tiger là gì - Nghĩa của từ tiger

tiger có nghĩa là

A big orange and black striped liony thing with sharp claws and rather a nasty bite. They don't usually eat men but that's only because they don't usually get the chance. Obviously, if you live near a tiger it may consider eating you. Basically, what I am saying is - the further away you live from a tiger, the less chance you have of getting eaten by one. I live in Selhurst in South London and NOBODY here has been eaten by a tiger since 1922 and I'm not even sure that it was a real tiger then (although I suppose if it ate someone it must have been a large carnivore so it may as well have been a tiger as anything else). Perhaps it was some sort of mock-tiger. Or maybe a stripey bear or something. I don't know, I wasn't even born then and you know what old people are like... The whole thing is probably a tissue of lies from start to finish. Anyway, thats sort of what a tiger is. So thats cleared that up then. Actually, I don't know why I bothered. I've never met a single person who didn't have some idea of what a tiger was so it seems a bit pointless describing one. I don't really think that the purpose of urban dictionary is to define the bleeding obvious. It really seems to be a forum for 'street' types to say things like "Yo!" and "Your mutherfucking sister's a ho!" and "Janice is such a slut" etc. Even such people as this probably know what a tiger is.


" I say George, your hand looks sore."
" Yeah, a tiger bit me. It's true, honest, go on, hit me in the stomach!"


"Mary, you'll never get anywhere in life by just lying around without a head, you know."
"Gurgle gurgle gurgle"
(Translation: "This is true mother, but as a tiger has bitten off my head and eaten it, I'm afraid I have no choice. In fact, that is the very reason why I'm finding it a little difficult to communicate with you at the moment and so I shall stop forthwith. Goodbye for ever")

tiger có nghĩa là

1. Tiger is a word said condescendingly by someone at least 1 year older than someone else, often but not exclusively by a retiree to a teenager. It makes fun of the younger person's energetic, unlearned, immature, vicious, aggresive, dynamic persona.
2. A good friend.
3. An Acquaintance.


1. "Easy there, Tiger."
2. "Yo Tiger! Whattup?"
3. "Hey Tiger. Long time, no see."

tiger có nghĩa là

a woman that rips the hell outta your back with her nails during sex.


" i've got scratches all over me from lastnight"

tiger có nghĩa là

when a guy or girl is grrrreat in bed.
used as a sexual pet name.


When turned on, a guy or girl can say to the other...."Heeey tiger"

"You were a tiger in bed last night"

tiger có nghĩa là

1. a giant striped cat in asia
2. a fierce and willful person
3. a german war tank
4. a symbol of a totalitarian and oppressive government like fascism/nazism and communism
5. a symbol of military might and imperialism


1. Tigers are the biggest cats in the world
2. A person like a tiger
3. The Tiger tank was one of Germanys best
4. A tiger government is in power now, they are going to eat us alive.
5. An army as mighty as a tiger

tiger có nghĩa là

A striped jungle cat, the largest member of the cat family. Endangered. Their natural habitat and food in and around India is decreasing and more than laws to protect them are needed for these undeniably viscious but remarkable creatures.


Tigers do not eat cereal, unlike a certain cartoon tiger named Tony.

Tigers might look cute... but a smaller the version, the tabby, is a better way to go as far as pets are concerned.

tiger có nghĩa là

A patronising term for someone who is over-enthusiastic about something/someone, usually in the context of a sexual activity.


X has been kissing Y at a party and has started to unbutton Y's jeans. Y exclaims, "Easy, tiger!"

tiger có nghĩa là

noun. male equivilant of "cougar", though more derogatory, i.e. an older, usually married man who pursues younger women, usually in a cheesy or embarrassing kind of way. derived in part from Tiger Woods affairs. A man who repeatedly has affairs while married with children. A sexually active asshole.


"that guy is a real tiger...one skank after another"

tiger có nghĩa là

a sexual pet name for your man. rough in bed likes to bite and scratch. likes to leave his tiger marks on you . sexy and mysterious. takes control and gets what he wants


you look like you met a tiger last night

tiger có nghĩa là

The largest of all big cats. Tigers live in India, Asia, Japan, and a few other places. They live in tropical rainforests and feed off of other animals (aka they're a carnivor). Unlike most cats, tigers love the water. They are orangey-brown and have magnificent stripes. They are very endangered because of destruction of their habitats, and also because of human insanity. Humans kill tigers for their beautiful striped coat. (If you ask me, it looks better on a tiger than as a mat or on some hag's body.) They don't eat humans, however if they are hungry enough I'm sure they would. They very well may attack a human if one is in a tiger's habitat ( Hey, I would too). I don't blame them. Some (crazy) animal trainers for circuses and animal amusement thingies like that train tigers to hop on their hind legs (yeah, right) and jump through rings of fire, and etc, etc. Of course, no wild animal in their right mind would NEVER do such a thing like that. But any who, tigers are one magnificent creature that I think should be worshipped and sacred. And to some people, they are. Oh, and also they have very sharp claws and big sharp teeth. They live alone besides when females are raising cubs.


Crazy circus trainer- "AHHHH! LOOK OUT! THAT TIGER'S OUT OF CONTROL!!!!"
Crazy guest- "Oh my God! You trained him, so control him!"
Crazy circus trainer- "I would if I could, dumb hag!"
Crazy guest- "Okay." -walks out casually-