Hướng dẫn dùng asia/kolkata time trong PHP

while($chat = $result->fetch_object()){ // Returning the GMT (UTC) time of the chat creation: $chat->time = array( 'hours' => date('H',strtotime($chat->ts)), 'minutes' => date('i',strtotime($chat->ts)) );

I'm using this code to display time alongside chat message. How can I change this code to display output time in IST timezone? Thank you

asked May 22, 2017 at 20:03

You've several ways to achieve this, a simple one is using date_default_timezone_set before date, i.e.:


answered May 22, 2017 at 20:08

Pedro LobitoPedro Lobito

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Để giải quyết vấn đề này có nhiều cách, tuy nhiên trong chuyên đề này mình đi về time trong php nên mình sẽ dùng luôn hàm set lại muối giờ:.

Nếu bạn muốn thay đổi cấu hình múi giờ cho PHP script, bạn có thể chèn đoạn mã sau vào phần mã PHP của bạn:

\\ echo “Original Time: “. date(“h:i:s”).”\n”;
\\ echo “New Time: “. date(“h:i:s”).”\n”;

Danh sách các mã múi giờ để sử dụng thay cho giá trị “US/Eastern” trong hàm putenv() có thể tìm thấy ở đây.

return array (
‘(UTC-11:00) Midway Island’ => ‘Pacific/Midway’,
‘(UTC-11:00) Samoa’ => ‘Pacific/Samoa’,
‘(UTC-10:00) Hawaii’ => ‘Pacific/Honolulu’,
‘(UTC-09:00) Alaska’ => ‘US/Alaska’,
‘(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US &amp; Canada)’ => ‘America/Los_Angeles’,
‘(UTC-08:00) Tijuana’ => ‘America/Tijuana’,
‘(UTC-07:00) Arizona’ => ‘US/Arizona’,
‘(UTC-07:00) Chihuahua’ => ‘America/Chihuahua’,
‘(UTC-07:00) La Paz’ => ‘America/Chihuahua’,
‘(UTC-07:00) Mazatlan’ => ‘America/Mazatlan’,
‘(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US &amp; Canada)’ => ‘US/Mountain’,
‘(UTC-06:00) Central America’ => ‘America/Managua’,
‘(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US &amp; Canada)’ => ‘US/Central’,
‘(UTC-06:00) Guadalajara’ => ‘America/Mexico_City’,
‘(UTC-06:00) Mexico City’ => ‘America/Mexico_City’,
‘(UTC-06:00) Monterrey’ => ‘America/Monterrey’,
‘(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan’ => ‘Canada/Saskatchewan’,
‘(UTC-05:00) Bogota’ => ‘America/Bogota’,
‘(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &amp; Canada)’ => ‘US/Eastern’,
‘(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)’ => ‘US/East-Indiana’,
‘(UTC-05:00) Lima’ => ‘America/Lima’,
‘(UTC-05:00) Quito’ => ‘America/Bogota’,
‘(UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)’ => ‘Canada/Atlantic’,
‘(UTC-04:30) Caracas’ => ‘America/Caracas’,
‘(UTC-04:00) La Paz’ => ‘America/La_Paz’,
‘(UTC-04:00) Santiago’ => ‘America/Santiago’,
‘(UTC-03:30) Newfoundland’ => ‘Canada/Newfoundland’,
‘(UTC-03:00) Brasilia’ => ‘America/Sao_Paulo’,
‘(UTC-03:00) Buenos Aires’ => ‘America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires’,
