Chữ in hoa tiếng anh là gì in proper năm 2024

The fact that poor people don't have proper education and contraception because of conservative policies.

proper adjective (CENTRAL)

(Định nghĩa của proper từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press)

Các ví dụ của proper


Individual management will ensure that the trade propers as it did not before.

Further, preparation and service of tea is not always performed using proper hygienic techniques.

End-to-end tracking allows proper accounting of resource utilization and concurrency in the system.

Most attributes are proper, that is, essential to the node itself, while others are derived.

If the proper basis of political power is in question, one needs to ask why, how, and what the consequences are.

In this case, he would analogously have to say that the phrase three boys generates no proper alternatives.

Without a proper systematic description of the variety concerned, it is difficult to see how a teacher can teach it effectively.

The pursuit of sensual pleasures was not to contravene the proper exercise of dharma.

They emphasised the salience of individual comportment, proper conduct and correspondence as central to individual well-being.

You can't have a proper social life can you if you are so religious and always have to maintain your image?

Such a theory should be constructed to allow us to carry out a more proper and deeper understanding of the brain and mind.

By "proper" we mean that there is a lawful physical relationship between the distal property and the input.

The proper weighting of each source of evidence provides a balanced view of the multicomponent architecture of memory.

Changes in the statistical proper ties of the sensor residue are used to detect faults in the sensor.

There are many different types of cutting tools, but they all have the proper ty that they can cut away material from the workpiece.

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