Can i convert javascript to java?

JavaScript to Java Conversion

The article lists the available types in JavaScript and how they are projected to Java.


JavaScript String maps to java.lang.String:

var context = ...; var button = new android.widget.Button(context); var text = "My Button"; // JavaScript string button.setText(text); // text is converted to java.lang.String


JavaScript Boolean maps to Java primitive boolean.

var context = ...; var button = new android.widget.Button(context); var enabled = false; // JavaScript Boolean button.setEnabled(enabled); // enabled is converted to Java primitive boolean

Undefined & Null

JavaScript Undefined & Null maps to Java null literal (or null pointer).

var context = ...; var button = new android.widget.Button(context); button.setOnClickListener(undefined); // the Java call will be made using the null keyword


Java has several primitive numeric types while JavaScript has the Number type only. Additionally, unlike JavaScript, Java is a language that supports Method Overloading, which makes the numeric conversion more complex. Consider the following Java class:

class MyObject extends java.lang.Object { public void myMethod(byte value){ } public void myMethod(short value){ } public void myMethod(int value){ } public void myMethod(long value){ } public void myMethod(float value){ } public void myMethod(double value){ } }

The following logic applies when calling myMethod on a myObject instance from JavaScript:

var myObject = new MyObject();
  • Implicit integer conversion:
myObject.myMethod(10); // myMethod(int) will be called.

Note: If there is no myMethod(int) implementation, the Runtime will try to choose the best possible overload with least conversion loss. If no such method is found an exception will be raised.

  • Implicit floating-point conversion:
myObject.myMethod(10.5); // myMethod(double) will be called.

Note: If there is no myMethod(double) implementation, the Runtime will try to choose the best possible overload with least conversion loss. If no such method is found an exception will be raised.

  • Explicitly call an overload:
    To enable developers call a specific method overload, the Runtime exposes the following functions directly in the global context:

    • byte(number) → Java primitive byte

    The number value will be truncated and only its first byte of the whole part will be used.

    • short(number) → Java primitive short

    The number value will be truncated and only its first 2 bytes of the whole part will be used.

    • float(number) → Java primitive float

    The number value will be converted (with a possible precision loss) to a 2^32 floating-point value.

    • long(number) → Java primitive long (in case the number literal fits JavaScript 2^53 limit)

    The number value's whole part will be taken only.

    • long("number") → Java primitive long (in case the number literal doesn't fit JavaScript 2^53 limit)
myObject.myMethod(byte(10)); // will call myMethod(byte) myObject.myMethod(short(10)); // will call myMethod(short) myObject.myMethod(float(10)); // will call myMethod(float) myObject.myMethod(long(10)); // will call myMethod(long) myObject.myMethod(long("123456")); // will convert "123456" to Java long and will call myMethod(long)

Note: When an explicit cast function is called and there is no such implementation found, the Runtime will directly fail, without trying to find a matching overload.


A JavaScript Array is implicitly converted to a Java Array, using the above described rules for type conversion of the array's elements. For example:

class MyObject extends java.lang.Object { public void myMethod(java.lang.String[] items){ } } var items = ["One", "Two", "Three"]; var myObject = new MyObject(); myObject.myMethod(items); // will convert to Java array of java.lang.String objects

See Also

  • Java to JavaScript
  • JavaScript to Kotlin
  • Kotlin to JavaScript
  • Accessing APIs

Convert Javascript To Java With Code Examples

In this tutorial, we will try to find the solution to Convert Javascript To Java through programming. The following code illustrates this.

const testMatrix = [ [1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 1] ]; const directions = [ [-1, 0], //up [0, 1], //right [1, 0], //down [0, -1] //left ] const numberOfIslands = function(matrix) { if(matrix.length === 0) return 0; let islandCount = 0; for(let row = 0; row < matrix.length; row++) { for(let col = 0; col < matrix[0].length; col++) { if(matrix[row][col] === 1) { islandCount++; matrix[row][col] = 0; const queue = []; queue.push([row, col]); while(queue.length) { const currentPos = queue.shift(); const currentRow = currentPos[0]; const currentCol = currentPos[1]; for(let i = 0; i < directions.length; i++) { const currentDir = directions[i]; const nextRow = currentRow + currentDir[0]; const nextCol = currentCol + currentDir[1]; if(nextRow < 0 || nextRow >= matrix.length || nextCol < 0 || nextCol >= matrix[0].length) continue; if(matrix[nextRow][nextCol] === 1) { queue.push([nextRow, nextCol]); matrix[nextRow][nextCol] = 0; } } } } } } return islandCount; }

Below is a list of different approaches that can be taken to solve the Convert Javascript To Java problem.

