How to use silicone masturbator review năm 2024

Plus, it’s very quiet. Under the blankets you can barely hear it when it’s on, even at its higher intensities. That’s amazing, because some of these toys sound like tiny jet engines.

In addition to providing suction/air pulse stimulation, the Pro 2 Gen 3 also provides vibration, but in my experience it’s best to leave that feature off. It’s a buzzy vibration, not a rumbly one, so it’s a little intense and only on the surface. The noise ruins the chill vibes the Pro 2 Gen 3 has in just regular old suction mode.

Speaking of, you can toggle the suction action on the Pro 2 Gen 3 to be powerful or gentle depending on your preference, and it does a great job at simulating the sucking sensation of oral sex. It comes with an alternative silicone mouth that can provide a more tactile oral sex sensation as well. The Liquid Air attachment is a mouth that has a thin silicone membrane over it which takes the sucking-tapping sensation you get from the mouth and turns it into more of a sucking-licking sensation that’s unlike anything I’ve ever tried. It’s really cool, and feels like you get two toys for the price of one.

Approachable, Affordable, Amazing

The thing that really excites me about the Satisfyer Pro 2 Gen 3, though? Its price tag. Good sex toys are expensive. Our best-of list has several toys that are in the $200 to $300 range. They’re definitely worth it, but those price tags can be prohibitive, especially if you’re just figuring out what you like and what you want to buy.

The Pro 2 Gen 3 is only $50, or $60 if you want to spring for the Bluetooth-enabled version with remote control capability. It’s so low, I had to keep checking that it wasn’t a mistake or that I was looking at the right toy.

It’s affordable and approachable, but fully-featured and refined enough that it can perform as well as or better than toys that are three or four times its price. If you’re even a little bit curious about air pulse toys, you can’t go wrong with the Satisfyer Pro 2 Gen 3.

It's very easy to find a pink clitoral vibrator these days. In fact, it seems like every sex toy company has an entire inventory of ultra-girlie hot pink options, and though there are tons of choices, the lack of range feels restricting. However, Maude, a new sex toy company on the block, is here to bring us what's been traditionally harder to find: gender-neutral, high-quality sex toys. And while the company doesn't currently offer everything I'd like to see on an inclusive sex toy menu just yet, they're off to a really good start.

The minimalist selection from Maude focuses on essentials for ramping up your sex life. This includes massage oil candles, a powerful vibrator (complete with a carrying pouch), condoms, and two lubricants. You can purchase items individually or create your own "kit" and stock up on everything all at once.

The aesthetic is minimal and gray, which is pretty refreshing. Sex toy retailers and their products tend to either have, as mentioned earlier, a hot pink or purple aesthetic or a kinky all-black leather daddy vibe. There doesn't seem to be many options in between. Finding that middle space is important, because we all have unique preferences, and gender queer and LGBTQIA+ folks can enjoy a range of aesthetics. It was a welcome change of pace to see products that were intentionally not gendered. As someone in a same-sex relationship, I also liked that this new company was not just geared towards straight folks.

I will admit that I have not tried its condoms as of yet (you don't need to have a penis to use condoms, by the way; you can slide them over a strap-on dildo for safe sex). However, I did get to try its water-based Shine lubricant. The lube is also available in a silicone-based variety, but I opted for water as I enjoy silicone sex toys and silicone breaks itself down. The water-based option was long-lasting and felt nice and moisturizing, as its made with aloe vera, rather than gross and goopy as other lubes can.

Generally speaking, life is bookmarked by ‘firsts,’ from the first time your dad yells at you at an Outback Steakhouse about your math homework to the first time you rip a bong in the woods with a hot person while skipping track practice. Not all firsts are made equal, of course—or even memorable—but there are a few ribbon cuttings that stand the test of time. Especially when it comes to trying sex toys.

I’ll never forget the first time I tried a Satisfyer Pro 2. As a clitoral vibrator, it offered such impressive, nuanced stimulation (meaning, that feeling of receiving really good head) that it inspired an entire VICE review/breakdown of its talents. As an inanimate cult leader, it has garnered over 57,000 (mostly glowing) reviews on Amazon, including one fan who writes, “The bad thing about this device is the fact that you may have a heart attack because it will blow your MIND!!!! What will they put on your grave marker? How many friends will suppress giggles at your funeral?”

So when I heard Satisfyer was about to drop a new-and-improved version of the Pro 2, I was all ears and all [redacted]. Dubbed the Satisfyer Pro 2 Generation 3, the vibrator appeared to offer all of the classic orgasmic stylings of the Pro 2, as well as the ability to connect to the Satisfyer smartphone app, where it can sync your music to your toy’s vibrational settings, which is potentially life-changing for someone who loves Enya as much as I do.