‘(UTC-03:00) Georgetown’ => ‘America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires’,
‘(UTC-03:00) Greenland’ => ‘America/Godthab’,
‘(UTC-02:00) Mid-Atlantic’ => ‘America/Noronha’,
‘(UTC-01:00) Azores’ => ‘Atlantic/Azores’,
‘(UTC-01:00) Cape Verde Is.’ => ‘Atlantic/Cape_Verde’,
‘(UTC+00:00) Casablanca’ => ‘Africa/Casablanca’,
‘(UTC+00:00) Edinburgh’ => ‘Europe/London’,
‘(UTC+00:00) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin’ => ‘Etc/Greenwich’,
‘(UTC+00:00) Lisbon’ => ‘Europe/Lisbon’,
‘(UTC+00:00) London’ => ‘Europe/London’,
‘(UTC+00:00) Monrovia’ => ‘Africa/Monrovia’,
‘(UTC+00:00) UTC’ => ‘UTC’,
‘(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam’ => ‘Europe/Amsterdam’,
‘(UTC+01:00) Belgrade’ => ‘Europe/Belgrade’,
‘(UTC+01:00) Berlin’ => ‘Europe/Berlin’,
‘(UTC+01:00) Bern’ => ‘Europe/Berlin’,
‘(UTC+01:00) Bratislava’ => ‘Europe/Bratislava’,
‘(UTC+01:00) Brussels’ => ‘Europe/Brussels’,
‘(UTC+01:00) Budapest’ => ‘Europe/Budapest’,
‘(UTC+01:00) Copenhagen’ => ‘Europe/Copenhagen’,
‘(UTC+01:00) Ljubljana’ => ‘Europe/Ljubljana’,
‘(UTC+01:00) Madrid’ => ‘Europe/Madrid’,
‘(UTC+01:00) Paris’ => ‘Europe/Paris’,
‘(UTC+01:00) Prague’ => ‘Europe/Prague’,
‘(UTC+01:00) Rome’ => ‘Europe/Rome’,
‘(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo’ => ‘Europe/Sarajevo’,
‘(UTC+01:00) Skopje’ => ‘Europe/Skopje’,
‘(UTC+01:00) Stockholm’ => ‘Europe/Stockholm’,
‘(UTC+01:00) Vienna’ => ‘Europe/Vienna’,
‘(UTC+01:00) Warsaw’ => ‘Europe/Warsaw’,
‘(UTC+01:00) West Central Africa’ => ‘Africa/Lagos’,
‘(UTC+01:00) Zagreb’ => ‘Europe/Zagreb’,
‘(UTC+02:00) Athens’ => ‘Europe/Athens’,
‘(UTC+02:00) Bucharest’ => ‘Europe/Bucharest’,
‘(UTC+02:00) Cairo’ => ‘Africa/Cairo’,
‘(UTC+02:00) Harare’ => ‘Africa/Harare’,
‘(UTC+02:00) Helsinki’ => ‘Europe/Helsinki’,
‘(UTC+02:00) Istanbul’ => ‘Europe/Istanbul’,
‘(UTC+02:00) Jerusalem’ => ‘Asia/Jerusalem’,
‘(UTC+02:00) Kyiv’ => ‘Europe/Helsinki’,
‘(UTC+02:00) Pretoria’ => ‘Africa/Johannesburg’,
‘(UTC+02:00) Riga’ => ‘Europe/Riga’,
‘(UTC+02:00) Sofia’ => ‘Europe/Sofia’,
‘(UTC+02:00) Tallinn’ => ‘Europe/Tallinn’,
‘(UTC+02:00) Vilnius’ => ‘Europe/Vilnius’,
‘(UTC+03:00) Baghdad’ => ‘Asia/Baghdad’,
‘(UTC+03:00) Kuwait’ => ‘Asia/Kuwait’,
‘(UTC+03:00) Minsk’ => ‘Europe/Minsk’,
‘(UTC+03:00) Nairobi’ => ‘Africa/Nairobi’,
‘(UTC+03:00) Riyadh’ => ‘Asia/Riyadh’,
‘(UTC+03:00) Volgograd’ => ‘Europe/Volgograd’,
‘(UTC+03:30) Tehran’ => ‘Asia/Tehran’,
‘(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi’ => ‘Asia/Muscat’,
‘(UTC+04:00) Baku’ => ‘Asia/Baku’,
‘(UTC+04:00) Moscow’ => ‘Europe/Moscow’,
‘(UTC+04:00) Muscat’ => ‘Asia/Muscat’,
‘(UTC+04:00) St. Petersburg’ => ‘Europe/Moscow’,
