First prime number in range python assignment

Author: Harry

Hello friends, thanks for visiting my website. I am a Python programmer. I, with some other members, write blogs on this website based on Python and Programming. We are still in the growing phase that's why the website design is not so good and there are many other things that need to be corrected in this website but I hope all these things will happen someday. But, till then we will not stop ourselves from uploading more amazing articles. If you want to join us or have any queries, you can mail me at Thank you

Answer to Question #245119 in Python for Raju

First Prime Number

You are given N inputs. Write a program to print the first prime number in the given inputs.

n = int(input("Enter number of integers: ")) numbers = [] for i in range(n):     number = int(input("Enter number: "))     isPrime=True     if number > 1:         for j in range(2, number):             if (number % j) == 0:                 isPrime=False                 break         if isPrime==True:             numbers.append(number)                  print("The first prime number in the given inputs is: "+str(numbers[0]))

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Answer to Question #245119 in Python for Raju

First Prime Number

Nội dung chính

  • Answer to Question #245119 in Python for Raju
  • 4. capitalize()
  • 5. swapcase()
  • 6. center()
  • 7. casefold()
  • How do you make the first character uppercase in Python?
  • How do you code uppercase in Python?
  • How do you capitalize the first and last letter in Python?
  • How do you rotate a word in a sentence in Python?
  • How do you find the first prime number in inputs using Python?
  • What is the code for prime number in Python?
  • How do you express prime numbers in Python?
  • How do you print prime numbers from 1 to 10 in Python?

You are given N inputs. Write a program to print the first prime number in the given inputs.

n = int(input("Enter number of integers: ")) numbers = [] for i in range(n):     number = int(input("Enter number: "))     isPrime=True     if number > 1:         for j in range(2, number):             if (number % j) == 0:                 isPrime=False                 break         if isPrime==True:             numbers.append(number)                  print("The first prime number in the given inputs is: "+str(numbers[0]))

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First Prime Number

You are given N inputs. Write a program to print the first prime number in the given inputs.


The first line of input is an integer N. The next N lines each contain an integer. Explanation

In the given example of

5 integers






The output should be


Sample Input 1







Sample Output 1


Sample Input 2






Sample Output 2


n = int(input("Enter a positive integer: ")) is_primes = []  # list of potential prime numbers(contains primes and non primes) for count in range(n):     read = int(input("> "))     is_primes.append(read) non_primes = [] for num in is_primes:     if num == 2 or num == 3:         pass     else:         for i in range(2, num):             if num % i == 0:                 non_primes.append(num)                 break             else:                 pass              print(sum(non_primes))

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Rotate Words In Sentence

Nội dung chính

  • 4. capitalize()
  • 5. swapcase()
  • 6. center()
  • 7. casefold()
  • How do you make the first character uppercase in Python?
  • How do you code uppercase in Python?
  • How do you capitalize the first and last letter in Python?
  • How do you rotate a word in a sentence in Python?

Given a sentence and an integer N, write a program to rotate letters of the sentence among the words without changing the length of those words and positions of the spaces.

The first line of input will be a sentence.

The second line of input will be an integer N.

The output should be a single line containing the sentence by rotating the letters among the words without changing the length of the words and positions of the spaces.

For example, if the given sentence and N are

Welcome to your first problem


Rotate the sentence 5 letters towards right side without changing the length of the words and position of spaces in the original sentence.

So the output should be

oblemWe lc omet oyour firstpr

Sample Input 1

Welcome to your first problem


Sample Output 1

oblemWe lc omet oyour firstpr

Sample Input 2

All the best


Sample Output 2

stA llt hebe

Rotate Words In Sentence Given a sentence and an integer N, write a program to rotate letters of the sentence among the words without changing the length of those words and positions of the spaces. Input The first line of input will be a sentence. The second line of input will be an integer N. Output The output should be a single line containing the sentence by rotating the letters among the words without changing the length of the words and positions of the spaces. Explanation For example, if the given sentence and N are Welcome to your first problem 5 Rotate the sentence 5 letters towards right side without changing the length of the words and position of spaces in the original sentence. So the output should be oblemWe lc omet oyour firstpr Sample Input 1 Welcome to your first problem 5 Sample Output 1 oblemWe lc omet oyour firstpr Sample Input 2 All the best 2 Sample Output 2 stA llt hebe sentence = input() N = int(input()) words = sentence.split() lengths = [len(word) for word in words] tempSentence = ''.join(words) tempSentence = tempSentence[-N:] + tempSentence[:-N] rotatedSentence = '' letterCounter = 0 for letter in lengths:     if rotatedSentence:         rotatedSentence += ' '     rotatedSentence += tempSentence[letterCounter:letterCounter+letter]     letterCounter += letter print(rotatedSentence)

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Author: Harry

Hello friends, thanks for visiting my website. I am a Python programmer. I, with some other members, write blogs on this website based on Python and Programming. We are still in the growing phase that's why the website design is not so good and there are many other things that need to be corrected in this website but I hope all these things will happen someday. But, till then we will not stop ourselves from uploading more amazing articles. If you want to join us or have any queries, you can mail me at Thank you

 Harry  August 28, 2022

Author: Harry

Hello friends, thanks for visiting my website. I am a Python programmer. I, with some other members, write blogs on this website based on Python and Programming. We are still in the growing phase that's why the website design is not so good and there are many other things that need to be corrected in this website but I hope all these things will happen someday. But, till then we will not stop ourselves from uploading more amazing articles. If you want to join us or have any queries, you can mail me at Thank you

Hello and welcome, in this post we will explore all the methods of Python strings that are used for case conversion in Python assignment experts. We will see how to use them with one example of each.

