How do you print multiple lines on a variable in python?

Is it possible to do something like this (using python 3):

le = "\n" var1 = 2 var2 = 5 print("INFORMATION"+le "-----------"+le "Variable1: {}".format(var1)+le "Variable2: {}".format(var2)+le )


5,5513 gold badges37 silver badges56 bronze badges

asked Jun 26, 2014 at 9:14

Yes. take a look at docs.

General example:

var1 = 2 var2 = 5 print("INFORMATION", "------------", "Variable1: {}".format(var1), "Variable2: {}".format(var2), sep='\n')

answered Jun 26, 2014 at 9:26


1,99014 silver badges12 bronze badges

You could store this string in an object and then print it:

out = "INFORMATION"+le+"-----------"+le+"Variable1: {}".format(var1)+le+"Variable2: {}".format(var2)+le print(out)

Or if you want to do it easier you can also do like that:

print("INFORMATION\n-----------\nVariable1: {}\nVariable2: {}\n".format(var1, var2))

Or if it is too long and you want to spare it in different lines in your code:

out = "Information\n" / "-----------\n"

answered Jun 26, 2014 at 9:26


3,25234 silver badges64 bronze badges

print("INFORMATION\n" "-----------\n" "Variable1: {}\n".format(var1), "Variable2: {}".format(var2) ) In [24]: print("INFORMATION"'\n' ....: "-----------"'\n' ....: "Variable1: {}\n".format(var1), ....: "Variable2: {}".format(var2) ....: ) INFORMATION ----------- Variable1: 2 Variable2: 5 print("INFORMATION", "-----------", "Variable1: {}".format(var1), "Variable2: {}".format(var2), sep='\n') In [30]: print("INFORMATION", ....: "-----------", ....: "Variable1: {}".format(var1), ....: "Variable2: {}".format(var2), ....: sep='\n') INFORMATION ----------- Variable1: 2 Variable2: 5

answered Jun 26, 2014 at 9:25

Home » Python

Python | Print multiple variables: In this tutorial, we are going to learn the concept of printing the values of multiple variables with the examples.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on June 14, 2020

Like other programming languages, In python also, we can define and print the multiple variables. Here, we see how can we print the single and multiple variables using the print() function?

In Python, single variable can be printed like this,



# Python program to print single variable name = "Mike" age = 21 country = "USA" # printing variables one by one print(name) print(age) print(country) print() # prints a newline # printing variables one by one # with messages print("Name:", name) print("Age:", age) print("Country:", country)


Mike 21 USA Name: Mike Age: 21 Country: USA

Printing multiple variables

There are following methods to print multiple variables,

  • Method 1: Passing multiple variables as arguments separating them by commas
  • Method 2: Using format() method with curly braces ({})
  • Method 3: Using format() method with numbers in curly braces ({0})
  • Method 4: Using format() method with explicit name in curly braces ({v})
  • Method 5: Using string concatenation

Let's understand each method in the details.

Method 1:

To print multiple variables using the print() function, we need to provide the variable names as arguments separated by the commas.

Note: print() function prints space after the value of each variable, space is the default value of sep parameter – which is an optional parameter in print() function, by using this parameter, we can specify the separator value.


print(variable1, varaible2, variable3, ...)


# Python program to print multiple variables name = "Mike" age = 21 country = "USA" # printing variables one by one print("Printing normally...") print(name, age, country) print() # prints a new line # Printing with comma seprator print("Printing with comma seprator...") print(name, age, country, sep=',') print() # prints a new line # printing variables with messages print("Printing with messages...") print("Name:", name, "Age:", age, "Country:", country)


Printing normally... Mike 21 USA Printing with comma seprator... Mike,21,USA Printing with messages... Name: Mike Age: 21 Country: USA

Method 2:

By using the new-style string formatting (format() method), we can also print the multiple variables. Here, we have to specify the curly braces ({}) where we have to print the values and in the format() method, provide the multiple variables separated by the commas.


print("{} {} {}".format(variable1, variable2, variable2)


# Python program to print multiple variables # using format() method name = "Mike" age = 21 country = "USA" print("{} {} {}".format(name, age, country)) print("Name: {}, Age: {}, Country: {}".format(name, age, country))


Mike 21 USA Name: Mike, Age: 21, Country: USA

Method 3:

By using the new-style string formatting with numbers (format() method), we can also print the multiple variables. This is similar to method 2 but here we can use the numbers inside the curly braces ({0}), it will help for reordering the values.

Note: Number 0 represents the first variable in format() method, 1 represents the second, and so on.


print("{0} {1} {2}".format(variable1, variable2, variable2)


# Python program to print multiple variables # using format() method with numbers name = "Mike" age = 21 country = "USA" print("{0} {1} {2}".format(name, age, country)) print("Name: {0}, Age: {1}, Country: {2}".format(name, age, country)) print("Country: {2}, Name: {0}, Age: {1}".format(name, age, country)) # printing all values 2-2 times print("{0} {0} {1} {1} {2} {2}".format(name, age, country))


Mike 21 USA Name: Mike, Age: 21, Country: USA Country: USA, Name: Mike, Age: 21 Mike Mike 21 21 USA USA

Method 4:

By using the new-style string formatting with explicit names (format() method), we can also print the multiple variables. This is similar to method 3 but here we can use the explicit names inside the curly braces ({n}), it will help for remembering the order and variable names.


print("{v1} {v2} {v3}".format(v1=variable1, v2=variable2, v3=variable2)


# Python program to print multiple variables # using format() method with explicit names name = "Mike" age = 21 country = "USA" print("{n} {a} {c}".format(n=name, a=age, c=country)) print("Name: {n}, Age: {a}, Country: {c}".format(n=name, a=age, c=country)) print("Country: {c}, Name: {n}, Age: {a}".format(n=name, a=age, c=country)) # printing all values 2-2 times print("{n} {n} {a} {a} {c} {c}".format(n=name, a=age, c=country))


Mike 21 USA Name: Mike, Age: 21, Country: USA Country: USA, Name: Mike, Age: 21 Mike Mike 21 21 USA USA

Method 5:

We can print multiple variables by concatenating them as a string.


print(str(variable1) + str(variable2) + str(variable3))


  • If we want to display any message or separator, we can also concatenate them with the variables.
  • If a variable is a string, then there is no need to use str().


# Python program to print multiple variables # using string concatenation name = "Mike" age = 21 country = "USA" print("Without separator...") print(name + str(age) + country) print("Separating by commas...") print(name + "," + str(age) + "," + country) print("Printing with messages...") print("Name: " + name + " Age: " + str(age) + " Country: " + country)


Without separator... Mike21USA Separating by commas... Mike,21,USA Printing with messages... Name: Mike Age: 21 Country: USA

Python Tutorial

How do you print multiple lines on one line in Python?

To print on the same line in Python, add a second argument, end=' ', to the print() function call. print("It's me.")

How do you print 3 lines in Python?

This can easily be done using multiline string i.e. three single quotes ''' Geeksforgeeks ''' .

How do you print 5 lines in Python?

Use file..
a_file = open("file_name.txt") Open "file_name.txt".
number_of_lines = 3..
for i in range(number_of_lines): Print the first number_of_lines lines of a_file..
line = a_file. readline().

How do you write multiple lines in Python?

You cannot split a statement into multiple lines in Python by pressing Enter . Instead, use the backslash ( \ ) to indicate that a statement is continued on the next line. In the revised version of the script, a blank space and an underscore indicate that the statement that was started on line 1 is continued on line 2.

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