‘(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi’ => ‘Asia/Tbilisi’,
‘(UTC+04:00) Yerevan’ => ‘Asia/Yerevan’,
‘(UTC+04:30) Kabul’ => ‘Asia/Kabul’,
‘(UTC+05:00) Islamabad’ => ‘Asia/Karachi’,
‘(UTC+05:00) Karachi’ => ‘Asia/Karachi’,
‘(UTC+05:00) Tashkent’ => ‘Asia/Tashkent’,
‘(UTC+05:30) Chennai’ => ‘Asia/Calcutta’,
‘(UTC+05:30) Kolkata’ => ‘Asia/Kolkata’,
‘(UTC+05:30) Mumbai’ => ‘Asia/Calcutta’,
‘(UTC+05:30) New Delhi’ => ‘Asia/Calcutta’,
‘(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura’ => ‘Asia/Calcutta’,
‘(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu’ => ‘Asia/Katmandu’,
‘(UTC+06:00) Almaty’ => ‘Asia/Almaty’,
‘(UTC+06:00) Astana’ => ‘Asia/Dhaka’,
‘(UTC+06:00) Dhaka’ => ‘Asia/Dhaka’,
‘(UTC+06:00) Ekaterinburg’ => ‘Asia/Yekaterinburg’,
‘(UTC+06:30) Rangoon’ => ‘Asia/Rangoon’,
‘(UTC+07:00) Bangkok’ => ‘Asia/Bangkok’,
‘(UTC+07:00) Hanoi’ => ‘Asia/Bangkok’,
‘(UTC+07:00) Jakarta’ => ‘Asia/Jakarta’,
‘(UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk’ => ‘Asia/Novosibirsk’,
‘(UTC+08:00) Beijing’ => ‘Asia/Hong_Kong’,
‘(UTC+08:00) Chongqing’ => ‘Asia/Chongqing’,
‘(UTC+08:00) Hong Kong’ => ‘Asia/Hong_Kong’,
‘(UTC+08:00) Krasnoyarsk’ => ‘Asia/Krasnoyarsk’,
‘(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur’ => ‘Asia/Kuala_Lumpur’,
‘(UTC+08:00) Perth’ => ‘Australia/Perth’,
‘(UTC+08:00) Singapore’ => ‘Asia/Singapore’,
‘(UTC+08:00) Taipei’ => ‘Asia/Taipei’,
‘(UTC+08:00) Ulaan Bataar’ => ‘Asia/Ulan_Bator’,
‘(UTC+08:00) Urumqi’ => ‘Asia/Urumqi’,
‘(UTC+09:00) Irkutsk’ => ‘Asia/Irkutsk’,
‘(UTC+09:00) Osaka’ => ‘Asia/Tokyo’,
‘(UTC+09:00) Sapporo’ => ‘Asia/Tokyo’,
‘(UTC+09:00) Seoul’ => ‘Asia/Seoul’,
‘(UTC+09:00) Tokyo’ => ‘Asia/Tokyo’,
‘(UTC+09:30) Adelaide’ => ‘Australia/Adelaide’,
‘(UTC+09:30) Darwin’ => ‘Australia/Darwin’,
‘(UTC+10:00) Brisbane’ => ‘Australia/Brisbane’,
‘(UTC+10:00) Canberra’ => ‘Australia/Canberra’,
‘(UTC+10:00) Guam’ => ‘Pacific/Guam’,
‘(UTC+10:00) Hobart’ => ‘Australia/Hobart’,
‘(UTC+10:00) Melbourne’ => ‘Australia/Melbourne’,
‘(UTC+10:00) Port Moresby’ => ‘Pacific/Port_Moresby’,
‘(UTC+10:00) Sydney’ => ‘Australia/Sydney’,
‘(UTC+10:00) Yakutsk’ => ‘Asia/Yakutsk’,
‘(UTC+11:00) Vladivostok’ => ‘Asia/Vladivostok’,
‘(UTC+12:00) Auckland’ => ‘Pacific/Auckland’,
‘(UTC+12:00) Fiji’ => ‘Pacific/Fiji’,
‘(UTC+12:00) International Date Line West’ => ‘Pacific/Kwajalein’,
‘(UTC+12:00) Kamchatka’ => ‘Asia/Kamchatka’,
‘(UTC+12:00) Magadan’ => ‘Asia/Magadan’,
‘(UTC+12:00) Marshall Is.’ => ‘Pacific/Fiji’,
‘(UTC+12:00) New Caledonia’ => ‘Asia/Magadan’,
‘(UTC+12:00) Solomon Is.’ => ‘Asia/Magadan’,
‘(UTC+12:00) Wellington’ => ‘Pacific/Auckland’,
‘(UTC+13:00) Nuku\’alofa’ => ‘Pacific/Tongatapu’

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