How do you concatenate numbers in python?

Example 1: (Example 2 is much faster, don't say I didn't warn you!)

a = 9 b = 8 def concat(a, b): return eval(f"{a}{b}")


>>> concat(a, b) 98

Example 2:

For people who think eval is 'evil', here's another way to do it:

a = 6 b = 7 def concat(a, b): return int(f"{a}{b}")


>>> concat(a, b) 67


I thought it would be convienient to time these codes, look below:

>>> min(timeit.repeat("for x in range(100): int(str(a) + str(b))", "", number=100000, globals = {'a': 10, 'b': 20})) 9.107237317533617 >>> min(timeit.repeat("for x in range(100): int(f'{a}{b}')", "", number=100000, globals = {'a': 10, 'b': 20})) 6.4986298607643675 >>> min(timeit.repeat("for x in range(5): eval(f'{a}{b}')", "", #notice the range(5) instead of the range(100) number=100000, globals = {'a': 10, 'b': 20})) 4.089137231865948 #x20

The times:

eval: about 1 minute and 21 seconds. original answer: about 9 seconds. my answer: about 6 and a half seconds.


The original answer does look more readable, but if you need a good speed, choose int(f'{vara}{varb}')

P.S: My int(f'{a}{b}) syntax only works on python 3.6+, as the f'' syntax is undefined at python versions 3.6-


Python supports string concatenation using the + operator. In most other programming languages, if we concatenate a string with an integer (or any other primitive data types), the language takes care of converting them to a string and then concatenates it.

However, in Python, if you try to concatenate a string with an integer using the + operator, you will get a runtime error.


Let’s look at an example for concatenating a string (str) and an integer (int) using the + operator.

current_year_message = 'Year is ' current_year = 2018 print(current_year_message + current_year)

The desired output is the string: Year is 2018. However, when we run this code we get the following runtime error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/sammy/Documents/github/journaldev/Python-3/basic_examples/strings/", line 5, in <module> print(current_year_message + current_year) TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

So how do you concatenate str and int in Python? There are various other ways to perform this operation.

Using the str() Function

We can pass an int to the str() function it will be converted to a str:

print(current_year_message + str(current_year))

The current_year integer is returned as a string: Year is 2018.

Using the % Interpolation Operator

We can pass values to a conversion specification with printf-style String Formatting:

print("%s%s" % (current_year_message, current_year))

The current_year integer is interpolated to a string: Year is 2018.

Using the str.format() function

We can also use the str.format() function for concatenation of string and integer.

print("{}{}".format(current_year_message, current_year))

The current_year integer is type coerced to a string: Year is 2018.

Using f-strings

If you are using Python 3.6 or higher versions, you can use f-strings, too.


The current_year integer is interpolated to a string: Year is 2018.


You can check out the complete Python script and more Python examples from our GitHub repository.

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    Given two integers a and b. The task is to concatenate these two integers into one integer.


    Input : a = 806, b = 91 Output : 80691 Input : a = 5, b = 1091 Output : 51091

    Method 1: One method of achieving this can be counting the number of digits of second number. Then multiply the first number with 10^digits and adding both the numbers. Below is the implementation.

    def numConcat(num1, num2):

         digits = len(str(num2))

         num1 = num1 * (10**digits)

         num1 += num2

         return num1

    a = 906

    b = 91

    print(numConcat(a, b))

    Method 2: Another method can be converting both the numbers to the string. Then concatenate them and convert them back to integers. Below is the implementation.

    def numConcat(num1, num2):

            num1 = str(num1)

            num2 = str(num2)

            num1 += num2

            return int(num1)

    a = 906

    b = 91

    print(numConcat(a, b))



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