Điểm giống nhau giữa Ngô Thị Giáng Uyên và Trần Hiểu Húc là gì

(Thời gian làm bài 120 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề)

I. ĐỌC – HIỂU (3.0 điểm)

   Đọc văn bản thực hiện các yêu cầu

     Tôi có đọc bài phỏng vấn Ngô Thị Giáng Uyên, tác giả cuốn sách được nhiều bạn trẻ yêu thích “Ngón tay mình còn thơm mùi oải hương”. Trong đó cô kể rằng khi đi xin việc ở công ti Unilever, có người hỏi nếu tuyển vào không làm marketing mà làm sales thì có đồng ý không. Uyên nói có. Nhà tuyển dụng rất ngạc nhiên bởi hầu hết những người được hỏi câu này đều trả lời không. “Tại sao phỏng vấn marketing mà lại làm sales ?”. Uyên trả lời: “Tại vì tôi biết, nếu làm sales một thời gian thì bộ phận  marketing sẽ muốn đưa tôi qua đó, nhưng đã quá muộn vì  sales không đồng ý cho tôi đi.”

    Chi tiết này khiến tôi nhớ đến câu chuyện về diễn viên Trần Hiểu Húc. Khi đó cô đến xin thử vai Lâm Đại Ngọc, đạo diễn Vương Phù Lâm đã đề nghị cô đóng vai khác. Hiểu Húc lắc đầu “Tôi chính là Lâm Đại Ngọc, nếu ông để tôi đóng vai khác, khán giả sẽ nói rằng Lâm Đại Ngọc đang đóng vai một người khác.” Đâu là điều giống nhau giữa họ? Đó chính là sự tự tin. Và tôi cho rằng, họ thành công là vì họ tự tin.

     Có thể bạn sẽ nói: “Họ tự tin là điều dễ hiểu. Vì họ tài năng, thông minh, xinh đẹp. Còn tôi, tôi đâu có gì để mà tự tin”  Tôi không cho là vậy. Lòng tự tin thực sự không bắt đầu từ gia thế, tài năng, dung mạo… mà nó bắt đầu từ bên trong bạn, từ sự hiểu mình. Biết mình có nghĩa là biết điều này: Dù bạn là ai thì bạn cũng luôn có trong mình những giá trị nhất định.

          (Theo Phạm Lữ Ân – Nếu biết trăm năm là hữu hạn, NXB Hội Nhà văn, 2012)

 Câu 1: Văn bản trên sử dụng phương thức biểu đạt nào là chính ?.

Câu 2: Xác định nội dung chính mà văn bản đề cập.

Câu 3: Tại sao tác giả cho rằng: Lòng tự tin thực sự không bắt đầu từ gia thế, tài năng, dung mạo… mà nó bắt đầu từ bên trong bạn, từ sự hiểu mình ?

Câu 4: Rút ra thông điệp cho bản thân.

II. LÀM VĂN (7.0 điểm)

Câu 1. (2.0 điểm) Viết đoạn văn (khoảng 200 chữ) trình bày suy nghĩ của anh/chị về vấn đề: Lòng tự tin

Câu 2. (5.0 điểm)

Khi ta lớn lên Đất Nước đã có rồi 

Đất Nước có trong những cái “ngày xửa ngày xưa…” mẹ thường hay kể 

Đất Nước bắt đầu với miếng trầu bây giờ bà ăn 

Đất Nước lớn lên khi dân mình biết trồng tre mà đánh giặc 

Tóc mẹ thì bới sau đầu 

Cha mẹ thương nhau bằng gừng cay muối mặn 

Cái kèo, cái cột thành tên 

Hạt gạo phải một nắng hai sương xay, giã, giần, sàng 

Đất Nước có từ ngày đó… 

Đất là nơi anh đến trường 

Nước là nơi em tắm 

Đất Nước là nơi ta hò hẹn 

Đất Nước là nơi em đánh rơi chiếc khăn trong nỗi nhớ thầm

Đất là nơi “con chim phượng hoàng bay về hòn núi bạc” 

Nước là nơi “con cá ngư ông móng nước biển khơi” 

Thời gian đằng đẵng

Không gian mênh mông

Đất Nước là nơi dân mình đoàn tụ….”

