How many examples of jsbeautifier in python are there?

The following are 30 code examples of jsbeautifier.beautify(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module jsbeautifier, or try the search function

How many examples of jsbeautifier in python are there?

Example #1

def add_answer_to_ccr_swag(ccr_path, dataset_path, output_path):
    with open(ccr_path, "r", encoding="utf8") as f:
        ccr = json.load(f)

    with open(dataset_path, "r", encoding="utf8") as csvfile:
        reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
        next(reader)  # Skip first line (header).
        for i, row in tqdm(enumerate(reader)):
            stem = row[4] + " " + row[5]
            answers = row[7:11]

            for j, ans in enumerate(answers):
                ccr[i * 4 + j]["stem"] = stem.lower()
                ccr[i * 4 + j]["answer"] = ans.lower()

    with open(output_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as f:
        import jsbeautifier
        opts = jsbeautifier.default_options()
        opts.indent_size = 2
        f.write(jsbeautifier.beautify(json.dumps(ccr), opts))
        #json.dump(ccr, f)

# python --mode csqa --ccr_path csqa_new/train_rand_split.jsonl.statements.ccr --dataset_path csqa_new/train_rand_split.jsonl.statements --output_path csqa_new/train_rand_split.jsonl.statements.ccr.a 

Example #2

def read_testcase(self, testcase_path):
        self.testcase_path = testcase_path

        if self.should_skip():
            return"Attempting to beautify %s", testcase_path)

        self.lithium.strategy = self.strategy_type()  # pylint: disable=not-callable
        self.lithium.testcase = self.testcase_type()  # pylint: disable=not-callable

        # Beautify testcase
        with open(testcase_path) as testcase_fp:
            self.original_testcase =

        beautified_testcase = jsbeautifier.beautify(self.original_testcase)
        # All try/catch pairs will be expanded on their own lines
        # Collapse these pairs when only a single instruction is contained
        #   within
        regex = r"(\s*try {)\n\s*(.*)\n\s*(}\s*catch.*)"
        beautified_testcase = re.sub(regex, r"\1 \2 \3", beautified_testcase)
        with open(testcase_path, 'w') as testcase_fp:


Example #3

def add_answer_to_ccr_csqa(ccr_path, dataset_path, output_path):
    with open(ccr_path, "r", encoding="utf8") as f:
        ccr = json.load(f)

    with open(dataset_path, "r", encoding="utf8") as f:
        for i, line in enumerate(f.readlines()):
            csqa_json = json.loads(line)
            for j, ans in enumerate(csqa_json["question"]["choices"]):
                ccr[i * 5 + j]["stem"] = csqa_json["question"]["stem"].lower()
                ccr[i * 5 + j]["answer"] = ans["text"].lower()

    with open(output_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as f:
        import jsbeautifier
        opts = jsbeautifier.default_options()
        opts.indent_size = 2
        f.write(jsbeautifier.beautify(json.dumps(ccr), opts)) 

Example #4

def decodesto(self, input, expectation=None):
        if expectation == None:
            expectation = input

            jsbeautifier.beautify(input, self.options), expectation)

        # if the expected is different from input, run it again
        # expected output should be unchanged when run twice.
        if not expectation == None:
                jsbeautifier.beautify(expectation, self.options), expectation)

        # Everywhere we do newlines, they should be replaced with opts.eol
        self.options.eol = '\r\\n';
        expectation = expectation.replace('\n', '\r\n')
            jsbeautifier.beautify(input, self.options), expectation)
        input = input.replace('\n', '\r\n')
            jsbeautifier.beautify(input, self.options), expectation)
        self.options.eol = '\n' 

Example #5

def shidurlive(self, url, referer,options):
        myhost = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0"
        HEADER = {'Accept-Language': 'pl,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3', 'Referer': referer, 'User-Agent': myhost}
        query_data = {'url': url, 'use_host': False, 'use_header': True, 'header': HEADER, 'use_post': False,'return_data': True}
        link =
        match = re.compile('src="(.*?)"').findall(link)
        if len(match) > 0:
            url1 = match[0].replace("'+kol+'", "")
            host = self.getHostName(referer)
            result = ''
            query_data = {'url': match[0], 'use_host': False, 'use_header': True, 'header': HEADER, 'use_cookie': False, 'use_post': False,'return_data': True}
            link =
            match2 = re.compile("so.addVariable\(\'file\', \'(.*?)\'\);").findall(link)
            match2 = re.compile("so.addVariable\(\'streamer\', \'(.*?)\'\);").findall(link)
            match3 = re.compile("so.addVariable\('file', unescape\('(.*?)'\)\);").findall(link)
            if match3:
                txtjs = "unescape('" + match3[0] + "');"
                txtjs = match3[0]
                link2 = beautify(txtjs)
                return match2[0] + ' playpath=' + link2.replace(' ','') + ' swfVfy=1 swfUrl= live=true pageUrl=' + url
        return '' 

