cookouts là gì - Nghĩa của từ cookouts

cookouts có nghĩa là

A metaphorical gathering of the black community usually exclusive only to blacks. A non-black can recieve an invite by : 1. Being Invited by another African American after proving some sort of an interest,love, and concern for the black community.
2. Being bernie sanders
3. Being Married to a fellow black (Must bring marriage papers for proof) 4. Containing At least 50% of African American blood. Any less will require legal documentation before enterance to the metaphorical motherfuckin cookout.


Kesha: Girl i just saw cooper march in a black lives matter protest! Monique: ain't he a white boy ?? Damn. He's definitely invited to the cookout!
Kesha: And he gets a to-go plastic plate with extra potato salad and baked beans!
Monique: with the aluminum foil wrapping to bisshhh? Kesha: Gurl yess.

cookouts có nghĩa là

Bar-B-Que, used mainly in the south


ya'll come on over for the cookout Sunday. Bring the grits!

cookouts có nghĩa là

A friendly multicultural gathering where guests are encouraged to dress as ghetto African Americans. The intend of the event is to raise awareness of oppression blacks undergo in Compton. It is usually held mid February, since February marks a very important month in American society. No, i'm not referring to Valentines day or Presidents day. I'm talking about Black History month. Dress code for males: Rockin Jersey's, stuntin' up in ya White T (XXXL smallest size acceptable), anything FUBU, Ecko, Rockawear, High/low top Jordans or Dunks, Chains, Jorts, stunner shades, 59 50 hats, Tats, etc. Females are encouraged to wear gold teeth, start fights and drama, and wear cheap clothes - they consider Baby Phat to be high class and expensive couture. They also have short, nappy hair, and usually wear cheap weave, usually in bad colors, such as purple or bright red. They look and act similar to Shenaynay, and speak very loudly, while rolling their neck, and waving their finger in your face. The cuisine at a Compton Cookout consists of 40's, Kegs of Natty, dat Purple Drank (which is made up of sugar, water, and the color purple), chicken, coolade, and of course Watermelon.


Jacob: What will you be wearing to the Compton Cookout?
Mark: niggah all ahh need is me a white tee and i'm gud.

cookouts có nghĩa là

the act of 'dildoing' a girl with a frozen hotdog with speed and vigor untill it is cooked at 98F* or hotter(due to friction and body heat) and then slaming it way up inside her. she then squeezes it out inch by inch as you eat it from her vag.


Pat brought a whole new meaning to,"eating a girl out" as he consumed the last few bites of the cookout treat!

cookouts có nghĩa là

slang for oral sex whether heterosexual or homosexual.


Do you like cookouts? Then let me put my meat on your grill.

cookouts có nghĩa là

A group of 5 or more people partying for more than 24 hours. Generally consisting of mainly males, possibly 1 to 2 females hanging in a friend's garage or a backyard, perched on some filthy couches chain smoking durries talking about how good the night was without actually being able to remember what happened. Definitely on drugs.


"how was the cookout on the weekend mate?" "dude it was awesome, ate so many burgers I couldn't even move for 12hours!" "yeah I saw you gurning on the couch chewing that blokes ear off for awhile"

cookouts có nghĩa là

The Cookout was an alliance formed between the six Black players in the Big Brother 23 house. Though the group formed initially with the intention of looking out for each other in the game, at one point it coalesced into ideally making the final six together. And the group ultimately succeeded at doing that on Day 65. Usually, only one or two Black houseguests are in a season, and they are usually picked off early and don’t make it to jury. Aside from that, for years, previous Black players have been at the receiving end of microaggressions and outright racism in the house — until now. Season 23, was also the first in the show’s 20-year history that a white male player did not make it to the jury that decides the winner of the show.


There are not a lot of Black people at this school, so we need to need to look out for each other to make sure that we all succeed. We will call ourselves, "The Cookout."

cookouts có nghĩa là

A cool ass White person


Man,you're invited to the next Black Cookout

cookouts có nghĩa là

The act of finding an unlocked car for the purpose of smoking marijuana inside with a group of people. No force is used in the entry of the vehicle and no items are removed from the vehicle as well. This causes smokers to experience heightened levels of intoxication due to the level of adrenaline excreted due to stress from actually baking out a stranger's car.


Hey, Mike, this car is unlocked! You have that blunt? Let's do a Cleveland Cookout inside before they get back!

cookouts có nghĩa là

When 2 or more soldiers get 1 grenade for each of them, then they all stand in a circle and pull the pin on the grenade, the last person to throw it away before it explodes is crowned the winner, this is also known as “American poker ” as there is a high chance of death while playing


Soldier 1: Hey harry, did you here who won the game of cookout last Thursday?
Soldier 2: nah, but I can only guess it was the new recruit Jameson because I heard a massive bang from his tent when the game was happening, and I haven’t seen him all week