Python flask react js tutorial

Easy-to-Follow Tutorials

A simple and concise guide

Python flask react js tutorial

Photo by Zan on Unsplash

I managed to find various tutorials online when I was trying to figure out how to build and then deploy my React + Flask App. What I did was, I first Googled and figured out how to build the React+Flask App, then I tried searching around for how to deploy it.

Unfortunately, most tutorials I managed to find were TOO complicated (personal opinion). If you Google “How to build a React Flask App”, here’s my top three results: link, link, link.

They might be great tutorials but if you don’t wanna bother with Nginx, various configurations and extra packages for now (and you JUST wanna return something from Flask to React and then see it deployed onlinefor a start), you might wanna give this tutorial a try.

It’s divided into three parts — Back-end (Flask), Front-end (React), and lastly Deployment on Heroku. Here’s the GitHub repo —

Let’s get started! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ

Part 1 —Back-end (Flask)

According to your own requirements, you might need to install the necessary python packages beforehand. I used pip to install all the packages that I need and did not use a virtual environment (even though that’s highly recommended). To create a new python virtual environment called venv (you can call this something else — just replace the last venv in the command below with your own venv name), run:

python -m venv venv

To activate venv:

source venv/bin/activate

We’ll start by working on the back-end flask set up first. There are many ways you can structure your project but to deploy on Heroku later, the Procfile must be exposed in the root directory (more on the Procfile later). In your root directory, create a file called

Python flask react js tutorial

Ignore the other files for now

This is the thing that runs when we run flask run. I named mine but you can choose to name it anything else other than because this would conflict with Flask itself.

In line 6, we created an instance of the Flask class. With reference to the official Flask documentation, you’ll notice that in my example there are two more arguments (static_url_path and static_folder). The static_url_path can be used to specify a different path for the static files on the web and it defaults to the name of the static_folder folder. The static_folder points to the build directory of our react project (because I named my sub-directory frontend, it’s frontend/build in my case — change this accordingly).

Lines 10–12: the @app.route decorator tells Flask which URL should trigger our serve(path) function. Lastly, send_from_directory allows us to send our “index.html” file from our “frontend/build” directory.

Lines 3, 7: This is meant to get rid of the annoying CORS error we always get when we’re making an API request to a different domain. At this current stage (before deployment), React is running on port 3000 and Flask on port 5000. Hence, when React is making a request to Flask backend, this CORS error pops up. For more information on CORS errors, check out this or this link.

Lines 4, 8, 14: For the sake of readability, I’ve placed my in a sub-directory called api.

Python flask react js tutorial

In my are just two simple GET and POST functions to handle GET and POST requests to this API endpoint:

To check and see if everything’s working, type

$ flask run

In your terminal, then go to localhost:5000/flask/hello (ref line 14 in above) and you should see this:

Python flask react js tutorial

Things are working out :’)

Part 2 — Front-end (React)

Next, we’ll create a folder in the project directory for the front-end (React). I called mine “frontend”.

Python flask react js tutorial

cd into that frontend folder and run

npx create-react-app .

This will create a new React project.

In your app.js file, make the following changes to test our GET request to our flask back-end.

If everything works, you should see this:

Python flask react js tutorial

Excuse the off-center cropping, just wanted to show that it’s on localhost:3000

Okay great, so it works locally! Let’s try to get it deployed on Heroku.

Part 3 — Deployment on Heroku

For Heroku, set up an account then create a new app. In your settings tab, you’ll be able to scroll down and see something like this:

Python flask react js tutorial is the URL your users will visit to see your app is the back-end end-point we’re going to make a request to from our React front-end. Hence, in App.js (front-end), change axios.get(‘http://localhost:5000/flask/hello’) to axios.get(‘').

Another minor edit that we have to make is to comment out the CORS related stuff on our back-end (

Next, in the frontend directory, run npm run build:

Python flask react js tutorial

This creates our build folder:

Python flask react js tutorial

In the root directory, create a Procfile and in it, write:

web: gunicorn app:app

Remember to take note of the spaces!!

Next, to generate the requirements.txt, cd into your root directory of this project and run:

pip freeze >> requirements.txt

I personally had to comment out the TBB line in my requirements.txt for the deployment to work. Not too sure why.

Since I already have an existing heroku app (I created it as a new app on heroku’s site), I just ran:

Python flask react js tutorial

Next, just like how you would commit to GitHub, do the usual:

git add .
git commit -m "first deployment"
git push heroku master

Note that it’s heroku instead of origin in the last line.

Then wait and hope that it works :’)

Python flask react js tutorial


Okay that’s it for this tutorial, let me know if you have any questions or face any issues :)

Happy ReFlasking! ¯\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)_/¯

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Can I use React JS with flask?

Now, we provide the proxy in react package. json file because we need to access the flask URL in order to get the API from our react app. In general what proxy does is, when we request into the javascript web server which serves the react frontend will automatically be redirected to the proxy key.

How do you connect flask with React JS?

Project directory.
mkdir project..
cd project. React frontend setup. ... .
npx create-react-app flask_react. Move into the flask_react directory..
cd flask_react. and then start the frontend application by running..
npm start. ... .
http://localhost:3000. ... .
mkdir backend. ... .
cd backend..

Which is better flask or React?

Flask and React are primarily classified as "Microframeworks (Backend)" and "Javascript UI Libraries" tools respectively. "Lightweight", "Python" and "Minimal" are the key factors why developers consider Flask; whereas "Components", "Virtual dom" and "Performance" are the primary reasons why React is favored.

Can I use Python with React JS?

This is because React uses a very different syntax and data structures than Python, which makes it difficult for Python developers to adapt to. In this article, we'll map out a road plan for getting started with React, as well as the core prerequisites for diving into React as a Python developer.