Example #6

def decodesto(self, input, expectation=None):
        if expectation == None:
            expectation = input

            jsbeautifier.beautify(input, self.options), expectation)

        # if the expected is different from input, run it again
        # expected output should be unchanged when run twice.
        if not expectation == None:
                jsbeautifier.beautify(expectation, self.options), expectation)

        # Everywhere we do newlines, they should be replaced with opts.eol
        self.options.eol = '\r\\n';
        expectation = expectation.replace('\n', '\r\n')
            jsbeautifier.beautify(input, self.options), expectation)
        input = input.replace('\n', '\r\n')
            jsbeautifier.beautify(input, self.options), expectation)
        self.options.eol = '\n' 

Example #7

def parserVIDTO(self,url,referer,options):
        #url = url.replace('v/','/')
        if not 'embed' in url:
            myparts = urlparse.urlparse(url)
            media_id = myparts.path.split('/')[-1].replace('.html','')
            url = myparts.scheme +'://'+ myparts.netloc  + '/embed-' + media_id + '.html'
        query_data = { 'url': url, 'use_host': False, 'use_cookie': False, 'use_post': False, 'return_data': True }
        link =
        linkvideo = ''
        match = re.compile("<script type=\'text/javascript\'>eval\(function\(p,a,c,k,e,d\)(.*?)\n</script>").findall(link)
        if len(match)>0:
            moje = beautify("eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d)" + match[0])
            match2 = re.compile('\{label:"(.*?)",file:"(.*?)"\}').findall(moje)
            match3 = re.compile('hd_default:"(.*?)"').findall(moje)
            if len(match2)>0:
                for i in range(len(match2)):
                    if match2[i][0] == match3[0]:
                        linkvideo = match2[i][1]
            return linkvideo
            return linkvideo 

Example #8

def do_jsbeautify(self,line):
            import jsbeautifier
            l = line.split(" ")
            if len(l) < 2:
                OPTIONS = ['slice','obj']
                option = l[0]

                if option not in OPTIONS:
                    print "Invalid option"
                    return False

                id = l[1]
                response, size = CTCore.get_response_and_size(id, "all")
                name = CTCore.get_name(id)

                if option == "slice":
                    offset = int(l[2])
                    length = l[3]

                    bytes, length = get_bytes(response,offset,length)
                    js_bytes = bytes
                    res = jsbeautifier.beautify(js_bytes)
                    print res

                if option == "obj":
                    res = jsbeautifier.beautify(response)
                    obj_num = CTCore.add_object("jsbeautify",res,id=id)
                    print " JavaScript Beautify of object {} ({}) successful!".format(str(id), name)
                    print " New object created: {}".format(obj_num) + newLine

        except Exception,e:
            print str(e) 

Example #9

def help_jsbeautify(self):
        print newLine + "Display JavaScript code after beautify"
        print newLine + "Usage: jsbeautify <obj / slice> <object_id> <offset> <length>"
        print newLine + "Example: jsbeautify slice <object_id> <offset> <len | eob>"
        print newLine + "Example: jsbeautify obj <object_id>" 

Example #10

def combine():
    final_json = []
    PATH = sys.argv[2]
    for i in range(NUM_BATCHES):
        with open(PATH + ".%d.mcp"%i) as fp:
            tmp_list = json.load(fp)
        final_json += tmp_list
    import jsbeautifier
    opts = jsbeautifier.default_options()
    opts.indent_size = 2

    with open(PATH + ".mcp", 'w') as fp:
        fp.write(jsbeautifier.beautify(json.dumps(final_json), opts)) 

Example #11

def beautifier_test_underscore():
    jsbeautifier.beautify(data, options) 

Example #12

def beautifier_test_underscore_min():
    jsbeautifier.beautify(data_min, options) 

Example #13

def beautifier_test_github_min():
    jsbeautifier.beautify(github_min, options) 

Example #14

def decodesto(self, input, expectation=None):
            jsbeautifier.beautify(input, self.options), expectation or input) 

Example #15

def test_str(str, expected):
    global fails
    res = jsbeautifier.beautify(str, opts)
    if(res == expected):
        return True
        print("___got:" + res + "\n___expected:" + expected + "\n")
        fails = fails + 1
        return False 

Example #16

def test_str(str, expected):
    global fails
    res = jsbeautifier.beautify(str, opts)
    if(res == expected):
        return True
        print("___got:" + res + "\n___expected:" + expected + "\n")
        fails = fails + 1
        return False 

Example #17

def pretty(self):
        return jsbeautifier.beautify(str(self)) 

Example #18

def js_beautify_string(string):
        string = beautify(string)

    return string 

Example #19

def beautifier_test_underscore():
    jsbeautifier.beautify(data, options) 