(Đất Nước, trích Trường ca Mặt đường khát vọng, SGK Ngữ văn 12, tập I, NXB Giáo dục, năm 2008, trang 118)

   Hãy trình bày cảm nhận của anh (chị) về đoạn thơ trên. Qua đó, hãy lý giải vì sao khi nhận xét về Nguyễn Khoa Điềm có ý kiến cho rằng: “Thơ ông hấp dẫn bởi sự kết hợp giữa xúc cảm nồng nàn và suy tư sâu lắng…”. (Sách giáo khoa Ngữ văn 12, tập I, NXB Giáo dục, năm 2008, trang 118)

 -------------------------------------- Hết -------------------------------------------

Page 2

Câu 1. Nghị luận (0.5 điểm)
Câu 2. Bàn về lòng tự tin (0.75 điểm)
Câu 3. Lòng tự tin xuất phát từ bên trong, từ sự hiểu mình: Biết ưu thế, sở trường… bản thân sẽ phát huy để thành công trong công việc, cuộc sống; biết mình có những hạn chế, khuyết điểm sẽ có hướng khắc phục để trở thành người hoàn thiện, sống có ích (0.75 điểm)
Câu 4. HS chỉ ra thông điệp sống ý nghĩa nhất đối với bản thân một cách ngắn gọn, thuyết phục (1.0 điểm)

II. LÀM VĂN (7,0 điểm)

Câu 1 (2.0 điểm)

Gợi ý tham khảo

a. Giải thích vấn đề:

- Tự tin: tin vào bản thân mình
b. Bàn luận vấn đ - Lòng tự tin là một phẩm chất tốt đẹp của con người. Khi có lòng tự tin con người dễ gặt hái thành công trong cuộc sống - Biểu hiện của lòng tự tin: luôn tin tưởng vào bản thân, chủ động trước mọi tình huống, không lấy làm hổ thẹn trước những khuyết điểm của bản thân, nỗ lực khắc phục điểm yếu để trở thành người hoàn thiện - Mở rộng: Tự tin không đồng nghĩa với tự cao, tự đại

- Phê phán những người sống tự ti, không nhận thấy giá trị của bản thân

c. Bài học nhận thức, hành động - Luôn lạc quan, vui vẻ, tự tin rằng mình có những giá trị sẵn có

- Phấn đấu, nỗ lực không ngừng trước những khó khăn, thất bại để luôn tự tin trong cuộc sống.

Câu 2: (5.0 điểm)

Dàn ý chi tiết

a. Mở bài: Giới thiệu về nhà thơ Nguyễn Khoa Điềm, tác phẩm Trường ca Mặt đường khát vọng và ý nghĩa của đoạn trích.

b. Thân bài:

- Cảm nhận về đoạn thơ: Hình tượng Đất Nước được cảm nhận trên nhiều bình diện: văn hóa, địa lý, lịch sử.

  • Ở phương diện văn hóa, Đất Nước hiện diện trong những giá trị văn hóa dân gian bình dị, gần gũi với mỗi cá nhân từ lúc ấu thơ (trong ca dao, cổ tích, truyền thuyết, trong những hình ảnh rất đời thường,…).
  • Ở phương diện địa lý, Đất Nước là không gian gắn bó với mỗi con người từ lúc ấu thơ cho đến tuổi trưởng thành, là không gian của những kỷ niệm của tuổi thơ, của tình yêu đôi lứa,… Rộng hơn, Đất Nước là không gian bao la với núi, sông, rừng biển tươi đẹp, phong phú,…
  • Ở góc nhìn lịch sử, đất nước trưởng thành trong thời gian đằng đẵng, gắn với những huyền thoại, truyền thuyết về sự hình thành của dân tộc Việt,…

==> Đoạn trích thể hiện những suy ngẫm mới mẻ, sâu sắc của Nguyễn Khoa Điềm về Đất Nước. Hình tượng Đất Nước được thể hiện bằng thể thơ tự do, linh hoạt với chất liệu thi ca được lấy từ kho tàng văn hóa, văn học dân gian, góp phần khẳng định tư tưởng Đất Nước của Nhân dân, Đất Nước của Ca dao thần thoại,….

- Giải thích nhận xét về Nguyễn Khoa Điềm: Sức hấp dẫn của thơ Nguyễn Khoa Điềm được tạo nên bởi hai yếu tố: xúc cảm nồng nàn và suy tư sâu lắng.

