Loop key value list python

In Python, to iterate the dictionary (dict) with a for loop, use keys(), values(), items() methods. You can also get a list of all keys and values in the dictionary with those methods and list().

  • Iterate keys in dictionary (dict): keys()
  • Iterate values in dictionary (dict): values()
  • Iterate key-value pairs in dictionary (dict): items()

Use the following dictionary as an example.

d = {'key1': 1, 'key2': 2, 'key3': 3}

You can iterate keys by using the dictionary object directly in a for loop.

for k in d:
# key1
# key2
# key3

Iterate keys in dictionary (dict): keys()

As mentioned above, you can iterate keys by using the dictionary object directly, but you can also use keys(). The result is the same, but keys() may clarify the intent to the reader of the code.

for k in d.keys():
# key1
# key2
# key3

The keys() method returns dict_keys. It can be converted to a list with list().

keys = d.keys()
# dict_keys(['key1', 'key2', 'key3'])
# <class 'dict_keys'>

k_list = list(d.keys())
# ['key1', 'key2', 'key3']
# <class 'list'>

You can use dict_keys to perform set operations. See the following article for details.

  • Set operations on multiple dictionary keys in Python

Iterate values in dictionary (dict): values()

You can iterate values in the dictionary with the values() method.

for v in d.values():
# 1
# 2
# 3

The values() method returns dict_values. It can be converted to a list with list().

values = d.values()
# dict_values([1, 2, 3])
# <class 'dict_values'>

v_list = list(d.values())
# [1, 2, 3]
# <class 'list'>

Iterate key-value pairs in dictionary (dict): items()

You can iterate key-value pairs in the dictionary with the items() method.

for k, v in d.items():
    print(k, v)
# key1 1
# key2 2
# key3 3

It can also be received as a tuple of (key, value).

for t in d.items():
# ('key1', 1)
# <class 'tuple'>
# key1
# 1
# ---
# ('key2', 2)
# <class 'tuple'>
# key2
# 2
# ---
# ('key3', 3)
# <class 'tuple'>
# key3
# 3
# ---

The items() method returns dict_items. It can be converted to a list with list().

items = d.items()
# dict_items([('key1', 1), ('key2', 2), ('key3', 3)])
# <class 'dict_items'>

i_list = list(d.items())
# [('key1', 1), ('key2', 2), ('key3', 3)]
# <class 'list'>

# ('key1', 1)
# <class 'tuple'>

You can also use dict_items to perform set operations. See the following article for details.

  • Set operations on multiple dictionary keys in Python

How do you iterate keys and values in Python?

There are multiple ways to iterate over a dictionary in Python..
Access key using the build .keys().
Access key without using a key().
Iterate through all values using .values().
Iterate through all key, and value pairs using items().
Access both key and value without using items().
Print items in Key-Value in pair..

How do you iterate over a dictionary key?

In order to iterate over the values of the dictionary, you simply need to call values() method that returns a new view containing dictionary's values.

How do you iterate through a list in a dictionary Python?

filter() filter() is another built-in function that you can use to iterate through a dictionary in Python and filter out some of its items. This function is defined as filter(function, iterable) and returns an iterator from those elements of iterable for which function returns True .

How do you find the values of a key in a list of dictionaries in Python?

Get key from value in dictionary in Python.
d = {'key1': 'aaa', 'key2': 'aaa', 'key3': 'bbb'} value = d['key1'] print(value) # aaa. source: dict_get_key_from_value.py..
d = {'key1': 'aaa', 'key2': 'aaa', 'key3': 'bbb'} ... .
key = [k for k, v in d. ... .
def get_keys_from_value(d, val): return [k for k, v in d..