Lỗi driver is not digitally signed windows 8 năm 2024

In today's digital age, ensuring the security and integrity of our computer systems is paramount. One crucial element of this is the use of digitally signed drivers in operating systems like Windows 8.1. This provides an extra layer of protection, guaranteeing that only trusted and verified software can interact with the system, preventing potential threats and malware from gaining unauthorized access.


Windows 8.1's requirement for digitally signed drivers stems from the need to maintain a secure and stable computing environment. By enforcing the use of digitally signed drivers, Microsoft aims to safeguard the system from incompatible or malicious software that could compromise the performance and security of the operating system. This measure ensures that users can have peace of mind when installing drivers, knowing that they are from legitimate sources and have been thoroughly tested for compatibility.

To install a digital signed driver on Windows 8.1, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the device manufacturer's website and download the latest driver for your device.
  2. Save the driver file to your computer.
  3. Right-click on the driver file and select "Properties."
  4. In the "Properties" window, go to the "Digital Signatures" tab.
  5. Select the digital signature and click on the "Details" button.
  6. Click on the "View Certificate" button.
  7. In the certificate window, click on the "Install Certificate" button.
  8. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation of the digital signed driver.
  9. Restart your computer to apply the changes.

By following these steps, you can ensure that a digitally signed driver is installed on your Windows

Why is a Digitally Signed Driver Required in Windows 8.1?

Windows 8.1, the operating system released by Microsoft in 2013, introduced a new security feature that requires all drivers to be digitally signed. This feature was implemented to ensure the integrity and security of the system by only allowing drivers that have been tested and verified by Microsoft to be installed on Windows 8.1. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this requirement and how it impacts the use of drivers in Windows 8.1.

1. Ensuring Driver Authenticity

A digitally signed driver provides a level of assurance regarding its authenticity. When a driver is digitally signed, it means that it has been verified and approved by a trusted certification authority. This verification process ensures that the driver has not been tampered with and is free from any malicious code or malware that could potentially harm the system.

With the digital signature, Windows can verify that the driver comes from a legitimate source and has not been modified or tampered with since it was signed. This helps prevent the installation of unauthorized or compromised drivers that could introduce vulnerabilities or compromise the reliability and security of the operating system.

By requiring digitally signed drivers, Windows 8.1 ensures that only drivers from trusted sources are installed on the system, providing a safer computing environment for users.

2. Enhanced System Stability

One of the main goals of requiring digitally signed drivers in Windows 8.1 is to improve system stability. When a driver is digitally signed, it means that it has undergone rigorous testing and compatibility checks with the operating system.

By ensuring that drivers are digitally signed, Microsoft can verify that the drivers have met all the necessary requirements and are compatible with Windows 8.1. This significantly reduces the chances of driver-related issues such as system crashes, freezes, or compatibility problems.

Digitally signed drivers provide a higher level of confidence that the driver will work as intended and will not cause any major system disruptions. This helps improve the overall stability and reliability of Windows 8.1.

3. Protection Against Malicious Drivers

Another important reason for requiring digitally signed drivers in Windows 8.1 is to protect against malicious drivers. Malicious drivers can be designed to exploit security vulnerabilities, gain unauthorized access to the system, or perform other malicious activities.

By verifying the digital signature of drivers, Windows 8.1 ensures that only drivers from trusted sources are installed. This helps prevent the installation of malicious drivers that can compromise system security or privacy.

With the increasing prevalence of cyber threats, requiring digitally signed drivers is an essential security measure to protect the system and its sensitive data from potential attacks.

4. Compatibility with Secure Boot

Windows 8.1 introduced the Secure Boot feature, which is designed to protect the system against unauthorized firmware and operating system loaders. Secure Boot ensures that only trusted software components, including drivers, are loaded during the system startup process.

Secure Boot relies on the use of digital signatures to validate the integrity and authenticity of the loaded components. By requiring digitally signed drivers, Windows 8.1 ensures compatibility with the Secure Boot feature and maintains the security of the system during the boot process.

Without digitally signed drivers, the Secure Boot feature may not function correctly, potentially leaving the system vulnerable to unauthorized modifications or malware attacks.

Impact of Requiring Digitally Signed Drivers in Windows 8.1

The requirement of digitally signed drivers in Windows 8.1 has both positive and negative impacts on users and system administrators. Let's explore some of these impacts:

1. Increased Security

The primary impact of requiring digitally signed drivers is an increased level of security. By ensuring that only drivers from trusted sources are installed, users are protected against the installation of malicious or compromised drivers. This helps in preventing unauthorized access, data breaches, or other security vulnerabilities.