  • Đoạn thơ trước hết xuất phát từ tình cảm nồng nàn, tình yêu đất nước sâu đậm trong tâm hồn nhà thơ: Tình yêu đó thể hiện trong sự gắn bó tha thiết với những giá trị văn hóa, khung cảnh thiên nhiên cũng như lịch sử dân tộc.
  • Đoạn thơ là kết tinh tâm huyết, những suy nghĩ, tìm tòi khám phá mới mẻ của nhà thơ: hình tượng Đất Nước trong thơ Nguyễn Khoa Điềm rất giản dị, đời thường, gắn bó với mỗi con người từ lúc sinh ra đến tuổi trưởng thành.
  • Từ những suy ngẫm về hình tượng Đất Nước, tác giả giúp người đọc cảm nhận rõ ràng, sâu sắc rằng Đất Nước không phải là khái niệm cao siêu, xa vời mà Đất Nước vô cùng gần gũi, Đất Nước hiện diện trong cuộc sống đời thường của mỗi cá nhân. Từ suy ngẫm đó, nhận thức về trách nhiệm của cá nhân với Đất Nước đến một cách tự nhiên.

Câu hỏi mới nhất

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  • Read the passage and choose the best answer.

    Instagram was founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger in October 2010. Systrom and Krieger initially wanted to create an application for mobile photography called Burbn, but upon developing their idea further, they found that it was too similar to the existing search-result app called Foursquare. They tweaked their original idea until they came up with a photo-sharing app. The name “Instagram” is a combination of “instant camera” and “telegram.”

    From the outset, Instagram proved extremely popular. Only two months after its launch, it achieved a million users and reached ten million users in its first year. The simple idea of sharing photos in a social media setting appealed to a wide variety of phone users. As time went on, Systrom and Krieger began making a series of technology-related improvements to the app —making it compatible with Android and Windows phones, for example - as well as improving the user experience. In January 2011, it added hashtags, offering users the ability to find posts and people related to common interests. As Instagram grew into one of the most popular apps in the world, tech titans took notice. In 2012, Facebook purchased Instagram for one billion dollars.

    In November 2012, Instagram launched web versions of user profiles, giving desktop users the ability to access Instagram profiles. However, the website profile launch retained limited functionality and lacked a search bar; the feature was redesigned in 2015. Instagram also began allowing the upload of non-square photos to the app in August 2015, a notable shift from the look and feel of the app since its inception. Rather than cropping down larger photos to a neat square, users could upload any photo of any dimension to share with friends and followers.

    In March 2016, Instagram changed the nature of its news feed, the place where users scroll through newly-posted photos from those they follow, from chronological to algorithmic. “Algorithmic” means that Instagram uses computer algorithms and artificial intelligence to make “decisions” on what its data predicts you’ll like best. While this decision was met with backlash at first, it was made in order to prevent users from missing important posts from friends and family that might have gone unnoticed with a standard chronological timeline approach. Later in 2016, the app underwent major aesthetic changes; the app itself revamped to a black-and-white theme, while the app icon changed to a whimsical rainbow-colored design.

    Today, Instagram boasts 800 million users. Every day, 55 million photos are uploaded and 1.2 billion likes are recorded.

    In the last paragraph, why is “decisions” in quotation marks?

  • Read the passage and choose the best answer.

    Instagram was founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger in October 2010. Systrom and Krieger initially wanted to create an application for mobile photography called Burbn, but upon developing their idea further, they found that it was too similar to the existing search-result app called Foursquare. They tweaked their original idea until they came up with a photo-sharing app. The name “Instagram” is a combination of “instant camera” and “telegram.”

    From the outset, Instagram proved extremely popular. Only two months after its launch, it achieved a million users and reached ten million users in its first year. The simple idea of sharing photos in a social media setting appealed to a wide variety of phone users. As time went on, Systrom and Krieger began making a series of technology-related improvements to the app —making it compatible with Android and Windows phones, for example - as well as improving the user experience. In January 2011, it added hashtags, offering users the ability to find posts and people related to common interests. As Instagram grew into one of the most popular apps in the world, tech titans took notice. In 2012, Facebook purchased Instagram for one billion dollars.

    In November 2012, Instagram launched web versions of user profiles, giving desktop users the ability to access Instagram profiles. However, the website profile launch retained limited functionality and lacked a search bar; the feature was redesigned in 2015. Instagram also began allowing the upload of non-square photos to the app in August 2015, a notable shift from the look and feel of the app since its inception. Rather than cropping down larger photos to a neat square, users could upload any photo of any dimension to share with friends and followers.

