Hướng dẫn frequency distribution in python code - phân phối tần số trong mã python

Đếm tần suất xuất hiện của một từ trong một cơ thể của văn bản thường là cần thiết trong quá trình xử lý văn bản. Điều này có thể đạt được bằng cách áp dụng hàm word_tokenize () và thêm kết quả vào danh sách để giữ số lượng các từ như trong chương trình bên dưới.word_tokenize() function and appending the result to a list to keep count of the words as shown in the below program.

from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import gutenberg

sample = gutenberg.raw("blake-poems.txt")

token = word_tokenize(sample)
wlist = []

for i in range(50):

wordfreq = [wlist.count(w) for w in wlist]
print("Pairs\n" + str(zip(token, wordfreq)))

Khi chúng tôi chạy chương trình trên, chúng tôi nhận được đầu ra sau -

[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]

Phân phối tần số có điều kiện

Phân phối tần số có điều kiện được sử dụng khi chúng tôi muốn đếm các từ gặp gỡ crteria cụ thể thỏa mãn một tập hợp văn bản.

import nltk
#from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import brown

cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(
          (genre, word)
          for genre in brown.categories()
          for word in brown.words(categories=genre))
categories = ['hobbies', 'romance','humor']
searchwords = [ 'may', 'might', 'must', 'will']
cfd.tabulate(conditions=categories, samples=searchwords)

Khi chúng tôi chạy chương trình trên, chúng tôi nhận được đầu ra sau -

          may might  must  will 
hobbies   131    22    83   264 
romance    11    51    45    43 
  humor     8     8     9    13 

Phát triển phân phối tần số tóm tắt dữ liệu này. Dữ liệu này là nhu cầu cho một đối tượng trong khoảng thời gian 20 ngày.

2 1 0 2 1 3 0 2 4 0 3 2 3 4 2 2 2 4 3 0. Nhiệm vụ là tạo một bảng trong sổ ghi chép Jupyter với nhu cầu và tần số cột. Lưu ý: Nhu cầu phải theo thứ tự tăng dần. Đây là những gì tôi đã làm.

list_of_days = [2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 3, 2 ,3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 0] # created a list of the data
import pandas as pd
series_of_days = pd.Series(list_of_days) # converted the list to series
series_of_days.value_counts(ascending = True) # the frequency was ascending but not the demand
test = dict(series_of_days.value_counts())
freq_table =  pd.Series(test)
pd.DataFrame({"Demand":freq_table.index, "Frequency":freq_table.values})

Đầu ra phải như thế này:

<table border = "1">


và như thế. Có cách nào tốt hơn để rút ngắn mã Python không? Hoặc làm cho nó hiệu quả hơn?

Chỉ mục: Mảng hoặc chuỗi chứa các giá trị thành nhóm trong các hàng ..

Các cột: Mảng hoặc chuỗi chứa các giá trị thành nhóm trong các cột. ....

Giá trị: Một mảng các số sẽ được tổng hợp dựa trên các yếu tố ..

Bảng tần số trong Python là gì?

Bảng tần số là một công cụ cơ bản bạn có thể sử dụng để khám phá dữ liệu và có ý tưởng về mối quan hệ giữa các biến. Bảng tần số chỉ là một bảng dữ liệu hiển thị số lượng của một hoặc nhiều biến phân loại.

Làm thế nào để tôi tìm thấy phân phối tần số?


import pandas as pd


[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]

