guardian angels là gì - Nghĩa của từ guardian angels

guardian angels có nghĩa là

An Angel in Heaven/The Other Side who ensures that you're safe. Everyone has at least 2 of them. They can also be family members or pets in Heaven/The Other Side.


Thank the Creator for all the help from my guardian angel. I just Know my Mom is 1 of my guardian angels. I take lots of risks so I need lots of guardian angels.

guardian angels có nghĩa là

a person who is always looking out for you


i was upset but my guardian angel was there to comfort me

guardian angels có nghĩa là

someone who is always there for you. when your hurt physically and then tells you how to be stronger and someone who gets you through those hard times and even if its something that you dont want to happen and that they no you wont like but they will get you through it once its all done.


guardian angel, angel(o) ;

guardian angels có nghĩa là

A condom.


She's horny and drunk, but I forgot my guardian angel. Damn.

guardian angels có nghĩa là

Someone who will never let you fall, who will stand up with you forever, who will be there for you through it all,even if saving you sends him to heaven.


Josephine: I dont know if I should be with you or not...

Frankie: Im Your Guardian Angel.

Josephine: *kiss*

guardian angels có nghĩa là

A non-profit public safety and crime prevention organization founted in 1979 in the Bronx to combat crime on the subways and has spread throughout the world. They conduct safety patrols in cooperation with local law enforcement. They are distiguished by their red berets and white t-shirts or red jackets with an emblem which has wings and a watchful eye. They do not carry any weapon but are extensively trained in martial arts and self defense.


The Guardian Angels caught the rapist

guardian angels có nghĩa là

A sober friend that watches over you and doesn't leave you alone when your completely drunk and/or high


Guy #1: Yo you want to bend an elbow?
Guy #2: Nah I'm straight...I'm Skylar's guardian angel.
Guy #1: Oh true haha...she's messed up.

guardian angels có nghĩa là

PART 1 …. Pray for us Sinners, now and at the Hour of Our Death, Amen… … Statements made by the Silent Ruse … Guardian Angel Hope which was my Soul Mind … Guardian Angel Mary Mother of God … 666 … Satan … Trick Ruses … Ruses … Soulless People … Voices in the Silent Ruse’s Trashy Little Trampy Earth Mind … ---Guardian = Protector ---04/02/07 - 04/12/07
---05/11/07 - 05/13/07 - Room 625 - The Silent Ruse’s Soul Mind came alive - 05/30/07
---"Woe to You, Oh Earth and Sea, for the Devil sends the Beast with Wrath, because He knows the Time is short..Let Him who hath understanding reckon the Number of the
Beast, for it is a Human Number, Its Number is Six Hundred and Sixty Six."
---06/06/06 six six six
---Repent!! – Repent!!
---Until The End of Time
---Heaven’s a LIE --- Lacuna Coil
---For The Devil sends His Beast with Wrath…
---There is no “Matthew” , “Mark”, “Luke” and “John”
---Ruse - - - Trickery of the Mind - - - Trickery of the Soul Mind
---They were Ruses to each other and didn’t even know it - - Trick Ruses
---Soulless People
---Your Soul Mind is GOD!!!
---I can’t turn back the Hands of Time … But you’re God!!
---Damn Devil !!
---Hail Mary, Full of Grace ..
---Inkubus Sukkubus “Hell Fire” , “Lady Geneva” -- Twice the Poison of Opium and Cocaine, Twice the Damnation and Twice the Shame, Lady Geneva (Taste The Evil)
---Seven Wytches - - Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna


---Playing Chess with The Devil - - Satan
---Puppet Master - Satan is a Puppet Master
---Guardian Angel Hope
---Soul Mind Gives Guardian Angel Hope MONEY - - -
---Moneeeeyyyyy!!! -- Thank you Soul Mind
---Voice of an Angel…
---I am Guardian Angel, Mary Mother of God (Pray for us Sinners, Now and at the Hour of Our Death-Amen)…
---There is no “Guardian Angel Hope”
---Listen to me
---Your friends’ aren’t Dead…
---There’ll be no more lies - (Alice DeeJay – “No More Lies”)
---There is no Devil
---Who are you gonna believe, the voices in your head, or the real people?!???
---Shield!! Shield!!
---We should have told him “NO!!!”
---We know more about you, than you know about yourself
---My Soul Mind knows more than my Soul Mind is telling my trashy little trampy earth mind
---Seeing you running scared is worth more to me than all the money in world!!!
---Trick Ruses owes Soul Mind a Dollar
---You owe me a Dollar... Keep it... My Soul Mind shoves The Dollar down the Trick Ruses throat and gives a High 5 to The Devil!!! Satan... and The Devil gives a Thumbs Up and says “Good Job, Soul Mind!!!”
---You need to Vindicate yourself from all the Shams that you do
---You should be aShamed of yourself
---You need to Repent… Say 3 Our Fathers, 2 Hail Marys, and 1 Glory Be to the Father…3 times
---God will walk through that door and take you away to Heaven
---Watch Out!!!
---These are the Voyages…
Guardian Angel, Mary Mother of God…

guardian angels có nghĩa là

The act of shitting in order to protect someone


Hey Rob i was worried about you so i left a guardian angel in your tent so the bears shouldnt bother you tonight....

guardian angels có nghĩa là



it’s okay to be sad, but no worries, you have jungkook as your guardian angel !

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