    In March 2016, Instagram changed the nature of its news feed, the place where users scroll through newly-posted photos from those they follow, from chronological to algorithmic. “Algorithmic” means that Instagram uses computer algorithms and artificial intelligence to make “decisions” on what its data predicts you’ll like best. While this decision was met with backlash at first, it was made in order to prevent users from missing important posts from friends and family that might have gone unnoticed with a standard chronological timeline approach. Later in 2016, the app underwent major aesthetic changes; the app itself revamped to a black-and-white theme, while the app icon changed to a whimsical rainbow-colored design.

    Today, Instagram boasts 800 million users. Every day, 55 million photos are uploaded and 1.2 billion likes are recorded.

    What is implied in the fourth paragraph?

  • Read the passage and choose the best answer.

    Instagram was founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger in October 2010. Systrom and Krieger initially wanted to create an application for mobile photography called Burbn, but upon developing their idea further, they found that it was too similar to the existing search-result app called Foursquare. They tweaked their original idea until they came up with a photo-sharing app. The name “Instagram” is a combination of “instant camera” and “telegram.”

    From the outset, Instagram proved extremely popular. Only two months after its launch, it achieved a million users and reached ten million users in its first year. The simple idea of sharing photos in a social media setting appealed to a wide variety of phone users. As time went on, Systrom and Krieger began making a series of technology-related improvements to the app —making it compatible with Android and Windows phones, for example - as well as improving the user experience. In January 2011, it added hashtags, offering users the ability to find posts and people related to common interests. As Instagram grew into one of the most popular apps in the world, tech titans took notice. In 2012, Facebook purchased Instagram for one billion dollars.

    In November 2012, Instagram launched web versions of user profiles, giving desktop users the ability to access Instagram profiles. However, the website profile launch retained limited functionality and lacked a search bar; the feature was redesigned in 2015. Instagram also began allowing the upload of non-square photos to the app in August 2015, a notable shift from the look and feel of the app since its inception. Rather than cropping down larger photos to a neat square, users could upload any photo of any dimension to share with friends and followers.

    In March 2016, Instagram changed the nature of its news feed, the place where users scroll through newly-posted photos from those they follow, from chronological to algorithmic. “Algorithmic” means that Instagram uses computer algorithms and artificial intelligence to make “decisions” on what its data predicts you’ll like best. While this decision was met with backlash at first, it was made in order to prevent users from missing important posts from friends and family that might have gone unnoticed with a standard chronological timeline approach. Later in 2016, the app underwent major aesthetic changes; the app itself revamped to a black-and-white theme, while the app icon changed to a whimsical rainbow-colored design.

    Today, Instagram boasts 800 million users. Every day, 55 million photos are uploaded and 1.2 billion likes are recorded.

    Why are hashtag (#) useful on Instagram?

  • Read the passage and choose the best answer.

    Instagram was founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger in October 2010. Systrom and Krieger initially wanted to create an application for mobile photography called Burbn, but upon developing their idea further, they found that it was too similar to the existing search-result app called Foursquare. They tweaked their original idea until they came up with a photo-sharing app. The name “Instagram” is a combination of “instant camera” and “telegram.”

    From the outset, Instagram proved extremely popular. Only two months after its launch, it achieved a million users and reached ten million users in its first year. The simple idea of sharing photos in a social media setting appealed to a wide variety of phone users. As time went on, Systrom and Krieger began making a series of technology-related improvements to the app —making it compatible with Android and Windows phones, for example - as well as improving the user experience. In January 2011, it added hashtags, offering users the ability to find posts and people related to common interests. As Instagram grew into one of the most popular apps in the world, tech titans took notice. In 2012, Facebook purchased Instagram for one billion dollars.

    In November 2012, Instagram launched web versions of user profiles, giving desktop users the ability to access Instagram profiles. However, the website profile launch retained limited functionality and lacked a search bar; the feature was redesigned in 2015. Instagram also began allowing the upload of non-square photos to the app in August 2015, a notable shift from the look and feel of the app since its inception. Rather than cropping down larger photos to a neat square, users could upload any photo of any dimension to share with friends and followers.

