March 3 2023 weather

March 3 2023 weather

Intense Multi-Day Lake Effect Snow Downwind of the Great Lakes; Santa Ana Winds in California

Prolonged heavy lake effect snow is expected to produce difficult to impossible travel, especially, downwind of Lakes Erie and Ontario. Some locations may be paralyzed by several feet of snow. A wintry mix is possible in western Texas, and much colder temps will sweep across much of the U.S. Damaging easterly winds and areas of fire weather threats will develop in northern and southern California. Read More >

Chicago, IL

Weather Forecast Office

March Normals for Chicago for Temperature, Precipitation and Snowfall

Day of Month High Low Average HDD CDD Precipitation Snowfall
1 40.9 26.4 33.7 31.3 0 0.08 0.3
2 41.4 26.8 34.1 30.9 0 0.08 0.2
3 41.8 27.1 34.4 30.6 0 0.09 0.3
4 42.2 27.4 34.8 30.2 0 0.08 0.3
5 42.6 27.8 35.2 29.8 0 0.07 0.2
6 43 28.1 35.5 29.5 0 0.08 0.3
7 43.4 28.4 35.9 29.1 0 0.08 0.2
8 43.8 28.7 36.3 28.7 0 0.07 0.3
9 44.2 29 36.6 28.4 0 0.07 0.2
10 44.6 29.3 37 28 0 0.08 0.3
11 45.1 29.6 37.3 27.7 0 0.07 0.2
12 45.5 29.9 37.7 27.3 0 0.08 0.2
13 45.9 30.2 38 27 0.1 0.07 0.2
14 46.3 30.5 38.4 26.7 0.1 0.07 0.2
15 46.7 30.8 38.7 26.4 0.1 0.08 0.2
16 47.1 31.1 39.1 26 0.1 0.07 0.1
17 47.5 31.4 39.4 25.7 0.1 0.08 0.2
18 47.8 31.7 39.8 25.3 0.1 0.08 0.2
19 48.2 31.9 40.1 25 0.1 0.08 0.1
20 48.6 32.2 40.4 24.7 0.1 0.08 0.2
21 49 32.5 40.8 24.4 0.1 0.08 0.1
22 49.4 32.8 41.1 24 0.1 0.08 0.1
23 49.8 33 41.4 23.7 0.1 0.08 0.1
24 50.2 33.3 41.7 23.4 0.1 0.07 0.1
25 50.6 33.6 42.1 23 0.1 0.08 0.1
26 50.9 33.9 42.4 22.7 0.1 0.08 0.1
27 51.3 34.1 42.7 22.4 0.1 0.09 0.1
28 51.7 34.4 43.1 22 0.1 0.08 0.1
29 52.1 34.7 43.4 21.7 0.1 0.09 0.1
30 52.5 35 43.7 21.3 0.1 0.09 0.1
31 52.9 35.3 44.1 21 0.1 0.09 0.1
MONTH 47 31 39 807.9 1.9 2.45 5.5

Here, check out the weather forecast for march for most popular cities in Japan. These forecasts are statistics for march from weather reports for many years. The percentage indicates the probability of having the weather indicated.

Where to go in Japan in march?

Where to go in Japan in march: destination map


March 3 2023 weather
perfect weather
March 3 2023 weather
March 3 2023 weather
March 3 2023 weather
March 3 2023 weather
very bad

Where should you go in Japan in march when it comes to the weather?

The climate in Japan in march ranges from good to very bad depending on the region and city.

Depending on the locality, the climate throughout March in Japan can be very mild, as in the case of cities on the southern islands - or even dominated by the cold, like the localities on the island of Hokkaido. In order for personal comfort, dress in accordance with the climate of the destination.

Northern Japan in March

Cover well and opt for warm clothes if planning to visit the Hokkaido Island as well as a few towns located in the north of the island of Honshū. The temperatures are very cold. This makes snow still part of the landscape scenery in the north.

Central Japan in March

Due to the rise in temperature, most of the localities in the center of the island of Honshū are favored by a pleasant and gentle atmosphere, due to the stronger presence of the sun. However, some cities such as Kyoto, are still experiencing cold mornings.

Southern Japan in March

The weather in southern Japan throughout March is relatively milder on the islands. Due to its geographical location, the city of Naha located on Nagasaki, will allow to enjoy a pleasant warmth while on the island of Kyūshū, it will be necessary to wait a few more weeks before the days are beautiful and warm.

Climate in Japan in march

Climate in Tokyo in march

In march, maximum temperature is 15°C and minimum temperature is 9°C (for an average temperature of 12°C). The climate is rather cold here in the month of march, but it is endurable by dressing warm. With 98mm over 5 days, rain may occur throughout your vacations. But this is reasonably and it will not be continuous.
With a correct climate, the month of march is okay (but not good month) for traveling in Tokyo in Japan.

