How do you multiply a variable in python?

Problem Definition

Create a Python program to multiply two numbers.


num_1 = 2 num_2 = 3 product = num_1 * num_2 print("Product of {} and {} is {}".format(num_1, num_2,product))


Product of 2 and 3 is 6

First, the two numbers are stored in the variables num_1 and num_2, respectively. Multiplication in Python is done by ( * ) operator, Then the result is saved in the product variable and printed out using string formatting.

To learn more about string formatting in Python read - How To Use String Formatting In Python

However, the more memory-efficient way to perform a multiplication in Python is by not using any variables at all it can be done in a line, but it can make the code hard to read.




Problem Definition

Create a Python Program to multiply two numbers provided by the user in real-time.


num_1 = input("Enter the first number") num_2 = input("Enter the second number") product = float(num_1) * float(num_2) print("Product of {} and {} is {}".format(num_1, num_2,product))


Enter the first number 2 Enter the second number 3 Product of 2 and 3 is 6.0

In this program first, we are taking user input with the built-in input() function of Python then before multiplying the numbers we are converting the inputs to float type using the float() function because the input() function returns the object as a string.

To learn more about Python data types read the following articles.

  • Data Types In Python
  • How To Convert Data Types in Python


I don't know this 'droid' kit, but I suspect that it's returning a string from dialogGetInput. If you multiply a string in python by N you get that string N times.

>>> s = 'foo' >>> s*4 'foofoofoofoo' >>>

So your program is seeing the STRING '1', not the integer 1. You need to convert your answer to an integer first:

>>> s = '1' # wrong >>> s * 4 '1111' >>> s = int('1') # right >>> s * 4 4 >>>

Also, be prepared to deal with someone putting in something other than a number(i.e. a typo or someone trying to be a jerk and crash you program on purpose)

>>> s = 'foo' >>> int(s) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'foo' >>>

Always surround conversions of data with a try:

try: s = 'foo' i = int(s) except ValueError, ex: MessageBox('Try again!')

In this Python tutorial, we will discuss how to multiply in python. Also, we will discuss:

  • How to multiply numbers in Python
  • How to multiply float numbers in Python
  • How to multiply complex numbers in Python
  • How to multiply string with an integer in python
  • Multiply two numbers using the function in python
  • Multiply two lists python
  • Multiply all value in the list using python
  • Multiply all value in the list using traversal python
  • Python element-wise multiplication

Now, we will discuss how to multiply in Python. We will see how to multiply float numbers, multiply complex numbers, multiply string with an integer and Multiply two numbers using the function in python.

How to multiply numbers in Python

In python, to multiply number, we will use the asterisk character ” * ” to multiply number.


number = 20 * 3 print('The product is: ',number)

After writing the above code (how to multiply numbers in Python), Ones you will print “ number ” then the output will appear as a “ The product is: 60 ”. Here, the asterisk character is used to multiply the number.

You can refer to the below screenshot to multiply numbers in python.

How to multiply numbers in Python

This is how we can multiply numbers in python.

How to multiply float numbers in Python

In python, we can also multiply one or both numbers using asterisk character ” * “ when it is of float type, then the product is float number.


number = 2.0 * 3.0 print('The product is: ',number)

After writing the above code (how to multiply float numbers in Python), Ones you will print “ number ” then the output will appear as a “ The product is: 6.0 ”. Here, the asterisk character is used to multiply the float number.

You can refer to the below screenshot to multiply float numbers in python.

How to multiply float numbers in Python

This is how we can multiply float numbers in python.

How to multiply complex numbers in Python

In python, to multiply complex numbers, we use complex() method to multiply two numbers and the complex number contains real and imaginary parts. Here, we multiply each term with the first number by each in the second.


num1 = complex(2, 3) num2 = complex(4, 6) product = num1 * num2 print('The product of complex number is: ', product)

After writing the above code (how to multiply complex numbers in Python), Ones you will print “ product ” then the output will appear as a “ The product of complex number is: (-10+24j) ”. Here, the complex() is used to multiply the complex number.

You can refer to the below screenshot to multiply complex numbers in python.

How to multiply complex numbers in Python

This is how we can multiply complex numbers in python

How to multiply string with an integer in python

In python, to multiply string with an integer in Python, we use a def function with parameters and it will duplicate the string n times.


def row(s, n): return s * n print(row('Hello all ', 5))

After writing the above code (how to multiply string with an integer in python), Ones you will print then the output will appear as a “ Hello all Hello all Hello all Hello all Hello all ”. Here, n is 5, and s is “ Hello all “ and it will return duplicate string 5 times.

You can refer to the below screenshot to multiply string with an integer in python.

