How to write review about hotel năm 2024

Reading reviews is an essential part of booking hotel accommodations. As a traveler, you want to hear unbiased opinions from real guests to determine if a hotel suits your needs. But what goes into crafting a useful hotel review that helps fellow travelers?

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer to your question: A good hotel review includes an accurate rating, high-quality photos, and detailed descriptions of your experience covering room quality, amenities, staff, location, and value. Be honest and constructive in your review.

This comprehensive guide will teach you how to write hotel reviews that provide value to travelers and improve your skills as an amateur hotel critic.

Provide an Accurate Star Rating

When writing a hotel review, one of the most important aspects is providing an accurate star rating. This helps other travelers get a sense of the quality and level of service they can expect from the hotel. Here are some tips on how to provide an accurate star rating:

Consider the Overall Experience

When assigning a star rating, it’s important to consider the overall experience you had at the hotel. Did you receive exceptional service? Were the amenities up to par? Did the hotel meet your expectations? Taking all these factors into account will help you determine the appropriate star rating.

Compare to Industry Standards

It can be helpful to compare the hotel to industry standards when assigning a star rating. This can be done by researching the average star ratings of similar hotels in the area. By doing so, you can ensure that your rating is in line with what other travelers might expect.

Be Objective and Specific

When describing your experience in the review, it’s important to be objective and specific. Instead of simply stating that the hotel was “great” or “awful,” provide specific examples to support your rating.

For example, you could mention the cleanliness of the rooms, the friendliness of the staff, or the quality of the amenities.

Consider the Price Point

Another factor to consider when assigning a star rating is the price point of the hotel. A budget hotel may not offer the same level of luxury and amenities as a higher-end hotel, so it’s important to take this into account when assigning a star rating.

A three-star rating for a budget hotel may be considered excellent, while the same rating for a luxury hotel may be considered average.

Use a Consistent Rating Scale

Lastly, it’s important to use a consistent rating scale when assigning stars. Different platforms may have different rating scales, so make sure to familiarize yourself with the specific scale being used. This will help ensure that your rating is easily understandable and comparable to other reviews.

By following these tips and providing an accurate star rating, you can help other travelers make informed decisions when choosing a hotel. Remember, your review has the power to influence someone’s travel experience, so take the time to provide a thoughtful and accurate assessment.

Include High-Quality Photos of Your Room and Amenities

When writing a good hotel review, one of the most important things to include is high-quality photos of your room and the amenities offered by the hotel. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, and in the case of hotel reviews, this couldn’t be truer.

By including visually appealing photos, you can provide potential guests with a better understanding of what to expect during their stay.

When taking photos, make sure to capture the room from different angles and highlight the key features such as the comfortable bed, spacious bathroom, or stunning view if applicable. Additionally, don’t forget to take photos of the amenities offered by the hotel, such as the swimming pool, fitness center, or restaurant.

These photos can help paint a more complete picture of the hotel experience for readers.

Remember, quality is key when it comes to photos. Make sure they are well-lit, in focus, and properly framed. If you have a smartphone with a good camera, it can be a great tool for capturing high-quality images. However, if you have access to a professional camera, that would be even better.

Furthermore, it’s important to be honest and transparent when taking photos. Don’t use filters or edit the images excessively to make the hotel look better than it actually is. This can lead to disappointment and false expectations for future guests.

Instead, aim to provide accurate representations of the room and amenities.

Lastly, don’t forget to caption your photos with clear and concise descriptions. This will help readers understand what they are looking at and provide additional context to the visual information. For example, you can mention the room type, view, or any unique features that stood out to you.

Including high-quality photos in your hotel review can greatly enhance its overall impact and credibility. It allows potential guests to visualize their stay and make more informed decisions. So, next time you write a hotel review, don’t forget to bring out your inner photographer and capture the essence of your experience!

Describe the Room Quality and Amenities

When writing a hotel review, it is important to provide an accurate and detailed description of the room quality and amenities. Start by mentioning the size of the room and whether it was spacious or cramped. Highlight any unique features or design elements that made the room stand out.

For example, did it have a stunning view, a luxurious bathroom, or a comfortable bed?

Next, focus on the amenities provided by the hotel. Mention if the room had essential amenities such as Wi-Fi, a mini-fridge, or a safe for valuables. Additionally, discuss any extra amenities that enhanced your stay, such as a swimming pool, fitness center, spa, or complimentary breakfast.

These amenities can greatly impact the overall experience of your stay.

Don’t forget to mention the cleanliness of the room. If the room was spotless and well-maintained, let other potential guests know. However, if you encountered any cleanliness issues, be honest and provide constructive feedback.

This will not only help the hotel improve but also inform other travelers.

