Functional ovarian cysts generally disappear within ________ days without treatment.

In most cases, ovarian cysts disappear in a few months without the need for treatment.

Whether treatment is needed will depend on:

  • its size and appearance
  • whether you have any symptoms
  • whether you have had the menopause (post-menopausal women have a slightly higher risk of ovarian cancer)

Watchful waiting

In most cases, a policy of "watchful waiting" is recommended.

This means you won't receive immediate treatment, but you may have an ultrasound scan a few weeks or months later to check if the cyst has gone.

Due to the slightly increased risk of ovarian cancer in post-menopausal women and anyone with ovaries, those who have been through the menopause may be advised to have ultrasound scans and blood tests every four months for a year.

If the scans show that the cyst has disappeared, further tests and treatment are not usually necessary. If the cyst is still there, surgery may be recommended.


Large or persistent ovarian cysts, or cysts that are causing symptoms, will usually need to be surgically removed.

Surgery will also normally be recommended if there are concerns that the cyst could be cancerous or could become cancerous.

There are two types of surgery used to remove ovarian cysts:

  • a laparoscopy
  • a laparotomy

These are usually carried out under general anaesthetic.


Most cysts can be removed using laparoscopy. This is a type of keyhole surgery where small cuts are made in your tummy and gas is blown into the pelvis to allow the surgeon to access your ovaries.

A laparoscope (a small, tube-shaped microscope with a light on the end) is passed into your abdomen so the surgeon can see your internal organs. The surgeon then removes the cyst through the small cuts in your skin.

After the cyst has been removed, the cuts will be closed using dissolvable stitches.

A laparoscopy is preferred because it causes less pain and has a quicker recovery time. You'll usually be able to go home on the same day or the following day.


If your cyst is particularly large, or there is a chance it could be cancerous, a laparotomy may be recommended.

During a laparotomy, a single, larger cut is made in your tummy to give the surgeon better access to the cyst.

The whole cyst and ovary may be removed and sent to a laboratory to check whether it's cancerous. Stitches or staples will be used to close the incision.

You may need to stay in hospital for a few days after the procedure.

After surgery

After the ovarian cyst has been removed, you will feel pain in your tummy, although this should improve in a day or two.

Following laparoscopic surgery, you will probably need to take things easy for two weeks. Recovery after a laparotomy will usually take longer, possibly around six to eight weeks.

If the cyst is sent off for testing, the results should come back in a few weeks and your consultant will discuss with you whether you need any further treatment.

Contact your GP if you notice the following symptoms during your recovery:

  • heavy bleeding
  • severe pain or swelling in your abdomen
  • a high temperature (fever)
  • dark or smelly vaginal discharge

These symptoms may indicate an infection.

Your fertility

If you have not been through the menopause, your surgeon will try to preserve as much of your reproductive system as they can. It's often possible to just remove the cyst and leave both ovaries intact, which means your fertility should be largely unaffected.

If one of your ovaries needs to be removed, the remaining ovary will still release hormones and eggs as usual. Your fertility shouldn't be significantly affected, although you may find it slightly harder to get pregnant.

Occasionally, it may be necessary to remove both ovaries in women and anyone with ovaries who have not been through the menopause. This will trigger an early menopause and mean you no longer produce any eggs.

However, it may still be possible to have a baby by having a donated egg implanted into your womb. This will need to be discussed with specialists at a centre that specialises in assisted reproduction techniques.

In women and anyone with ovaries who has been through the menopause, both ovaries may be removed because they no longer produce eggs.

Make sure you discuss your fertility concerns with your surgeon before your operation.

Cancer treatment

If your test results show that your cyst is cancerous, both of your ovaries, your womb (uterus) and some of the surrounding tissue may need to be removed.

Again, this would trigger an early menopause and mean that you would no longer be able to get pregnant.

Read more about treating ovarian cancer

Does functional ovarian cyst go away?

Most functional ovarian cysts go away without treatment. Your doctor may suggest using heat and medicine to relieve minor pain. Surgery can remove a large cyst that bleeds or causes severe pain. Your doctor may suggest that you take birth control pills, which stop ovulation.

Can ovarian cyst disappear naturally?

Most ovarian cysts are benign and do go away on their own without requiring treatment. They often have minimal symptoms, however, if you're experiencing any discomfort or pain, you should go see a doctor.

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