First prime number in range python

A prime number is a natural number which is greater than 1 and has no positive divisor other than 1 and itself, such as 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and so on.

The user is given two integer numbers, lower value, and upper value. The task is to write the Python program for printing all the prime numbers between the given interval (or range).

To print all the prime numbers between the given interval, the user has to follow the following steps:

  • Step 1: Loop through all the elements in the given range.
  • Step 2: Check for each number if it has any factor between 1 and itself.
  • Step 3: If yes, then the number is not prime, and it will move to the next number.
  • Step 4: If no, it is the prime number, and the program will print it and check for the next number.
  • Step 5: The loop will break when it is reached to the upper value.

Example: The Python Code to Print the Prime Number between the given Interval.


Please, Enter the Lowest Range Value:  14
Please, Enter the Upper Range Value:  97
The Prime Numbers in the range are: 


In this tutorial, we have shown how to write the code to print the prime numbers between the given interval of numbers.

First prime number in range python

Given two integer as Limits, low and high, the objective is to write a code to in Python Find Prime Numbers in a Given Range in Python Language. To do so we’ll use nested loops to check for the Prime while Iterating through the range.

Input : low = 2 , high = 10
Output : 2 3 5 7

Prime Numbers A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that is not a product of two smaller natural numbers. A natural number greater than 1 that is not prime is called a composite number. For example, 5 is prime because the only ways of writing it as a product, 1 × 5 or 5 × 1, involve 5 itself.

First prime number in range python

First prime number in range python

Method 1: Using inner loop Range as [2, number-1]


For two integer inputs as low and high limits of the interval,

  • Run a for loop to iterate through all the numbers.
  • Run a Nested for loop to check for prime or not.

Let’s implement the above logic in Python Language.

Python Code


# python find prime numbers in range 
low, high = 2, 10
primes = []

for i in range(low, high + 1):
    flag = 0

    if i < 2:
    if i == 2:

    for x in range(2, i):
        if i % x == 0:
            flag = 1

    if flag == 0:

Method 2: Using inner loop Range as [2, number/2]


For two integer inputs as limits, we perform the following main operations,

  • Run a for loop to iterate through the numbers in a given interval.
  • Run a nested while to check for prime by checking if the number has any other factors in the range [2, number/2].

Let’s implement the above logic in Python Language.

Python Code


low, high = 2, 10
primes = [2]

for num in range(low, high + 1):
    flag = 0
    if num < 2:
        flag = 1
    if num % 2 == 0:
    iter = 2

    while iter < int(num / 2):
        if num % iter == 0:
            flag = 1
        iter += 1

    if flag == 0:


Method 3: Using inner loop Range as [2, sqrt(number)]


For two integer inputs as low and high limits of the interval, we perform the following

  • Run a for loop to iterate through the number in the given interval.
  • Run a nested while loop to check for prime or not.
  • We do so by checking if the number has any factors in the range [2, sqrt(number)].

Let’s implement the above logic in Python Language.

Python Code


low, high = 2, 10
primes = [2, 3]

for num in range(low, high + 1):
    flag = 0
    if num < 2:
        flag = 1
    if num % 2 == 0:
    if num % 3 == 0:
    iter = 2
    while iter < int(pow(num, 0.5)):
        if num % iter == 0:
            flag = 1
        iter += 1
    if flag == 0:


Method 4: Using inner loop Range as [3, sqrt(number), 2]


This method is similar to the one above but here we’ll use 2 as a step to skip the even numbers.

For a given interval as [low, high], we do the following

  • Run a for loop to iterate through the numbers that lay in the input interval.
  • Run a nest while eith step size as 2 from 3 to the square root of number and check for factors of the number in that interval.

Let’s implement the above logic in Python Language.

Python Code


low, high = 2, 10
primes = [2, 3]

for num in range(low, high + 1):
    flag = 0
    if num < 2:
        flag = 1

    if num % 2 == 0:
    if num % 3 == 0:

    iter = 3

    while iter < int(pow(num, 0.5)):
        if num % iter == 0:
            flag = 1
        iter += 2

    if flag == 0:


First prime number in range python

First prime number in range python

First prime number in range python

  • Positive or Negative number: C | C++ |  Java | Python
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  • Greatest of the Three numbers: C | C++ | Java | Python
  • Leap year or not: C | C++ | Java | Python
  • Prime number: C | C++ | Java | Python
  • Prime number within a given range: C | C++ | Java | Python
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  • Reverse of a number : C | C++ | Java | Python
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  • Armstrong number in a given range : C | C++ | Java | Python
  • Fibonacci Series upto nth term : C | C++ | Java | Python
  • Find the Nth Term of the Fibonacci Series : C | C++ | Java | Python
  • Factorial of a number : C | C++ | Java | Python
  • Power of a number : C | C++ | Java | Python
  • Factor of a number : C | C++ | Java | Python
  • Strong number : C | C++ | Java | Python
  • Perfect number : C | C++ | Java | Python
  • Automorphic number : C | C++ | Java | Python
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  • Abundant number : C| C++ | Java | Python
  • Friendly pair : C | C++ |   Java | Python

How do you find the first prime number in a given range in Python?

Find the Prime Numbers in a Given Interval in Python.
Method 1: Using inner loop Range as [2, number-1]..
Method 2: Using inner loop Range as [2, number/2]..
Method 3: Using inner loop Range as [2, sqrt(number)]..
Method 4: Using inner loop Range as [3, sqrt(number), 2]..

How do you find the first prime number?

Answer: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 is the list of first 10 prime numbers. Let's find the first 10 prime numbers.

How do you print prime numbers in a range?

C Program To Print Prime Numbers In A Given Range.
int isPrime(int n){ for (int i = 2; i*i <= n; i++) { if (n%i == 0){ return 0; } } return 1; }.
int main(){ int n1, n2; printf("Enter first number\n"); scanf("%d", &n1); printf("Enter second number\n"); scanf("%d", &n2);.

How do you find the first 100 prime numbers in Python?

To find the first n primes, you could estimate n-th prime (to pass the upper bound as the limit) or use an infinite prime number generator and get as many numbers as you need e.g., using list(itertools. islice(gen, 100)) .