Remember, providing specific details and personal anecdotes can make your review more engaging and trustworthy. For instance, you could mention how the comfortable bed made you sleep like a baby or how the room’s spaciousness allowed you to relax and unwind after a long day of sightseeing.

Sharing your personal experiences will give readers a better understanding of what to expect.

When writing about room quality and amenities, it can be helpful to refer to reputable travel websites such as TripAdvisor or for additional information and to compare your experience with other guests’ reviews. This will provide a broader perspective and add credibility to your review.

Discuss Interactions with Staff and Service

One of the most important aspects of a hotel review is the quality of the staff and the level of service provided. When writing your review, be sure to include details about your interactions with the hotel staff. Did they greet you warmly upon arrival?

Were they attentive and responsive to your needs throughout your stay? These factors play a significant role in determining the overall experience of a hotel.

Highlight any exceptional customer service experiences you had during your stay. Did a staff member go above and beyond to accommodate a special request? Did they provide helpful recommendations for local attractions or restaurants?

Sharing these positive experiences not only gives credit where it’s due but also helps future travelers make informed decisions.

On the other hand, if you encountered any issues with the hotel staff or service, it’s important to mention those as well. Did you experience any delays or mishaps during check-in or check-out? Were there any instances of poor communication or lack of professionalism?

Providing honest feedback about these experiences can help hotels improve their service quality and address any areas of improvement.

Tips for Writing About Staff and Service:

  1. Be specific: Instead of simply stating that the staff was friendly, provide examples of their friendliness, such as offering assistance with luggage or providing personalized recommendations.
  2. Mention names: If a particular staff member stood out for their exceptional service, don’t hesitate to mention them by name. This gives credit to deserving individuals and makes your review more personal.
  3. Compare to expectations: If the service exceeded or fell short of your expectations based on the hotel’s reputation or star rating, mention this in your review. It helps readers understand if the hotel lived up to its promises.

Remember, your review has the power to influence other travelers’ decisions, so be honest, fair, and detailed when discussing interactions with staff and service. By providing valuable feedback, you can help hotels maintain high standards and improve their overall guest experience.

Evaluate the Hotel’s Location and Surrounding Area

When writing a hotel review, it’s important to start by evaluating the hotel’s location and the surrounding area. The location of a hotel can greatly impact a guest’s overall experience, so it’s crucial to provide an honest assessment of this aspect.

Access to Transportation

One key factor to consider is the hotel’s proximity to transportation options. Is the hotel conveniently located near public transportation stations or major highways? This is particularly important for travelers who rely on public transportation to explore the city or need to easily access the airport.

Be sure to mention if the hotel offers shuttle services or if there are nearby taxi stands.

Nearby Attractions and Amenities

Another aspect to evaluate is the availability of nearby attractions and amenities. Are there popular tourist spots, restaurants, or shopping centers within walking distance of the hotel? Is there a grocery store or convenience store nearby?

These details can be important for travelers who want to explore the area or have easy access to basic necessities during their stay.

Safety and Security

Safety and security are paramount when choosing a hotel. Evaluate the area’s reputation for safety and mention if the hotel itself takes extra precautions to ensure the safety of its guests. Are there security personnel or cameras in the common areas? Is the neighborhood well-lit at night?

These details can help potential guests make an informed decision about their stay.

It’s important to be objective in your evaluation of the hotel’s location and surrounding area. While personal preferences can vary, providing accurate information about the hotel’s surroundings will help future guests make an informed decision.

For more information on evaluating a hotel’s location and surrounding area, you can visit reputable travel websites such as TripAdvisor or

Assess the Overall Value and Price

When writing a good hotel review, one of the key factors to consider is the overall value and price of the accommodation. This involves evaluating whether the hotel offers good value for the price paid.

To assess this, you can consider various aspects such as the amenities provided, the cleanliness of the rooms, the quality of the service, and the location of the hotel.

Consider the Amenities Provided

Take into account the amenities provided by the hotel. Are there facilities that enhance the overall experience, such as a swimming pool, fitness center, or spa? Are there any additional services offered, like room service or complimentary breakfast?

Assessing the range and quality of these amenities can help determine the value for money.

Evaluate the Cleanliness of the Rooms

Another important aspect to consider is the cleanliness of the rooms. A well-maintained and spotless room is indicative of the hotel’s commitment to providing a pleasant stay. Assess the tidiness of the beds, bathroom, and common areas.

If you encountered any cleanliness issues, it is essential to mention them in your review.

Assess the Quality of Service

The quality of service provided by the hotel staff is crucial in determining the overall value. Evaluate the friendliness and efficiency of the staff members. Were they attentive to your needs and requests? Did they provide prompt assistance when required?