Example #20

def beautifier_test_underscore_min():
    jsbeautifier.beautify(data_min, options) 

Example #21

def decodesto(self, input, expectation=None):
            jsbeautifier.beautify(input, self.options), expectation or input) 

Example #22

def parserVIDEOMEGA(self,url, referer,options):
        if not 'iframe.php?ref' in url:
            url = url.replace('?ref','iframe.php?ref')
        HEADER = {'Referer': referer,'User-Agent': HOST_CHROME}
        query_data = { 'url': url, 'use_host': False, 'use_header': True, 'header': HEADER, 'use_cookie': False, 'use_post': False, 'return_data': True }
        link =
        match2= re.compile('eval\((.*?)\n\n\n\t</script>').findall(link)
        if len(match2) > 0:
            match2 = re.compile('attr\("src", "(.*?)"\)').findall(beautify("eval(" + match2[0]))
            linkVideo= match2[0]
   ('linkVideo ' + linkVideo)
            return linkVideo
            return False 

Example #23

def castalbatv(self, url, referer,options):
        myhost = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0"
        req = urllib2.Request(url)
        req.add_header('Referer', referer)
        req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0')
        response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
        link =
        match = re.compile("'file': (.*?),").findall(link)
        match2 = re.compile("'flashplayer': \"(.*?)\"", ).findall(link)
        match2 = re.compile("'streamer': (.*?),").findall(link)
        if len(match) > 0:
            plik = beautify(match[0])
            plik1 = re.compile("unescape\('(.*?)'\n").findall(plik)
            plik2 = re.compile("unescape\(unescape\('(.*?)'\)").findall(plik)
            plik4 = beautify('unescape(' + plik2[0]+ ')')
            plik5 = plik4.replace('unescape(','').replace(')','')

            if len(plik1) > 0:
                if len(match2)>0:
                    malina2 = re.compile("unescape\('(.*?)'\)").findall(beautify(match2[0]))
                    linkVideo = malina2[0].replace(' ','') + ' playpath=' + plik1[0] + '?'+ plik5 + ' swfUrl=' + match2[0] + ' live=true timeout=30 swfVfy=true pageUrl=' + url

                    return linkVideo
            return linkVideo 

Example #24

def sevencastnet(self, url, referer,options):
        query_data = {'url': url, 'use_host': False, 'use_cookie': False, 'use_post': False, 'return_data': True}
        link =
        match = re.compile('<script type="text/javascript">eval\(function\(p,a,c,k,e,d\)(.*?)\n</script>').findall(link)
        txtjs = "eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d)" + match[0]
        link2 = beautify(txtjs)
        match_myScrT = re.compile('myScrT.push\(\\\\\'(.*?)\\\\\'\);').findall(link2)
        match_myRtk = re.compile('myRtk.push\(\\\\\'(.*?)\\\\\'\);').findall(link2)
        myScrT = beautify('unescape(\'' + ''.join(match_myScrT) + '\');')
        myRtk = beautify('unescape(\'' + ''.join(match_myRtk) + '\');')
        match_file = re.compile('unescape\(\'(.*?)\'\);').findall(myScrT)
        match_server = re.compile('unescape\(\'(.*?)\'\);').findall(myRtk)
        nUrl = match_server[0] + ' playpath=' + match_file[
            0] + '  live=true timeout=12 swfVfy=true swfUrl= timeout=30 pageUrl=' + referer
        return nUrl 

Example #25

def parserSAWLIVE(self, url, referer,options):
        def decode(tmpurl):
            host = self.getHostName(tmpurl)
            result = ''
            for i in host:
                result += hex(ord(i)).split('x')[1]
            return result

        query = urlparse.urlparse(url)
        channel = query.path
        channel = channel.replace("/embed/", "")
        query_data = {'url': '' + channel, 'use_host': False, 'use_cookie': False,
                      'use_post': False, 'return_data': True, 'header' : {'Referer':  referer, 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0'}}
        link21 =

        match = re.compile('eval\(function\(p,a,c,k,e,d\)(.*?)split\(\'\|\'\),0,{}\)\)').findall(link21)

        txtjs = "eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d)" + match[-1] +"split('|'),0,{}))"
        link2 = beautify(txtjs)
        match21 = re.compile("var escapa = unescape\('(.*?)'\);").findall(link21)
        start = urllib.unquote(match21[0]).find('src="')
        end = len(urllib.unquote(match21[0]))
        url = urllib.unquote(match21[0])[start + 5:end] + '/' + decode(referer)
        query_data = {'url': url, 'use_host': False, 'use_cookie': False, 'use_post': False, 'return_data': True}
        link22 =
        match22 = re.compile("SWFObject\('(.*?)','mpl','100%','100%','9'\);").findall(link22)
        match23 = re.compile("so.addVariable\('file', '(.*?)'\);").findall(link22)
        match24 = re.compile("so.addVariable\('streamer', '(.*?)'\);").findall(link22)
        print ("Match", match22, match23, match24, link22)
        videolink = match24[0] + ' playpath=' + match23[0] + ' swfUrl=' + match22[
            0] + ' pageUrl=' + channel + ' live=true swfVfy=true'
        return videolink 

