-y2=1)and(abs(x1-x2)=1)and(m[x2,y2]<>k) or (y1-y2=2)and(y1=7)and(x1=x2))) and notblock(x1,y1,x2,y2); end else begin Lawful:=false; gotoxy(68,7);textcolor(lightred);textbackground(Red); write('!QuanCungMau'); end; if not notblock(x1,y1,x2,y2) then begin gotoxy(75,5);textcolor(lightred); textbackground(Red);write('! Can'); end; end; procedure clearCell(x,y,z:byte); begin if z =0 then if odd(x+y) then textcolor(black) else textcolor(lightgray) else textcolor(z); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart); write( # 219, # 219, # 219, # 219, # 219, # 219, # 219, # 219); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart+1); write( # 219, # 219, # 219, # 219, # 219, # 219, # 219, # 219); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart+2); write( # 219, # 219, # 219, # 219, # 219, # 219, # 219, # 219); textcolor(white); end; procedure qXe(x,y,z,b:byte); begin textcolor(z); if b>0 then textbackground(b) else if odd(x+y+1) then textbackground(white) else textbackground(black); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart); write( # 32, # 219, # 32, # 219, # 32, # 219, # 32, # 32); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart+1); write( # 32, # 32, # 178, # 178, # 178, # 32, # 32, # 32); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart+2); write( # 32, # 219, # 219, # 219, # 219, # 219, # 32, # 32); end; procedure qMa(x,y,z,b:byte); begin textcolor(z); if b>0 then textbackground(b) else if odd(x+y+1) then textbackground(white) else textbackground(black); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart); write( # 32, # 222, # 223, # 219, # 220, # 32, # 32, # 32); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart+1); write( # 32, # 32, # 222, # 219, # 219, # 221, # 32, # 32); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart+2); write( # 32, # 32, # 219, # 219, # 219, # 219, # 32, # 32); end; procedure qTot(x,y,z,b:byte); begin textcolor(z); if b>0 then textbackground(b) else if odd(x+y+1) then textbackground(white) else textbackground(black); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart); write( # 32, # 32, # 32, # 32, # 254, # 32, # 32, # 32); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart+1); write( # 32, # 32, # 32, # 40, # 42, # 41, # 32, # 32); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart+2); write( # 32, # 32, # 220, # 219, # 219, # 219, # 220, # 32); end; procedure qTuong(x,y,z,b:byte); begin textcolor(z); if b>0 then textbackground(b) else if odd(x+y+1) then textbackground(white) else textbackground(black); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart); write( # 32, # 32, # 32, # 234, # 32, # 32, # 32, # 32); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart+1); write( # 32, # 32, # 222, # 254, # 221, # 32, # 32, # 32); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart+2); write( # 32, # 220, # 219, # 219, # 219, # 220, # 32, # 32); end; procedure qVua(x,y,z,b:byte); begin textcolor(z); if b>0 then textbackground(b) else if odd(x+y+1) then textbackground(white) else textbackground(black); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart); write( # 32, # 47, # 92, # 32, # 42, # 32, # 47, # 92); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart+1); write( # 32, # 92, # 32, # 221, # 254, # 222, # 32, # 47); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart+2); write( # 32, # 32, # 219, # 219, # 42, # 219, # 219, # 32); end; procedure qHau(x,y,z,b:byte); begin textcolor(z); if b>0 then textbackground(b) else if odd(x+y+1) then textbackground(white) else textbackground(black); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart); write( # 95, # 46, # 61, # 42, # 42, # 61, # 46, # 95); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart+1); write( # 92, # 92, # 30, # 30, # 30, # 30, # 47, # 47); gotoxy(x*8-8+xStart,y*3-3+yStart+2); write( # 32, # 176, # 177, # 178, # 178, # 177, # 176, # 32); end;

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