[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]

          may might  must  will 
hobbies   131    22    83   264 
romance    11    51    45    43 
  humor     8     8     9    13 
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
          may might  must  will 
hobbies   131    22    83   264 
romance    11    51    45    43 
  humor     8     8     9    13 
import nltk
#from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import brown

cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(
          (genre, word)
          for genre in brown.categories()
          for word in brown.words(categories=genre))
categories = ['hobbies', 'romance','humor']
searchwords = [ 'may', 'might', 'must', 'will']
cfd.tabulate(conditions=categories, samples=searchwords)
list_of_days = [2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 3, 2 ,3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 0] # created a list of the data
import pandas as pd
series_of_days = pd.Series(list_of_days) # converted the list to series
series_of_days.value_counts(ascending = True) # the frequency was ascending but not the demand
test = dict(series_of_days.value_counts())
freq_table =  pd.Series(test)
pd.DataFrame({"Demand":freq_table.index, "Frequency":freq_table.values})
list_of_days = [2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 3, 2 ,3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 0] # created a list of the data
import pandas as pd
series_of_days = pd.Series(list_of_days) # converted the list to series
series_of_days.value_counts(ascending = True) # the frequency was ascending but not the demand
test = dict(series_of_days.value_counts())
freq_table =  pd.Series(test)
pd.DataFrame({"Demand":freq_table.index, "Frequency":freq_table.values})
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]


Hướng dẫn frequency distribution in python code - phân phối tần số trong mã python

Đầu ra: 50 cây thuộc loài setosa, 50 của Versolor và 50 của Virginica.


Nếu chúng ta muốn bảng tần số theo tỷ lệ thì chúng ta đã chia từng tỷ lệ riêng lẻ cho tổng của tổng số.

import nltk
#from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import brown

cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(
          (genre, word)
          for genre in brown.categories()
          for word in brown.words(categories=genre))
categories = ['hobbies', 'romance','humor']
searchwords = [ 'may', 'might', 'must', 'will']
cfd.tabulate(conditions=categories, samples=searchwords)
import nltk
#from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import brown

cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(
          (genre, word)
          for genre in brown.categories()
          for word in brown.words(categories=genre))
categories = ['hobbies', 'romance','humor']
searchwords = [ 'may', 'might', 'must', 'will']
cfd.tabulate(conditions=categories, samples=searchwords)


setosa        50
virginica     50
versicolor    50
Name: species, dtype: int64

list_of_days = [2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 3, 2 ,3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 0] # created a list of the data import pandas as pd series_of_days = pd.Series(list_of_days) # converted the list to series series_of_days.value_counts(ascending = True) # the frequency was ascending but not the demand test = dict(series_of_days.value_counts()) freq_table = pd.Series(test) pd.DataFrame({"Demand":freq_table.index, "Frequency":freq_table.values}) 4[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)] 2 list_of_days = [2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 3, 2 ,3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 0] # created a list of the data import pandas as pd series_of_days = pd.Series(list_of_days) # converted the list to series series_of_days.value_counts(ascending = True) # the frequency was ascending but not the demand test = dict(series_of_days.value_counts()) freq_table = pd.Series(test) pd.DataFrame({"Demand":freq_table.index, "Frequency":freq_table.values}) 4setosa 50 virginica 50 versicolor 50 Name: species, dtype: int648setosa 50 virginica 50 versicolor 50 Name: species, dtype: int649import0

Sản lượng: 0,333 cho thấy 0,333% tổng dân số là setosa, v.v.

Phương pháp 3: Bảng tần số hai chiều bằng phương pháp pandas.crosstab ()pandas.crosstab(index, columns, values=None, rownames=None, colnames=None, aggfunc=None, margins=False, margins_name=’All’, dropna=True, normalize=False)


  • Hai - Bảng tần số là nơi chúng tôi tạo một bảng tần số cho hai tính năng khác nhau trong bộ dữ liệu của chúng tôi. Để tải xuống và xem lại tệp CSV được sử dụng trong ví dụ này bấm vào đây. Trong ví dụ dưới đây, chúng tôi tạo một bảng tần số hai chiều cho chế độ tàu và cột phân đoạn của bộ dữ liệu của chúng tôi.
  • [([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
    [([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
    [([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
    [([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
  •           may might  must  will 
    hobbies   131    22    83   264 
    romance    11    51    45    43 
      humor     8     8     9    13 
    [([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
              may might  must  will 
    hobbies   131    22    83   264 
    romance    11    51    45    43 
      humor     8     8     9    13 
    9pandas as pd4pandas as pd5pandas as pd6pandas as pd7