    In March 2016, Instagram changed the nature of its news feed, the place where users scroll through newly-posted photos from those they follow, from chronological to algorithmic. “Algorithmic” means that Instagram uses computer algorithms and artificial intelligence to make “decisions” on what its data predicts you’ll like best. While this decision was met with backlash at first, it was made in order to prevent users from missing important posts from friends and family that might have gone unnoticed with a standard chronological timeline approach. Later in 2016, the app underwent major aesthetic changes; the app itself revamped to a black-and-white theme, while the app icon changed to a whimsical rainbow-colored design.

    Today, Instagram boasts 800 million users. Every day, 55 million photos are uploaded and 1.2 billion likes are recorded.

    Which of the following best describes the pace of Instagram’s growth?

  • Read the passage and choose the best answer.

    Instagram was founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger in October 2010. Systrom and Krieger initially wanted to create an application for mobile photography called Burbn, but upon developing their idea further, they found that it was too similar to the existing search-result app called Foursquare. They tweaked their original idea until they came up with a photo-sharing app. The name “Instagram” is a combination of “instant camera” and “telegram.”

    From the outset, Instagram proved extremely popular. Only two months after its launch, it achieved a million users and reached ten million users in its first year. The simple idea of sharing photos in a social media setting appealed to a wide variety of phone users. As time went on, Systrom and Krieger began making a series of technology-related improvements to the app —making it compatible with Android and Windows phones, for example - as well as improving the user experience. In January 2011, it added hashtags, offering users the ability to find posts and people related to common interests. As Instagram grew into one of the most popular apps in the world, tech titans took notice. In 2012, Facebook purchased Instagram for one billion dollars.

    In November 2012, Instagram launched web versions of user profiles, giving desktop users the ability to access Instagram profiles. However, the website profile launch retained limited functionality and lacked a search bar; the feature was redesigned in 2015. Instagram also began allowing the upload of non-square photos to the app in August 2015, a notable shift from the look and feel of the app since its inception. Rather than cropping down larger photos to a neat square, users could upload any photo of any dimension to share with friends and followers.

    In March 2016, Instagram changed the nature of its news feed, the place where users scroll through newly-posted photos from those they follow, from chronological to algorithmic. “Algorithmic” means that Instagram uses computer algorithms and artificial intelligence to make “decisions” on what its data predicts you’ll like best. While this decision was met with backlash at first, it was made in order to prevent users from missing important posts from friends and family that might have gone unnoticed with a standard chronological timeline approach. Later in 2016, the app underwent major aesthetic changes; the app itself revamped to a black-and-white theme, while the app icon changed to a whimsical rainbow-colored design.

    Today, Instagram boasts 800 million users. Every day, 55 million photos are uploaded and 1.2 billion likes are recorded.

    Why did Instagram turn out differently than its founders expected?

  • The popular view of towns and cities in developing countries and of urbanization process is that despite the benefits and comforts it brings, the emergence of such cities connotes environmental degradation, generation of slums and squatters, urban poverty, unemployment, crimes, lawlessness, traffic chaos etc. But what is the reality? Given the unprecedented increase in urban population over the last 50 years from 300 million in 1950 to 2 billion in 2000 in developing countries, the wonder really is how well the world has coped, and not how badly.

    In general, the urban quality of life has improved in terms of availability of water and sanitation, power, health and education, communication and transport. By way of illustration, a large number of urban residents have been provided with improved water in urban areas in Asia’s largest countries such as China, India, Indonesia and the Philippines. Despite that, the access to improved water in terms of percentage of the total urban population seems to have declined during the last decade of 20th century, though in absolute numbers, millions of additional urbanites, have been provided improved services. These countries have made significant progress in the provision of sanitation services too, together, providing for an additional population of more than 293 million citizens within a decade (1990-2000). These improvements must be viewed against the backdrop of the rapidly increasing urban population, fiscal crunch and strained human resources and efficient and quality-oriented public management.

    The author in this passage has tried to focus on_________.

  • The popular view of towns and cities in developing countries and of urbanization process is that despite the benefits and comforts it brings, the emergence of such cities connotes environmental degradation, generation of slums and squatters, urban poverty, unemployment, crimes, lawlessness, traffic chaos etc. But what is the reality? Given the unprecedented increase in urban population over the last 50 years from 300 million in 1950 to 2 billion in 2000 in developing countries, the wonder really is how well the world has coped, and not how badly.

