How to split string in half python

Is there a way to split a string into 2 equal halves without using a loop in Python?

asked Jan 25, 2011 at 3:04

Python 2:

firstpart, secondpart = string[:len(string)/2], string[len(string)/2:]

Python 3:

firstpart, secondpart = string[:len(string)//2], string[len(string)//2:]


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answered Jan 25, 2011 at 3:07

Senthil KumaranSenthil Kumaran

52.4k14 gold badges90 silver badges127 bronze badges


a,b = given_str[:len(given_str)/2], given_str[len(given_str)/2:]

answered Jan 25, 2011 at 3:09


5,9037 gold badges41 silver badges55 bronze badges

Whoever is suggesting string[:len(string)/2], string[len(string)/2] is not keeping odd length strings in mind!

This works perfectly. Verified on edx.

first_half = s[:len(s)//2] second_half = s[len(s)//2:]


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answered Aug 27, 2020 at 23:56


511 silver badge1 bronze badge

Another possible approach is to use divmod. rem is used to append the middle character to the front (if odd).

def split(s): half, rem = divmod(len(s), 2) return s[:half + rem], s[half + rem:] frontA, backA = split('abcde')

answered Feb 24, 2017 at 13:03

In Python 3:
If you want something like
madam => ma d am
maam => ma am

first_half = s[0:len(s)//2] second_half = s[len(s)//2 if len(s)%2 == 0 else ((len(s)//2)+1):]

answered Jan 26, 2018 at 16:39

minor correction the above solution for below string will throw an error

string = '1116833058840293381' firstpart, secondpart = string[:len(string)/2], string[len(string)/2:]

you can do an int(len(string)/2) to get the correct answer.

firstpart, secondpart = string[:int(len(string)/2)], string[int(len(string)/2):]


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answered Apr 14, 2019 at 20:40


To split a provided string into two halves using Python 3.


We have many ways to split a provided python string into two halves. Let’s go through the methods with examples to achieve them in this post.

Using slice notation method:

We can use the len() method and get half of the string. We then use the slice notation technique to slice off the first and second of the string value to store the then in separate variables.


def splitstring(value): string1, string2 = value[:len(value)//2], value[len(value)//2:] return string1, string2 mystring = 'SplitWords' print('My string',mystring) print('Split the string into two:',splitstring(mystring))


My string: SplitWords Split the string into two: ('Split', 'Words')

Using for loop method:

We can use an if condition to check if the index value is less than half of the string length -1. So by looping to string index values, we can get two split half of the string value.


def splitstring(value): string1 = '' string2 = '' for i in range(0,len(value)): if i <= len(value)//2-1: string1 = string1 + value[i] else: string2 = string2 + value[i] return string1, string2 mystring = 'SplitWords' print('My string',mystring) print('Split the string into two:',splitstring(mystring))


My string SplitWords Split the string into two: ('Split', 'Words')

How do you split a string into two in Python?

Python String split() Method The split() method splits a string into a list. You can specify the separator, default separator is any whitespace. Note: When maxsplit is specified, the list will contain the specified number of elements plus one.

How do you split a string into two parts?

STEP 2: DEFINE str = "aaaabbbbcccc".
STEP 3: DEFINE len..
STEP 4: SET n =3..
STEP 5: SET temp = 0..
STEP 6: chars = len/n..
STEP 7: DEFINE String[] equalstr..
STEP 8: IF (len%n!=0) then PRINT ("String can't be divided into equal parts") else go to STEP 9..

How do you split a string into equal parts in Python?

str = "aaaabbbbcccc";.
#Stores the length of the string..
length = len(str);.
#n determines the variable that divide the string in 'n' equal parts..
n = 3;.
temp = 0;.
chars = int(length/n);.
#Stores the array of string..

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