FOSDEM 2023 schedule


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Hello engineers. I'm tackling with one problem and I'll appreciate you help. How are you doing distribution and discovery of #internaltooling in you org? And what's the most annoying part of this process? example: Jonny B. created some great script what can help other engineers. How he can distribute and let other know about it? How other engineer know about existence of this script and how he can get this script ready-to-use? Many thanks for any comments. Every comment is valuable for me. I'm really curious... #platformengineering #softwareengineering #devops #internaltooling

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FOSDEM 2023 is happily once again going to be an in-person event, and MariaDB will be participating as part of the MariaDB, MySQL and Friends devroom. The Call for Papers is now open.

FOSDEM 2023 will take place on Sat 4 to Sun 5 February 2023 at the ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels, Belgium.

There are some changes in the organization to previous years. MySQL and MariaDB will each be responsible for its own track, so we will divide the devroom in two sub-tracks.

For the convenience of the speakers and participants, we will not mix the two sub-tracks, and you will have the possibility to follow either track you are interested in, or of course both.

The other big change is that the devroom is only half a day, with ours provisionally scheduled for Sunday afternoon. This will make talk selection very complicated as MariaDB and MySQL will each only have 4 sessions!

The MariaDB track will also be hosting a virtual event, which will take place outside of the physical devroom times. This will be similar to last year, where a video presentation will have to be prepared well in advance of the physical event.

Key Dates

  • Wed 7 December: Submission deadline
  • Thu 15 December: Announcement of selected talks
  • Sat 4 to Sun 5 February: Conference date

As usual, Pentabarf is the platform to use to submit your talks: //

Please select the track”MariaDB, MySQL and friends devroom” and ensure you include the following information when submitting your proposal:

Person Name(s) Your first, last and public names.
Person Abstract A short bio.
Person Photo Please provide a photo.
Event Event Title This is the title of your talk– please be descriptive to encourage attendance.
Event Abstract The description of your talk.
Event Submission notes State whether you are submitting for the “MariaDB devroom
or the “MySQL Devroom”. You can set both.
Event Duration Set the length of your talk to 20 min !
Event On-campus?
Set if you apply for an on-campus in person session in Brussels
Set if you apply for a virtual pre-recorded session

Don’t forget that the deadline for submission is Thu 7 December.

Code of Conduct

Please read FOSDEM’s Code of Conduct.

If you submit a proposal and it is accepted, you will be required to confirm that you accept the FOSDEM CoC. If you have any questions about the CoC or wish to have one of the devroom organizers review your presentation slides or any other content for CoC compliance, please contact us and we will do our best to assist you.

Looking forward to seeing many of you in Brussels very soon!

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February 4-5, 2023


FOSDEM is a two-day event organized by volunteers to promote the widespread use of free and open source software. Taking place, February 4-5, 2023, FOSDEM offers open source and free software developers a place to meet, share ideas and collaborate. Renowned for being highly developer-oriented, the event brings together some 8000+ developers from all over the world. The conference will once again be held virtually.

Find out more here.


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