    In general, the urban quality of life has improved in terms of availability of water and sanitation, power, health and education, communication and transport. By way of illustration, a large number of urban residents have been provided with improved water in urban areas in Asia’s largest countries such as China, India, Indonesia and the Philippines. Despite that, the access to improved water in terms of percentage of the total urban population seems to have declined during the last decade of 20th century, though in absolute numbers, millions of additional urbanites, have been provided improved services. These countries have made significant progress in the provision of sanitation services too, together, providing for an additional population of more than 293 million citizens within a decade (1990-2000). These improvements must be viewed against the backdrop of the rapidly increasing urban population, fiscal crunch and strained human resources and efficient and quality-oriented public management.

    Which one of the following is not considered as an indicator of urban quality of life?

  • The popular view of towns and cities in developing countries and of urbanization process is that despite the benefits and comforts it brings, the emergence of such cities connotes environmental degradation, generation of slums and squatters, urban poverty, unemployment, crimes, lawlessness, traffic chaos etc. But what is the reality? Given the unprecedented increase in urban population over the last 50 years from 300 million in 1950 to 2 billion in 2000 in developing countries, the wonder really is how well the world has coped, and not how badly.

    In general, the urban quality of life has improved in terms of availability of water and sanitation, power, health and education, communication and transport. By way of illustration, a large number of urban residents have been provided with improved water in urban areas in Asia’s largest countries such as China, India, Indonesia and the Philippines. Despite that, the access to improved water in terms of percentage of the total urban population seems to have declined during the last decade of 20th century, though in absolute numbers, millions of additional urbanites, have been provided improved services. These countries have made significant progress in the provision of sanitation services too, together, providing for an additional population of more than 293 million citizens within a decade (1990-2000). These improvements must be viewed against the backdrop of the rapidly increasing urban population, fiscal crunch and strained human resources and efficient and quality-oriented public management.

    The reality of urbanization is reflected in ______.

  • The popular view of towns and cities in developing countries and of urbanization process is that despite the benefits and comforts it brings, the emergence of such cities connotes environmental degradation, generation of slums and squatters, urban poverty, unemployment, crimes, lawlessness, traffic chaos etc. But what is the reality? Given the unprecedented increase in urban population over the last 50 years from 300 million in 1950 to 2 billion in 2000 in developing countries, the wonder really is how well the world has coped, and not how badly.

    In general, the urban quality of life has improved in terms of availability of water and sanitation, power, health and education, communication and transport. By way of illustration, a large number of urban residents have been provided with improved water in urban areas in Asia’s largest countries such as China, India, Indonesia and the Philippines. Despite that, the access to improved water in terms of percentage of the total urban population seems to have declined during the last decade of 20th century, though in absolute numbers, millions of additional urbanites, have been provided improved services. These countries have made significant progress in the provision of sanitation services too, together, providing for an additional population of more than 293 million citizens within a decade (1990-2000). These improvements must be viewed against the backdrop of the rapidly increasing urban population, fiscal crunch and strained human resources and efficient and quality-oriented public management.

    The average annual increase in the number of urbanites in developing countries, from 1950 to 2000 A.D. was close to_____.

  • The popular view of towns and cities in developing countries and of urbanization process is that despite the benefits and comforts it brings, the emergence of such cities connotes environmental degradation, generation of slums and squatters, urban poverty, unemployment, crimes, lawlessness, traffic chaos etc. But what is the reality? Given the unprecedented increase in urban population over the last 50 years from 300 million in 1950 to 2 billion in 2000 in developing countries, the wonder really is how well the world has coped, and not how badly.

    In general, the urban quality of life has improved in terms of availability of water and sanitation, power, health and education, communication and transport. By way of illustration, a large number of urban residents have been provided with improved water in urban areas in Asia’s largest countries such as China, India, Indonesia and the Philippines. Despite that, the access to improved water in terms of percentage of the total urban population seems to have declined during the last decade of 20th century, though in absolute numbers, millions of additional urbanites, have been provided improved services. These countries have made significant progress in the provision of sanitation services too, together, providing for an additional population of more than 293 million citizens within a decade (1990-2000). These improvements must be viewed against the backdrop of the rapidly increasing urban population, fiscal crunch and strained human resources and efficient and quality-oriented public management.

    The popular view about the process of urbanization in developing countries is __________.

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