Convert number to float javascript

I've got an integer (e.g. 12), and I want to convert it to a floating point number, with a specified number of decimal places.


function intToFloat(num, decimal) { [code goes here] } intToFloat(12, 1) // returns 12.0 intToFloat(12, 2) // returns 12.00 // and so on…


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asked Nov 27, 2010 at 18:36


What you have is already a floating point number, they're all 64-bit floating point numbers in JavaScript.

To get decimal places when rendering it (as a string, for output), use .toFixed(), like this:

function intToFloat(num, decPlaces) { return num.toFixed(decPlaces); }

You can test it out here (though I'd rename the function, given it's not an accurate description).

answered Nov 27, 2010 at 18:41

Nick CraverNick Craver

614k134 gold badges1291 silver badges1152 bronze badges


toFixed(x) isn't crossed browser solution. Full solution is following:

function intToFloat(num, decPlaces) { return num + '.' + Array(decPlaces + 1).join('0'); }

answered Jul 28, 2014 at 13:54

Simon BorskySimon Borsky

4,5812 gold badges20 silver badges17 bronze badges


If you don't need (or not sure about) fixed number of decimal places, you can just use

xAsString = (Number.isInteger(x)) ? (x + ".0") : (x.toString());

This is relevant in those contexts like, you have an x as 7.0 but x.toString() will give you "7" and you need the string as "7.0". If the x happens to be a float value like say 7.1 or 7.233 then the string should also be "7.1" or "7.233" respectively.

Without using Number.isInteger() :

xAsString = (x % 1 === 0) ? (x + ".0") : (x.toString());

answered Jan 22, 2018 at 12:28

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    Below is the example of the parseFloat() function.

    • Example:



          var v2 = parseFloat("3.14");

          document.write('Using parseFloat("3.14") = ' 

          + v2 + "<br>");


    • Output:Using parseFloat("3.14") = 3.14

    The parseFloat() function is used to accept the string and convert it into a floating-point number. If the string does not contain a numeral value or If the first character of the string is not a Number then it returns NaN i.e, not a number. It actually returns a floating-point number parsed up to that point where it encounters a character that is not a Number.



    Parameters: This function accept a single parameter as mentioned above and described below:

    • value This parameter obtains a string which is converted to a floating-point number.

    Return value: It returns a floating-point Number and if the first character of a string cannot be converted to a number then the function returns NaN i.e, not a number.

    Below examples illustrate the parseFloat() function in JavaScript:

  • Example 1: The parseFloat() function ignores leading and trailing spaces and returns the floating point Number of the string.Input : var n = parseFloat(" 2018 "); Output: n=2018 (floating point Number)
  • Example 2:Input: var a = parseFloat("1000.04"); Output:now a = 1000.04(floating point Number)
  • More example codes for the above function are as follows:

    Program 1:


    <!DOCTYPE html>




        a = parseFloat(" 100 ")

        document.write('parseFloat(" 100 ") = ' +a +"<br>");

        b = parseFloat("2018@geeksforgeeks")

        document.write('parseFloat("2018@geeksforgeeks") = '

        +b +"<br>");

        c = parseFloat("geeksforgeeks@2018")

        document.write('parseFloat("geeksforgeeks@2018") = '

        +c +"<br>");

        d = parseFloat("3.14")

        document.write('parseFloat("3.14") = '

        +d +"<br>");

        e = parseFloat("22 7 2018")

        document.write('parseFloat("22 7 2018") = '

        +e +"<br>");





    parseFloat(" 100 ") = 100 parseFloat("2018@geeksforgeeks") = 2018 parseFloat("geeksforgeeks@2018") = NaN parseFloat("3.14") = 3.14 parseFloat("22 7 2018") = 22

    Program 2: Using isNaN() function to test that converted values are valid number or not.


    <!DOCTYPE html>




        var x = parseFloat("3.14");

        if (isNaN(x))

            document.write("x is not a number" + "<br>");


            document.write("x is a number" + "<br>");

        var y = parseFloat("geeksforgeeks");

        if (isNaN(y))

            document.write("y is not a number" + "<br>");


            document.write("y is a number" + "<br>");

        var v1 = parseInt("3.14");

        var v2 = parseFloat("3.14");

        document.write('Using parseInt("3.14") = ' 

        + v1 + "<br>");

        document.write('Using parseFloat("3.14") = ' 

        + v2 + "<br>");





    x is a number y is not a number Using parseInt("3.14") = 3 Using parseFloat("3.14") = 3.14

    Supported Browsers:

    • Google Chrome 1 and above
    • Edge 12 and above
    • Firefox 1 and above
    • Internet Explorer 3 and above
    • Safari 1 and above
    • Opera 3 and above

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