Chúng tôi có thể giải thích bảng này như đối với Chế độ tàu hạng nhất có 769 phân khúc người tiêu dùng, 485 phân khúc công ty và 284 phân khúc văn phòng gia đình, v.v.


import pandas as pd


[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]


import nltk
#from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import brown

cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(
          (genre, word)
          for genre in brown.categories()
          for word in brown.words(categories=genre))
categories = ['hobbies', 'romance','humor']
searchwords = [ 'may', 'might', 'must', 'will']
cfd.tabulate(conditions=categories, samples=searchwords)

          may might  must  will 
hobbies   131    22    83   264 
romance    11    51    45    43 
  humor     8     8     9    13 
          may might  must  will 
hobbies   131    22    83   264 
romance    11    51    45    43 
  humor     8     8     9    13 

[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]

          may might  must  will 
hobbies   131    22    83   264 
romance    11    51    45    43 
  humor     8     8     9    13 
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
          may might  must  will 
hobbies   131    22    83   264 
romance    11    51    45    43 
  humor     8     8     9    13 
import nltk
#from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import brown

cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(
          (genre, word)
          for genre in brown.categories()
          for word in brown.words(categories=genre))
categories = ['hobbies', 'romance','humor']
searchwords = [ 'may', 'might', 'must', 'will']
cfd.tabulate(conditions=categories, samples=searchwords)
list_of_days = [2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 3, 2 ,3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 0] # created a list of the data
import pandas as pd
series_of_days = pd.Series(list_of_days) # converted the list to series
series_of_days.value_counts(ascending = True) # the frequency was ascending but not the demand
test = dict(series_of_days.value_counts())
freq_table =  pd.Series(test)
pd.DataFrame({"Demand":freq_table.index, "Frequency":freq_table.values})
list_of_days = [2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 3, 2 ,3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 0] # created a list of the data
import pandas as pd
series_of_days = pd.Series(list_of_days) # converted the list to series
series_of_days.value_counts(ascending = True) # the frequency was ascending but not the demand
test = dict(series_of_days.value_counts())
freq_table =  pd.Series(test)
pd.DataFrame({"Demand":freq_table.index, "Frequency":freq_table.values})
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]

list_of_days = [2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 3, 2 ,3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 0] # created a list of the data
import pandas as pd
series_of_days = pd.Series(list_of_days) # converted the list to series
series_of_days.value_counts(ascending = True) # the frequency was ascending but not the demand
test = dict(series_of_days.value_counts())
freq_table =  pd.Series(test)
pd.DataFrame({"Demand":freq_table.index, "Frequency":freq_table.values})

Đầu ra: 50 cây thuộc loài setosa, 50 của Versolor và 50 của Virginica. 50 plants belonging to the setosa species, 50 of Versicolor and 50 of Virginica.

Hướng dẫn frequency distribution in python code - phân phối tần số trong mã python

Nếu chúng ta muốn bảng tần số theo tỷ lệ thì chúng ta đã chia từng tỷ lệ riêng lẻ cho tổng của tổng số.proportion by the sum of the total number.


import pandas as pd


[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]


import nltk
#from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import brown

cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(
          (genre, word)
          for genre in brown.categories()
          for word in brown.words(categories=genre))
categories = ['hobbies', 'romance','humor']
searchwords = [ 'may', 'might', 'must', 'will']
cfd.tabulate(conditions=categories, samples=searchwords)

          may might  must  will 
hobbies   131    22    83   264 
romance    11    51    45    43 
  humor     8     8     9    13 
          may might  must  will 
hobbies   131    22    83   264 
romance    11    51    45    43 
  humor     8     8     9    13 