A positive and helpful staff can significantly enhance the value of a hotel stay.

Consider the Location

The location of the hotel is another factor to assess when considering value for money. Is it conveniently located near popular attractions, restaurants, or public transportation? A hotel in a prime location may justify a higher price tag, as it offers easy access to various amenities and activities.

By carefully evaluating the overall value and price of a hotel, you can provide valuable insights to fellow travelers in your review. Remember to be objective and provide specific examples to support your assessment.

Your review will help others make informed decisions when choosing their accommodation.

Be Honest but Constructive in Your Review

When writing a hotel review, it is important to be honest about your experience. After all, the purpose of a review is to provide valuable feedback to both the hotel management and future travelers. However, it is equally important to be constructive in your criticism.

Instead of simply pointing out flaws, try to offer suggestions for improvement. This will not only help the hotel address any issues but also give potential guests a realistic view of what to expect.

Focus on Specific Details

When providing feedback, it’s important to focus on specific details that stood out to you during your stay. Mention things like the cleanliness of the room, the quality of the service, the amenities provided, and the overall ambiance of the hotel.

By being specific, you will help other travelers make informed decisions about where to stay.

Provide Context for Your Experience

Adding context to your review can be helpful for both the hotel management and other travelers. Mention the purpose of your trip (business, leisure, etc.) and any special requests or requirements you had.

This will give readers a better understanding of your expectations and whether they align with their own needs.

Use a Balanced Tone

While it’s important to be honest in your review, it’s equally important to maintain a balanced tone. Avoid using overly negative or aggressive language that may come across as unfair or biased. Instead, focus on providing a fair assessment of your experience, highlighting both the positives and negatives.

This will make your review more credible and helpful to others.

Consider the Impact of Your Review

Remember that your review can have a significant impact on a hotel’s reputation. Before posting, consider the potential consequences of your words. If there were minor issues that didn’t significantly affect your overall experience, think about whether it’s necessary to mention them.

On the other hand, if you had a truly exceptional experience, don’t hesitate to share it and give credit where it’s due.

Writing a good hotel review is about finding the right balance between honesty and constructiveness. By providing specific details, adding context, using a balanced tone, and considering the impact of your review, you can help both the hotel management and fellow travelers make informed decisions.

Remember, your review has the power to make a difference, so use it wisely!


Writing useful hotel reviews takes practice and skill. By providing an accurate rating, helpful photos, and detailed descriptions of your experience, you can create reviews that give travelers a good sense of what to expect.

Most importantly, remain honest in your assessments while also being constructive with any criticisms. Your reviews will improve over time as you stay at more hotels and refine your review technique.

Sara Thomas is the founder of, a website dedicated to hotel safety products that travelers can use for added security and peace of mind.

After an unsettling hotel stay during a work trip, Sara realized a need for portable products that could secure hotel rooms. She launched to provide devices like hidden camera detectors, portable door locks, and other discreet safety tools for travelers.

With a background in law enforcement, Sara understood the vulnerabilities of hotel rooms and wanted to empower travelers to protect themselves. She heads up a team that tests and reviews innovative security products for travelers to use in hotels globally.

Sara is committed to helping travelers feel relaxed and secure during hotel stays through access to protective gear they can easily take on any trip. The site covers products like personal safety alarms, RFID blocking gear to prevent digital pickpocketing, and items to safeguard personal data and belongings in lodging.

When she's not reviewing new products or running the site, Sara enjoys planning family vacations using the safety tools she sells on She lives with her husband and kids in Atlanta.

How do you write a positive review on a hotel?

Friendly & Accommodating Staff. Friendly, accommodating staff, willing to help with a smile. ... .

Clean & Efficient. ... .

The Impeccable Service. ... .

Pleasant Stay & Friendly Staff. ... .

Excellent Service. ... .

Everybody friendly, Nice Environment, Comfortable. ... .

Best of Quality Service. ... .

An enjoyable and Comfortable Stay..

What do you write in a hotel feedback?

Feedback Form Again, a hotel guest comment form comes with ratings wherein various aspects of the property (staff service, cleanliness & hygiene, concierge service quality, room service quality, etc.) are to be rated by the guests based on their experience.

How do I leave a review for a hotel?

How do I leave a Google review on a hotel?.

Search for the hotel on Google..

Find the hotel's Google Business Profile..

Click on the hotel's existing Google reviews..

Click the “Write a review” button..

Write your review..

Submit your review..

What are examples of positive feedback at a hotel?

Here are some examples:.

Excellent Service: "The staff at this hotel went above and beyond to make our stay enjoyable. From the moment we arrived, we were greeted with warm smiles and attentive service. ... .

Comfortable Accommodation: "The room was spacious, clean, and beautifully decorated. Th..

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