How do you use backslash in python f

In Python >=3.6, f-strings can be used as a replacement for the str.format method. As a simple example, these are equivalent:

'{} {}'.format(2+2, "hey") f'{2+2} {"hey"}'

Disregarding format specifiers, I can basically move the positional arguments of str.format inside braces in an f-string. Note specifically that I am allowed to just put str literals in here, although it may seem a bit unwieldy.

There are however some limitations. Specifically, backslashes in any shape or form are disallowed inside the braces of an f-string:

'{}'.format("new\nline") # legal f'{"new\nline"}' # illegal f'{"\\"}' # illegal

I cannot even use \ to split up a long line if it's inside the braces;

f'{2+\ 2}' # illegal

even though this usage of \ is perfectly allowed inside normal str's;

'{\ }'.format(2+2) # legal

It seems to me that a hard stop is coded into the parser if it sees the \ character at all inside the braces of an f-string. Why is this limitation implemented? Though the docs specify this behavior, it does not justify why.

SyntaxError: f-string expression part cannot include a backslash #

The Python "SyntaxError: f-string expression part cannot include a backslash" occurs when we use a backslash between the curly braces of a formatted string. To solve the error, store the backslash character in a variable or move it out of the curly braces of the f-string.

Here is an example of how the error occurs.


first = 'James' last = 'Doe' # ⛔️ SyntaxError: f-string expression part cannot include a backslash result = f'{first\n}{last}'

We can't use a backslash in the expression part (the curly braces) of a formatted string literal.

One way to solve the error is to extract the \ or the \n character in a variable.


first = 'James' last = 'Doe' nl_char = '\n' * 2 result = f'{first}{nl_char}{last}' # James # Doe print(result)

A backslash character cannot be directly in the expression part of an f-string, but we can extract it in a variable and interpolate the variable in the string.

If your use case doesn't require an expression, and all you have is a backslash or a \n char, move it out of the curly braces.


first = 'James' last = 'Doe' result = f'{first}\n{last}' # James # Doe print(result)

Here is another example of extracting a newline char in a variable, so we can use it in the expression of an f-string.


employees = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Carl'] newline_char = '\n' my_str = f'Employees list: \n{newline_char.join(employees)}' # Employees list: # Alice # Bob # Carl print(my_str)

Formatted string literals (f-strings) let us include expressions inside of a string by prefixing the string with f.


my_str = 'is subscribed:' my_bool = True result = f'{my_str} {my_bool}' print(result) # 👉️ is subscribed: True

Make sure to wrap expressions in curly braces - {expression}.

Conclusion #

The Python "SyntaxError: f-string expression part cannot include a backslash" occurs when we use a backslash between the curly braces of a formatted string. To solve the error, store the backslash character in a variable or move it out of the curly braces of the f-string.

How do you do a backslash in F

We can use any quotation marks {single or double or triple} in the f-string. We have to use the escape character to print quotation marks. The f-string expression doesn't allow us to use the backslash. We have to place it outside the { }.

How do you insert a backslash in Python?

Use two backslashes to represent a backslash Use the syntax "\\" within the string literal to represent a single backslash.

How do you break a line in F

Instead, you have to use use a single '\n' . Another possibility, is to use chr() function to generate a new line character. The chr() function in Python returns a string representation of the input integer that corresponds to a Unicode character.

Can you use \n in F strings?

As shown in the above code, instead of single or double quotes, we use triple quotes to enclose the multiline string. At the same time, we can still use the newline ( \n ) in the f-string to signal that there is a new line in the string.

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