(function() { var _onload = function() { var pretag = document.getElementById('d'); var canvastag = document.getElementById('canvasdonut'); var tmr1 = undefined, tmr2 = undefined; var A=1, B=1; // This is copied, pasted, reformatted, and ported directly from my original // donut.c code var asciiframe=function() { var b=[]; var z=[]; A += 0.07; B += 0.03; var cA=Math.cos(A), sA=Math.sin(A), cB=Math.cos(B), sB=Math.sin(B); for(var k=0;k<1760;k++) { b[k]=k%80 == 79 ? "\n" : " "; z[k]=0; } for(var j=0;j<6.28;j+=0.07) { // j <=> theta var ct=Math.cos(j),st=Math.sin(j); for(i=0;i<6.28;i+=0.02) { // i <=> phi var sp=Math.sin(i),cp=Math.cos(i), h=ct+2, // R1 + R2*cos(theta) D=1/(sp*h*sA+st*cA+5), // this is 1/z t=sp*h*cA-st*sA; // this is a clever factoring of some of the terms in x' and y' var x=0|(40+30*D*(cp*h*cB-t*sB)), y=0|(12+15*D*(cp*h*sB+t*cB)), o=x+80*y, N=0|(8*((st*sA-sp*ct*cA)*cB-sp*ct*sA-st*cA-cp*ct*sB)); if(y<22 && y>=0 && x>=0 && x<79 && D>z[o]) { z[o]=D; b[o]=".,-~:;=!*#[email protected]"[N>0?N:0]; } } } pretag.innerHTML = b.join(""); }; window.anim1 = function() { if(tmr1 === undefined) { tmr1 = setInterval(asciiframe, 50); } else { clearInterval(tmr1); tmr1 = undefined; } }; // This is a reimplementation according to my math derivation on the page var R1 = 1; var R2 = 2; var K1 = 150; var K2 = 5; var canvasframe=function() { var ctx = canvastag.getContext('2d'); ctx.fillStyle='#000'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height); if(tmr1 === undefined) { // only update A and B if the first animation isn't doing it already A += 0.07; B += 0.03; } // precompute cosines and sines of A, B, theta, phi, same as before var cA=Math.cos(A), sA=Math.sin(A), cB=Math.cos(B), sB=Math.sin(B); for(var j=0;j<6.28;j+=0.3) { // j <=> theta var ct=Math.cos(j),st=Math.sin(j); // cosine theta, sine theta for(i=0;i<6.28;i+=0.1) { // i <=> phi var sp=Math.sin(i),cp=Math.cos(i); // cosine phi, sine phi var ox = R2 + R1*ct, // object x, y = (R2,0,0) + (R1 cos theta, R1 sin theta, 0) oy = R1*st; var x = ox*(cB*cp + sA*sB*sp) - oy*cA*sB; // final 3D x coordinate var y = ox*(sB*cp - sA*cB*sp) + oy*cA*cB; // final 3D y var ooz = 1/(K2 + cA*ox*sp + sA*oy); // one over z var xp=(150+K1*ooz*x); // x' = screen space coordinate, translated and scaled to fit our 320x240 canvas element var yp=(120-K1*ooz*y); // y' (it's negative here because in our output, positive y goes down but in our 3D space, positive y goes up) // luminance, scaled back to 0 to 1 var L=0.7*(cp*ct*sB - cA*ct*sp - sA*st + cB*(cA*st - ct*sA*sp)); if(L > 0) { ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,'+L+')'; ctx.fillRect(xp, yp, 1.5, 1.5); } } } } window.anim2 = function() { if(tmr2 === undefined) { tmr2 = setInterval(canvasframe, 50); } else { clearInterval(tmr2); tmr2 = undefined; } }; asciiframe(); canvasframe(); } if(document.all) window.attachEvent('onload',_onload); else window.addEventListener("load",_onload,false); })();

The Convert Javascript To Java issue was overcome by employing a variety of different examples.