How to multiply string with an integer in python

This is how we can multiply string with an integer in python.

Multiply two numbers using the function in python

In python, to multiply two numbers by using a function called def, it can take two parameters and the return will give the value of the two numbers.


def multiply(x,y): return x*y; num1=15 num2=5 print("The product is: ",multiply(num1,num2))

After writing the above code (multiply two numbers using the function in python), Ones you will print then the output will appear as a “ The product is: 75 ”. Here, we define the function for multiplication, and then it will return the value.

You can refer to the below screenshot to multiply two numbers using the function in python

Multiply two numbers using the function in python

This is how we can multiply two numbers using the function in python.

Multiply two lists python

In python, to multiply two equal length lists we will use zip() to get the list and it will multiply together and then it will be appended to a new list.


my_list1 = [5, 2, 3] my_list2 = [1, 5, 4] multiply = [] for number1, number2 in zip(my_list1, my_list2): multiply.append(number1 * number2) print(multiply)

After writing the above code (multiply two lists in python), Ones you will print “multiply” then the output will appear as a “ [5 10 12] ”. Here, we multiply each element from one list by the element in the other list.

You can refer to the below screenshot to multiply two list in python

Multiply two lists python

Multiply all value in the list using python

To multiply all value in the list, a prod function has been included in the math module in the standard library. We will use import math to get the product of the list.


import math my_list1 = [2, 5, 3] my_list2 = [4, 1, 5] s1 = s2 = print("The product of list1 is: ",s1) print("The product of list2 is: ",s2)

After writing the above code (multiply all value in the list using, Ones you will print “s1 s2” then the output will appear as a “ The product of list1 is: 30 The product of list2 is: 20 ”. Here, we multiply all the elements of list1 and then list2 to get the product.

You can refer to the below screenshot multiply all value in the list using

Multiply all value in the list using

Multiply all value in the list using traversal python

To multiply all value in the list using traversal, we need to initialize the value of the product to 1. Multiply every number with the product and traverse till the end of the list.


def Multiplylist(my_list): r = 1 for a in my_list: r = r * a return r l1 = [3,5,1] l2 = [5,4,2] print(Multiplylist(l1)) print(Multiplylist(l2))

After writing the above code (multiply all value in the list using traversal python), Ones you will print “Multiplylist(l1) Multiplylist(l2)” then the output will appear as a “ 15 40 ”. Here, we multiply all the elements of l1 and then l2 to get the product. The value stored in the product at the end will give you results.

You can refer to the below screenshot multiply all value in the list using traversal python

Multiply all value in the list using traversal python

Python element-wise multiplication

Let us see how we can multiply element wise in python.

In python, element-wise multiplication can be done by importing numpy. To multiply two equal-length arrays we will use np.multiply() and it will multiply element-wise.


import numpy as np m1 = [3, 5, 1] m2 = [2, 1, 6] print(np.multiply(m1, m2))

After writing the above code (python element-wise multiplication), Ones you will print “np.multiply(m1, m2)” then the output will appear as a “ [6 5 6] ”. Here, we multiply each element and it will return a product of two m1 and m2.

You can refer to the below screenshot python element-wise multiplication.

Python element-wise multiplication

This is how we can multiply two lists in python.

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In this tutorial, we learned how to multiply in Python.

  • How to multiply numbers in Python
  • How to multiply float numbers in Python
  • How to multiply complex numbers in Python
  • How to multiply string with an integer in python
  • Multiply two numbers using the function in python
  • Multiply two lists python
  • Multiply all value in the list using python
  • Multiply all value in the list using traversal python
  • Python element-wise multiplication

Python is one of the most popular languages in the United States of America. I have been working with Python for a long time and I have expertise in working with various libraries on Tkinter, Pandas, NumPy, Turtle, Django, Matplotlib, Tensorflow, Scipy, Scikit-Learn, etc… I have experience in working with various clients in countries like United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Check out my profile.

How do you multiply a value in Python?

In python, to multiply number, we will use the asterisk character ” * ” to multiply number. After writing the above code (how to multiply numbers in Python), Ones you will print “ number ” then the output will appear as a “ The product is: 60 ”. Here, the asterisk character is used to multiply the number.

How do you multiply variables?

When multiplying variables, you multiply the coefficients and variables as usual. If the bases are the same, you can multiply the bases by merely adding their exponents.

How do you multiply inputs in Python?

“how to multiply inputs in python” Code Answer.
x = input("give me the number you want to multiply").
y = input("give me the second number you want to multiply").
y = int(y).
x = int(x).
print (y * x).

How do you multiply a variable by a float in Python?

Use the multiplication operator to multiply an integer and a float in Python, e.g. my_int * my_float . The multiplication result will always be of type float .

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