Pro 2 Generation 3 Clitoral Vibrator

I was most intrigued by the Pro 2 Gen 3’s Liquid Air Technology, which is, per Satisfyer, designed to “mimic the sensual surge of pulsing water” on your vulva. The first Pro 2 earned its laurels for its award-winning Air Pulse technology, which stimulates your clit (without ever actually touching it) with deft air pulses that feel like the tongue of a gifted lover. Now, the Pro 2: Gen 3—which is still equipped with that OG Air Pulse sauce—appeared to be bringing some James Cameron-level stimulation to the table.

With nothing to lose and all the orgasms to gain, I decided to review the Satisfyer Pro 2 Gen 3 vibrator for VICE, and see how it compared to its legendary predecessor.

What was rad

Give me an aubergine sex toy any day. Not only is the Pro 2 Gen 3’s colorway horny and regal, but it’s made out of silicone and won’t slide out of your hand like its Champagne-colored forefather, the Pro 2.

Photo by the Author

Normally, I’m not big on vibrators that have more than a handful of settings and vibrational patterns, simply because it can be a pain to navigate them on the actual device. The last thing I want to do while masturbating is try and remember how many taps it takes to get to whatever setting my clit liked a week earlier.

That’s where the Satisfyer app comes in—I know, I know. Yet another app. Not that you have to download it to use the toy, but it’s part of what makes the Pro 2 Gen 3 so epic and easy to use; in lieu of fiddling with buttons and settings on the device, you can just slide a finger up or down on the screen to adjust the intensities of the vibrations and pulsations, and then save the combo for future use.

Photo by the Author

Who would win, in the battle of Liquid Air versus Air Pulse technology? Also, what exactly was… the difference? According to Megwyn White, a Certified Clinical Sexologist and Satisfyer’s Director of Education, this Liquid Air business was the natural “evolution of the beloved Air Pulse Technology,” and is designed less as a replacement, and more as an extension of what Satisfyer does so well (get you off) with its OG clitoral toy. White also told VICE that “fans [of the Pro 2 Gen 2] will be surprised by the thin silicone membrane that the Pro 2 Generation 3 offers.” As in, the new-and-improved vibrator comes with two heads instead of one: a classic Air Pulse cover, and another that envelops the head of the device with its new ‘liquid’ membrane:

Photo by the Author

I paired the Pro 2 Gen 3 with its new Liquid Air cover, synced it up to the app, and applied a bit of my favorite lube to my clit. “YO!” I said after just a few seconds, as if I was trying to flag down an Uber. The Liquid Air cover, especially when paired with lube, really did feel like pleasuring yourself while someone pours Evian on your clit. It was gentle, and had an even more rounded rolling sensation than the Pro 2.

I also wasn’t expecting to get so obsessed with the app, but it’s enlightening—empowering, even—to have a visual depiction of your favorite settings. My favorite combos were often a blend of more intense pulsing and gentler vibrations, and I loved the ease with which I could change those settings—alone or with a partner—by simply sliding my finger over the screen. It’s important to have technology that feels effortless, even invisible, when you’re bringing sex toys into partner play.

As for the music-pairing abilities? I could write an article about that experience alone. First, I synced up the vibe with some Hildegard von Bingen, and was impressed by how much the vibrational settings amped up with a song’s flute breakdown. “Auld Lang Syne” was also a consistent clitoral banger, Phil Collins’ “In the Air Tonight” proved to be a great edging song, and “Orinoco Flow” was like getting head from two bisexual fairies. But they were all one-upped by Prodigy’s “Smack My [Redacted] Up,” which is the equivalent of getting eaten out by your 3 a.m. rave crush.

What was tricky

Again, the Pro 2 Gen 3 comes with two different membranes/heads, which is rad, but I wish it also came with a little dust bag for storage. Guess I have to buy this gilded mahogany chest from Marie Antoinette’s house now.


You know how you never forget your first Elden Ring blade? That’s how I feel about the Satisfyer Pro 2 Generation 3. The new “liquid” membrane is even softer than the old head, and it really does feel like the curve of a lover’s bottom lip against your clit, while the app- and music-pairing abilities make it easier than ever to explore vibrational/spank sesh settings.

Not to get too emotional over a vibrator, but this is like the OG Pro 2 on steroids. It’s an impressive example of anti-tech tech in the sense that its use with the Satisfyer application makes the job of the vibrator itself (making you cum like Old Faithful) even easier—instinctive, even. It’s so much less cumbersome to just slide your finger over an iPhone screen to fiddle with your favorite settings than fumble over pressing buttons, and much more fun with partner play. The fact that you can then save those preferences in the app for next time isn’t just handy, it’s powerful intel. It’s as if Satisfyer is finally giving us the recipe to the cobbler.

Pro 2 Generation 3, you’re a mouthful of a name, but that’s cool. For you, I’m wide open.

The Satisfyer Pro 2 Generation 3 can be purchased at Satisfyer and Amazon.

The Rec Room staff independently selected all of the stuff featured in this story. Want more reviews, recommendations, and red-hot deals? Sign up for our newsletter.

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