No, you can’t. The similar names are unfortunate but JavaScript and Java are totally different languages.29-Apr-2012

Can you connect Java and JavaScript?

LiveConnect is a technique that allows Java and JavaScript to communicate with each other. It allows your Java class to call JavaScript methods and access the JavaScript environment. JavaScript can also access Java objects and invoke methods on them.18-Jan-2013

Can you translate JavaScript to Python?

You can translate JavaScript to Python using Js2Py. Js2Py is a Python module which can be used to translator JavaScript to Python & acts as a JavaScript interpreter written in 100% pure Python. It translates any valid JavaScript (ECMA Script 5.1) to Python. The translation is fully automatic.15-Nov-2020

Can we use Java class in JavaScript?

22.3. Using Java Classes Directly. As described in the previous two sections, both Netscape and Internet Explorer allow JavaScript code to interact with Java applets and Java applets to interact with JavaScript.

What is JavaScript conversion?

In programming, type conversion is the process of converting data of one type to another. For example: converting String data to Number . There are two types of type conversion in JavaScript. Implicit Conversion – automatic type conversion. Explicit Conversion – manual type conversion.

Can I convert JavaScript to TypeScript?

TypeScript doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It was built with the JavaScript ecosystem in mind, and a lot of JavaScript exists today. Converting a JavaScript codebase over to TypeScript is, while somewhat tedious, usually not challenging.

Is JavaScript same as Java?

Key differences between Java and JavaScript: Java is an OOP programming language while Java Script is an OOP scripting language. Java creates applications that run in a virtual machine or browser while JavaScript code is run on a browser only. Java code needs to be compiled while JavaScript code are all in text.

How do you pass a JavaScript variable in Python?

How to Pass a Javascript Variable to Python using JSON

  • So how do we achieve this? Step 1 – In Python create a Flask application.
  • Step 2 – Create the web route for telling the programme what the HTML template is called. @app.route(‘/’)
  • Step 4 – Create the HTML file that will capture input and process the data to JSON.

Can you convert Python to HTML?

Add a library reference (import the library) to your Python project. Open the source text file in Python. Call the ‘save()’ method, passing an output filename with HTML extension. Get the result of text conversion as HTML.

How does Python integrate with JavaScript?

JS2PY works by translating JavaScript directly into Python. It indicates that you may run JS directly from Python code without installing large external engines like V8. To use the module it first has to be installed into the system, since it is not built-in. To use the module it has to be imported.17-May-2022

Is it hard to transition from JavaScript to Java?

The transition from JavaScript to Java could be both easier and harder than from C++, for instance. The time it may take to learn Java depends on different factors: your studying pace, coding background, or willingness to do the hard work.

Can you use both Java and JavaScript?

You can call JavaScript from Java using the Java Scripting Framework, but in this case, it's probably easiest to just translate your colleague's code to Java. It's not really long, is it? Java has a 'scripting engine' for evaluating for example JavaScript from Java.

Can you convert JavaScript to Python?

You can translate JavaScript to Python using Js2Py. Js2Py is a Python module which can be used to translator JavaScript to Python & acts as a JavaScript interpreter written in 100% pure Python. It translates any valid JavaScript (ECMA Script 5.1) to Python.

How do I connect JavaScript to Java?

We'll connect JavaScript to Java by creating a new instance of a Java class using the JavaScript new keyword. Example 1 shows a function named browse() that opens a native "file dialog" using the built-in java. awt. Frame and java.

Can JavaScript be converted to HTML?

There's no such thing as a “Javascript to HTML converter”. Javascript is a programming language, not a markup language. Browsers don't convert Javascript to HTML, they execute the Javascript code, and the effect of the Javascript code is to modify the HTML.

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