An example of an intentional error occurring during data collection is referred to as:

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A welcome and much-needed addition to the literature on survey data quality in social research, McNabb's book examines the most common sources of nonsampling error: frame error; measurement error; response error, nonresponse error, and interviewer error. Offering the only comprehensive and non-technical treatment available, the book's focus on controlling error shows readers how to eliminate the opportunity for error to occur, and features revealing examples of past and current efforts to control the incidence and effects of nonsampling error. Most importantly, it gives readers the tools they need to understand, identify, address, and prevent the most prevalent and difficult-to-control types of survey errors.

Chapter 7: Response Error

Response Error

Response error and frame error do not relate to how a survey is administered to respondents; they relate to who the respondents are. Hence, these errors are conceptually distinct from measurement error. … Measurement error may well be just one contributor to overall error or total error. Thus, focusing on measurement error while neglecting other types of error is an important concern. [Response error] may well overwhelm other types of error.

Madhu, Viswanathan, 2005

Broadly speaking, response error results from one or more of these events in the survey process: (1) measuring of the wrong thing, (2) incorrect or biased measurement, or (3) variability due to poorly designed survey instruments (Datka & Frankel, 1991). Measurement of the wrong things and poorly designed survey instruments are ...

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  • Summary

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A welcome and much-needed addition to the literature on survey data quality in social research, McNabb's book examines the most common sources of nonsampling error: frame error; measurement error; response error, nonresponse error, and interviewer error. Offering the only comprehensive and non-technical treatment available, the book's focus on controlling error shows readers how to eliminate the opportunity for error to occur, and features revealing examples of past and current efforts to control the incidence and effects of nonsampling error. Most importantly, it gives readers the tools they need to understand, identify, address, and prevent the most prevalent and difficult-to-control types of survey errors.

Chapter 6: Measurement Error

Measurement Error

Measurement errors can have severe biasing effects on the estimation and data analysis and will often reduce the precision of the estimates and power of statistical tests. The evaluation of measurement errors in US surveys has become an important goal of national statistical agencies … as well as non-Government survey research organizations.

Paul P. Biemer and Christopher Wiesen, 2002, p. 97

The quality of all surveys depends in large part upon the ability of the researchers to collect accurate data. It is dependent upon how well or poorly a survey instrument is designed and the way the sample data collected actually represent the desired measurements of a specified population. Measurement error can occur regardless of the type of instrument or approach used—including self-administered questionnaires; diaries; ...

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What are the error in data collection?

The total error of the survey estimate results from the two types of error: sampling error, which arises when only a part of the population is used to represent the whole population; and. non-sampling error which can occur at any stage of a sample survey and can also occur with censuses.

What are the three types of data collection errors?

Sample frame error. Selection error. Non-responsive error. Measurement (observational) error.

What is intentional respondent error?

Intentional respondent errors include falsehoods and refusals that are controlled by assuring anonymity, promising confidentiality, offering an incentive, validation checks, and using the "third person" approach when appropriate.

Which is an example of response error?

Response Error Behavior Falsified answers to questions on undocumented immigration status, drug use, and sexually transmitted diseases are examples of times when respondents withhold information. Other examples include the common practice of rounding or averaging expenditures and income.

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