[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]

          may might  must  will 
hobbies   131    22    83   264 
romance    11    51    45    43 
  humor     8     8     9    13 
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
          may might  must  will 
hobbies   131    22    83   264 
romance    11    51    45    43 
  humor     8     8     9    13 
import nltk
#from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import brown

cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(
          (genre, word)
          for genre in brown.categories()
          for word in brown.words(categories=genre))
categories = ['hobbies', 'romance','humor']
searchwords = [ 'may', 'might', 'must', 'will']
cfd.tabulate(conditions=categories, samples=searchwords)
list_of_days = [2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 3, 2 ,3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 0] # created a list of the data
import pandas as pd
series_of_days = pd.Series(list_of_days) # converted the list to series
series_of_days.value_counts(ascending = True) # the frequency was ascending but not the demand
test = dict(series_of_days.value_counts())
freq_table =  pd.Series(test)
pd.DataFrame({"Demand":freq_table.index, "Frequency":freq_table.values})
list_of_days = [2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 3, 2 ,3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 0] # created a list of the data
import pandas as pd
series_of_days = pd.Series(list_of_days) # converted the list to series
series_of_days.value_counts(ascending = True) # the frequency was ascending but not the demand
test = dict(series_of_days.value_counts())
freq_table =  pd.Series(test)
pd.DataFrame({"Demand":freq_table.index, "Frequency":freq_table.values})
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]

Đầu ra: 50 cây thuộc loài setosa, 50 của Versolor và 50 của Virginica.

list_of_days = [2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 3, 2 ,3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 0] # created a list of the data
import pandas as pd
series_of_days = pd.Series(list_of_days) # converted the list to series
series_of_days.value_counts(ascending = True) # the frequency was ascending but not the demand
test = dict(series_of_days.value_counts())
freq_table =  pd.Series(test)
pd.DataFrame({"Demand":freq_table.index, "Frequency":freq_table.values})

Nếu chúng ta muốn bảng tần số theo tỷ lệ thì chúng ta đã chia từng tỷ lệ riêng lẻ cho tổng của tổng số. 0.333 indicates 0.333% of the total population is setosa and so on.

Hướng dẫn frequency distribution in python code - phân phối tần số trong mã python

list_of_days = [2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 3, 2 ,3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 0] # created a list of the data import pandas as pd series_of_days = pd.Series(list_of_days) # converted the list to series series_of_days.value_counts(ascending = True) # the frequency was ascending but not the demand test = dict(series_of_days.value_counts()) freq_table = pd.Series(test) pd.DataFrame({"Demand":freq_table.index, "Frequency":freq_table.values}) 4[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)] 2 list_of_days = [2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 3, 2 ,3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 0] # created a list of the data import pandas as pd series_of_days = pd.Series(list_of_days) # converted the list to series series_of_days.value_counts(ascending = True) # the frequency was ascending but not the demand test = dict(series_of_days.value_counts()) freq_table = pd.Series(test) pd.DataFrame({"Demand":freq_table.index, "Frequency":freq_table.values}) 4setosa 50 virginica 50 versicolor 50 Name: species, dtype: int648setosa 50 virginica 50 versicolor 50 Name: species, dtype: int649import0

Sản lượng: 0,333 cho thấy 0,333% tổng dân số là setosa, v.v.


import pandas as pd


[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]


import nltk
#from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import brown

cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(
          (genre, word)
          for genre in brown.categories()
          for word in brown.words(categories=genre))
categories = ['hobbies', 'romance','humor']
searchwords = [ 'may', 'might', 'must', 'will']
cfd.tabulate(conditions=categories, samples=searchwords)

[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]

list_of_days = [2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 3, 2 ,3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 0] # created a list of the data
import pandas as pd
series_of_days = pd.Series(list_of_days) # converted the list to series
series_of_days.value_counts(ascending = True) # the frequency was ascending but not the demand
test = dict(series_of_days.value_counts())
freq_table =  pd.Series(test)
pd.DataFrame({"Demand":freq_table.index, "Frequency":freq_table.values})