Example #26

def beautifier_test_underscore_min():
    jsbeautifier.beautify(data_min, options) 

Example #27

def decodesto(self, input, expectation=None):
            jsbeautifier.beautify(input, self.options), expectation or input) 

Example #28

def castalbatv(self, url, referer,options):
        myhost = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0"
        req = urllib2.Request(url)
        req.add_header('Referer', referer)
        req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0')
        response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
        link =
        match = re.compile("'file': (.*?),").findall(link)
        match2 = re.compile("'flashplayer': \"(.*?)\"", ).findall(link)
        match2 = re.compile("'streamer': (.*?),").findall(link)
        if len(match) > 0:
            plik = beautify(match[0])
            plik1 = re.compile("unescape\('(.*?)'\n").findall(plik)
            plik2 = re.compile("unescape\(unescape\('(.*?)'\)").findall(plik)
            plik4 = beautify('unescape(' + plik2[0]+ ')')
            plik5 = plik4.replace('unescape(','').replace(')','')

            if len(plik1) > 0:
                if len(match2)>0:
                    malina2 = re.compile("unescape\('(.*?)'\)").findall(beautify(match2[0]))
                    linkVideo = malina2[0].replace(' ','') + ' playpath=' + plik1[0] + '?'+ plik5 + ' swfUrl=' + match2[0] + ' live=true timeout=30 swfVfy=true pageUrl=' + url

                    return linkVideo
            return linkVideo 

Example #29

def sevencastnet(self, url, referer,options):
        query_data = {'url': url, 'use_host': False, 'use_cookie': False, 'use_post': False, 'return_data': True}
        link =
        match = re.compile('<script type="text/javascript">eval\(function\(p,a,c,k,e,d\)(.*?)\n</script>').findall(link)
        txtjs = "eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d)" + match[0]
        link2 = beautify(txtjs)
        match_myScrT = re.compile('myScrT.push\(\\\\\'(.*?)\\\\\'\);').findall(link2)
        match_myRtk = re.compile('myRtk.push\(\\\\\'(.*?)\\\\\'\);').findall(link2)
        myScrT = beautify('unescape(\'' + ''.join(match_myScrT) + '\');')
        myRtk = beautify('unescape(\'' + ''.join(match_myRtk) + '\');')
        match_file = re.compile('unescape\(\'(.*?)\'\);').findall(myScrT)
        match_server = re.compile('unescape\(\'(.*?)\'\);').findall(myRtk)
        nUrl = match_server[0] + ' playpath=' + match_file[
            0] + '  live=true timeout=12 swfVfy=true swfUrl= timeout=30 pageUrl=' + referer
        return nUrl 

Example #30

def parserSAWLIVE(self, url, referer,options):
        def decode(tmpurl):
            host = self.getHostName(tmpurl)
            result = ''
            for i in host:
                result += hex(ord(i)).split('x')[1]
            return result

        query = urlparse.urlparse(url)
        channel = query.path
        channel = channel.replace("/embed/", "")
        query_data = {'url': '' + channel, 'use_host': False, 'use_cookie': False,
                      'use_post': False, 'return_data': True, 'header' : {'Referer':  referer, 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0'}}
        link21 =

        match = re.compile('eval\(function\(p,a,c,k,e,d\)(.*?)split\(\'\|\'\),0,{}\)\)').findall(link21)

        txtjs = "eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d)" + match[-1] +"split('|'),0,{}))"
        link2 = beautify(txtjs)
        match21 = re.compile("var escapa = unescape\('(.*?)'\);").findall(link21)
        start = urllib.unquote(match21[0]).find('src="')
        end = len(urllib.unquote(match21[0]))
        url = urllib.unquote(match21[0])[start + 5:end] + '/' + decode(referer)
        query_data = {'url': url, 'use_host': False, 'use_cookie': False, 'use_post': False, 'return_data': True}
        link22 =
        match22 = re.compile("SWFObject\('(.*?)','mpl','100%','100%','9'\);").findall(link22)
        match23 = re.compile("so.addVariable\('file', '(.*?)'\);").findall(link22)
        match24 = re.compile("so.addVariable\('streamer', '(.*?)'\);").findall(link22)
        print ("Match", match22, match23, match24, link22)
        videolink = match24[0] + ' playpath=' + match23[0] + ' swfUrl=' + match22[
            0] + ' pageUrl=' + channel + ' live=true swfVfy=true'
        return videolink