February March April
Average temperature 8°C 12°C 16°C
Highest temperature 11°C 15°C 19°C
Lowest temperature 6°C 9°C 13°C
Sea temperature 14°C 14.3°C 15.9°C
Rainfall 71mm 98mm 94mm
Number of days with rainfall 4 day(s)
5 day(s)
6 day(s)
Humidity 69% 72% 74%
Daily sunshine hours 8 10 13
Cloud cover 37% 42% 38%
Length of day 10:55 11:56 13:05
Our opinion at bad tolerable good
more information about the climate in Tokyo in march

Climate in Fukuoka in march

In the month of march, the mean temperature in Fukuoka is 11°C (maximum temperature is 14°C and minimum temperature is 9°C). The climate is fairly cold around this city in march, but it is liveable when dressing warm. With 149mm over 6 days, rain may occur throughout your holidays. But this is rather reasonably and it is only of temporary showers.
With a correct weather, march is okay (but not good month) for traveling in that area.

February March April
Average temperature 9°C 11°C 15°C
Highest temperature 11°C 14°C 19°C
Lowest temperature 6°C 9°C 12°C
Sea temperature 14.1°C 14.2°C 15.6°C
Rainfall 140mm 149mm 164mm
Number of days with rainfall 7 day(s)
6 day(s)
7 day(s)
Humidity 79% 79% 81%
Daily sunshine hours 9 10 12
Cloud cover 49% 43% 38%
Length of day 11:00 11:57 13:00
Our opinion at bad tolerable good
more information about the climate in Fukuoka in march

Climate in Hiroshima in march

In the month of march, maximum temperature is 14°C and minimum temperature is 5°C (for an average temperature of 9°C). The climate is quite fresh in that locality in the month of march, but it is tolerable when dressing cosy. With 161mm over 6 days, rainfall can happen for your journey. But this is pretty moderate and it is only of temporary showers.
With an unfavorable weather, march is not recommended month to go in this city in Japan.

February March April
Average temperature 6°C 9°C 14°C
Highest temperature 10°C 14°C 18°C
Lowest temperature 3°C 5°C 10°C
Sea temperature 12.4°C 12.4°C 14.5°C
Rainfall 117mm 161mm 171mm
Number of days with rainfall 5 day(s)
6 day(s)
7 day(s)
Humidity 86% 87% 86%
Daily sunshine hours 8 10 12
Cloud cover 44% 40% 38%
Length of day 10:58 11:56 13:02
Our opinion at very bad very bad good
more information about the climate in Hiroshima in march

Climate in Kobe in march

In the month of march, the mean temperature in Kobe is 11°C (maximum temperature is 14°C and minimum temperature is 8°C). The climate is relatively cool in that area in the month of march, but it is endurable when dressing hot. With 111mm over 6 days, rainfall can happen throughout your journey. But this is reasonably and it will not be continuous.
With a correct climate, the month of march is okay (but not good time) for traveling there in Japan.

February March April
Average temperature 8°C 11°C 15°C
Highest temperature 10°C 14°C 18°C
Lowest temperature 5°C 8°C 12°C
Sea temperature 14.1°C 13.8°C 15.8°C
Rainfall 78mm 111mm 118mm
Number of days with rainfall 4 day(s)
6 day(s)
6 day(s)
Humidity 79% 79% 80%
Daily sunshine hours 7 10 13
Cloud cover 44% 39% 35%
Length of day 10:57 11:57 13:03
Our opinion at very bad tolerable good
more information about the climate in Kobe in march

Climate in Kyoto in march

In the month of march, maximum temperature is 13°C and minimum temperature is 4°C (for an average temperature of 8°C). The climate is rather cool in that locality in this month, but it is endurable when dressing warm. With 134mm over 7 days, you risk getting wet slightly during your holidays. But this is rather moderate and it is only of temporary showers.

February March April
Average temperature 5°C 8°C 13°C
Highest temperature 9°C 13°C 18°C
Lowest temperature 2°C 4°C 8°C
Rainfall 88mm 134mm 136mm
Number of days with rainfall 5 day(s)
7 day(s)
7 day(s)
Humidity 88% 88% 87%
Daily sunshine hours 7 10 12
Cloud cover 53% 48% 45%
Length of day 10:57 11:56 13:03
Our opinion at very bad very bad tolerable
more information about the climate in Kyoto in march

All cities in Japan in march

Tokyo in march tolerable weather
Fukuoka in march tolerable weather
Hiroshima in march very bad weather
Kobe in march tolerable weather
Kyoto in march very bad weather
Nagoya in march very bad weather
Okinawa in march good weather
Osaka in march tolerable weather
Sapporo (Hokkaido) in march very bad weather
Kure in march tolerable weather
Aguni-jima in march tolerable weather
Akan National Park in march very bad weather
Amami islands in march good weather
Aomori in march very bad weather
Arashiyama in march very bad weather
Gokayama in march very bad weather
Goto islands in march tolerable weather
Hakodate in march very bad weather
Hakone in march tolerable weather
Higashi in march good weather
Iheya-jima in march good weather
See full list of cities (134)

Weather data for Japan in march:

Weather data for Japan in march is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Japan. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Japan can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to Japan.