Hướng dẫn frequency distribution in python code - phân phối tần số trong mã python

          may might  must  will 
hobbies   131    22    83   264 
romance    11    51    45    43 
  humor     8     8     9    13 
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]
          may might  must  will 
hobbies   131    22    83   264 
romance    11    51    45    43 
  humor     8     8     9    13 
import nltk
#from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import brown

cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(
          (genre, word)
          for genre in brown.categories()
          for word in brown.words(categories=genre))
categories = ['hobbies', 'romance','humor']
searchwords = [ 'may', 'might', 'must', 'will']
cfd.tabulate(conditions=categories, samples=searchwords)
list_of_days = [2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 3, 2 ,3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 0] # created a list of the data
import pandas as pd
series_of_days = pd.Series(list_of_days) # converted the list to series
series_of_days.value_counts(ascending = True) # the frequency was ascending but not the demand
test = dict(series_of_days.value_counts())
freq_table =  pd.Series(test)
pd.DataFrame({"Demand":freq_table.index, "Frequency":freq_table.values})
list_of_days = [2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 3, 2 ,3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 0] # created a list of the data
import pandas as pd
series_of_days = pd.Series(list_of_days) # converted the list to series
series_of_days.value_counts(ascending = True) # the frequency was ascending but not the demand
test = dict(series_of_days.value_counts())
freq_table =  pd.Series(test)
pd.DataFrame({"Demand":freq_table.index, "Frequency":freq_table.values})
[([', 1), (Poems', 1), (by', 1), (William', 1), (Blake', 1), (1789', 1), (]', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (AND', 1), (OF', 3), (EXPERIENCE', 1), (and', 1), (THE', 1), (BOOK', 1), (of', 2), (THEL', 1), (SONGS', 2), (OF', 3), (INNOCENCE', 2), (INTRODUCTION', 1), (Piping', 2), (down', 1), (the', 1), (valleys', 1), (wild', 1), (,', 3), (Piping', 2), (songs', 1), (of', 2), (pleasant', 1), (glee', 1), (,', 3), (On', 1), (a', 2), (cloud', 1), (I', 1), (saw', 1), (a', 2), (child', 1), (,', 3), (And', 1), (he', 1), (laughing', 1), (said', 1), (to', 1), (me', 1), (:', 1), (``', 1)]

Làm thế nào để bạn thực hiện phân phối tần số trong Python?

Phương pháp 2: Bảng tần số một chiều sử dụng gấu trúc ...
Chỉ mục: Mảng hoặc chuỗi chứa các giá trị thành nhóm trong các hàng ..
Các cột: Mảng hoặc chuỗi chứa các giá trị thành nhóm trong các cột. ....
Giá trị: Một mảng các số sẽ được tổng hợp dựa trên các yếu tố ..

Bảng tần số trong Python là gì?

Bảng tần số là một công cụ cơ bản bạn có thể sử dụng để khám phá dữ liệu và có ý tưởng về mối quan hệ giữa các biến.Bảng tần số chỉ là một bảng dữ liệu hiển thị số lượng của một hoặc nhiều biến phân loại.a basic tool you can use to explore data and get an idea of the relationships between variables. A frequency table is just a data table that shows the counts of one or more categorical variables.

Làm thế nào để tôi tìm thấy phân phối tần số?

Để thực hiện điều này, chia tần số cho tổng số kết quả và nhân với 100. Trong trường hợp này, tần số của hàng đầu tiên là 1 và tổng số kết quả là 10. Tỷ lệ phần trăm sau đó sẽ là 10,0.Cột cuối cùng là tỷ lệ phần trăm tích lũy.divide the frequency by the total number of results and multiply by 100. In this case, the frequency of the first row is 1 and the total number of results is 10. The percentage would then be 10.0. The final column is Cumulative percentage.

Làm cách nào để tạo bảng phân phối tần số?

Để tạo một bảng phân phối tần số như vậy, trước tiên, hãy viết các khoảng thời gian trong một cột.Một bảng phân phối tần số được vẽ ở trên được gọi là bảng phân phối tần số được nhóm.first, write the class intervals in one column. Next, tally the numbers in each category based on the number of times it appears. Finally, write the frequency in the final column. A frequency distribution table drawn above is called a grouped frequency distribution table.