Nội dung chính

  • 4. capitalize()
  • 5. swapcase()
  • 6. center()
  • 7. casefold()
  • How do you make the first character uppercase in Python?
  • How do you code uppercase in Python?
  • How do you capitalize the first and last letter in Python?

1. lower()

Converts every character of the string to lowercase.

my_str = "A STRING" my_str = my_str.lower() print(my_str)


a string

2. upper()

Converts every character of the string to uppercase.

my_str = "a string" my_str = my_str.upper() print(my_str)



3. title()

Converts the first character of each word to upper case.

my_str = "a string" my_str = my_str.title() print(my_str)


A String

4. capitalize()

Converts the first character to the upper case.

my_str = "a string" my_str = my_str.capitalize() print(my_str)


A string

5. swapcase()

Swaps cases, the lower case becomes the upper case, and vice versa.

my_lower_str = "a string" my_upper_str = "A STRING" my_str_1 = my_lower_str.swapcase() my_str_2 = my_upper_str.swapcase() print(my_str_1) print(my_str_2)


a string

6. center()

Returns a centered string.

my_str = "a string" my_str =, "-") print(my_str)


------a string------

7. casefold()

Converts string into lower case.

my_str = "a sTRINg" my_str = my_str.casefold() print(my_str)


a string


We hope this article on Case conversion in python assignment expert will help you to learn how to use case conversion methods of a string in Python to convert a string from one case to another.

Thank you for visiting our website.

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Letter, Digit or Special Character

You are given a character as input. Check if the given input is a Lowercase Letter or Uppercase Letter or Digit or a Special Character.


The first line of input is a single character N.


In the given example character is

9. So, the output should be Digit.

Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1


Sample Input 2


Sample Output 2

Uppercase Letter

How do you make the first character uppercase in Python?

string capitalize() in Python Python String capitalize() method returns a copy of the original string and converts the first character of the string to a capital (uppercase) letter, while making all other characters in the string lowercase letters.

How do you code uppercase in Python?

upper() method returns the uppercase string from the given string. It converts all lowercase characters to uppercase. If no lowercase characters exist, it returns the original string.

How do you capitalize the first and last letter in Python?

2 comments on “Python program to capitalize the first and last letter of each word of a string”.

BHANU. a=input() print(a[0].upper()+a[1:len(a)-1]+a[len(a)-1].upper()) ... .

yaminipolisetti98435. s=input() n=len(s) print(s[0].upper()+s[1:n-1]+s[-1].upper()).

How do you rotate a word in a sentence in Python?

We will solve this problem quickly in python using String Slicing. Approach is very simple, Separate string in two parts first & second, for Left rotation Lfirst = str[0 : d] and Lsecond = str[d :]. For Right rotation Rfirst = str[0 : len(str)-d] and Rsecond = str[len(str)-d : ].

How do you find the first prime number in inputs using Python?

Question and sample input : number_of_digits = int(input()) prime = 0 count = 0 for num in range(1, number_of_digits): given_input = int(input()) for b in range(2, given_input): if (given_input % b == 0): count += 1 else: prime = prime + given_input break print(prime) ``` what is the error in my code!?

What is the code for prime number in Python?

from math import sqrt # Number to be checked for prime n = 9 flag = 0 if(n > 1): for k in range(2, int(sqrt(n)) + 1): if (n % k == 0): flag = 1 break if (flag == 0): print(n," is a Prime Number! ") else: print(n," is Not a Prime Number! ") else: print(n," is Not a Prime Number!

How do you express prime numbers in Python?

To find a prime number in Python, you have to iterate the value from start to end using a for loop and for every number, if it is greater than 1, check if it divides n. If we find any other number which divides, print that value.

How do you print prime numbers from 1 to 10 in Python?

Example: The Python Code to Print the Prime Number between the given Interval..

# First, we will take the input:.

lower_value = int(input ("Please, Enter the Lowest Range Value: ")).

upper_value = int(input ("Please, Enter the Upper Range Value: ")).

print ("The Prime Numbers in the range are: ").

How do you find the first prime number in a given range in Python?

Find the Prime Numbers in a Given Interval in Python.
Method 1: Using inner loop Range as [2, number-1]..
Method 2: Using inner loop Range as [2, number/2]..
Method 3: Using inner loop Range as [2, sqrt(number)]..
Method 4: Using inner loop Range as [3, sqrt(number), 2]..

How do you print prime numbers from 1 to n in Python?

To print all the prime numbers between the given interval, the user has to follow the following steps: Step 1: Loop through all the elements in the given range. Step 2: Check for each number if it has any factor between 1 and itself. Step 3: If yes, then the number is not prime, and it will move to the next number.

How do you find the first 100 prime numbers in Python?

To find the first n primes, you could estimate n-th prime (to pass the upper bound as the limit) or use an infinite prime number generator and get as many numbers as you need e.g., using list(itertools. islice(gen, 100)) .

What is first prime number?

The first five prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7 and 11. A prime number is an integer, or whole number, that has only two factors — 1 and itself. Put another way, a prime number can be divided evenly only by 1 and by itself.

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