2. Limited Compatibility

Requiring digitally signed drivers can sometimes result in limited compatibility with certain hardware devices. Some older or less popular devices may not have digitally signed drivers available, making it difficult or impossible to use these devices with Windows 8.1.

Users may need to seek alternative solutions, such as finding compatible drivers from third-party sources or upgrading to newer hardware that has digitally signed drivers available.

Additionally, if digitally signed drivers are not available for specific hardware, users may need to disable the driver signature enforcement feature temporarily, which can reduce the overall security of the system.

3. Enhanced Stability

An additional benefit of requiring digitally signed drivers is enhanced system stability. Since digitally signed drivers are thoroughly tested and verified, the chances of encountering driver-related issues, such as crashes or compatibility problems, are significantly reduced.

4. Improved User Experience

Requiring digitally signed drivers in Windows 8.1 improves the overall user experience by providing a more secure and stable operating environment. With fewer driver-related issues, users can enjoy using their devices without worrying about system disruptions or compatibility problems.

In Conclusion

The requirement of digitally signed drivers in Windows 8.1 is a crucial security measure that ensures the integrity and authenticity of drivers installed on the system. By verifying the digital signatures, Windows 8.1 protects against the installation of unauthorized or compromised drivers, enhancing system security and stability. While the requirement may limit compatibility with some hardware devices, the overall benefit of increased security and stability outweighs the limitations. Windows 8.1 users can have peace of mind knowing that only trusted and verified drivers are being used on their system, providing a safer computing experience.

Why is a Digitally Signed Driver Required in Windows 8.1?

A digitally signed driver is required in Windows 8.1 due to enhanced security measures implemented by Microsoft. This requirement ensures that the driver software being installed on the system is trustworthy and has not been tampered with. When a driver is digitally signed, it means that it has been certified and verified by a trusted certificate authority.

Digitally signed drivers provide several benefits, such as:

  • Increased system stability: Digitally signed drivers are less likely to cause system crashes or conflicts.
  • Better protection against malware: Since digitally signed drivers have undergone thorough testing and verification, they are less likely to contain malicious code.
  • Compatibility with Windows 8.1: Only digitally signed drivers are compatible with Windows 8.1, ensuring optimal performance and functionality.

How to Install a Digitally Signed Driver in Windows 8.1

To install a digitally signed driver in Windows 8.1, follow these steps:

  • Download the driver software from the official website of the hardware manufacturer or from a trusted source.
  • Right-click on the driver file and select "Properties".
  • In the "Digital Signatures" tab, ensure that the signature is valid and from a trusted authority.
  • If the signature is valid, click on "Install" to proceed with the installation.
  • Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation.

    A Digitally Signed Driver Is Required Windows 8.1A digitally signed driver is necessary to ensure the security and integrity of the Windows 8.1 operating system.Windows 8.1 requires all drivers to be digitally signed to prevent the installation of malicious or unstable drivers.Digitally signed drivers undergo a rigorous testing process to verify their authenticity and compatibility with the operating system.Installing a digitally signed driver helps to minimize system crashes, performance issues, and compatibility problems.Obtaining digitally signed drivers can be done through the Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) program or directly from the device manufacturer.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    A digitally signed driver is required in Windows 8.1 for security purposes. It ensures that the driver you are installing on your computer is from a trusted source and has not been modified by any malicious entity. If you encounter an error message saying "A Digitally Signed Driver Is Required Windows 8.1," here are some commonly asked questions and their answers to help you understand the issue and resolve it.

    1. Why am I getting the "A Digitally Signed Driver Is Required Windows 8.1" error?

    The "A Digitally Signed Driver Is Required Windows 8.1" error occurs when you are trying to install a driver on your Windows 8.1 computer that does not have a valid digital signature. Windows 8.1 has enforced stricter security measures, and it requires all drivers to be digitally signed by the manufacturer before they can be installed. This ensures that the drivers are authentic and have not been tampered with.

    If you encounter this error, it means that the driver you are trying to install does not meet the digital signature requirements set by Windows. It is important to note that this error does not necessarily mean that the driver is unsafe or malicious. However, Windows 8.1 prioritizes security and only allows digitally signed drivers to be installed by default.

    2. How can I resolve the "A Digitally Signed Driver Is Required Windows 8.1" error?

    To resolve the "A Digitally Signed Driver Is Required Windows 8.1" error, you have a few options:

    1. Check for an updated version of the driver: Visit the manufacturer's website and look for an updated version of the driver that is digitally signed. Manufacturers often release updated drivers that comply with Windows' digital signature requirements.

    2. Disable driver signature enforcement temporarily: Windows allows you to temporarily disable driver signature enforcement, but it is important to exercise caution when doing so. To do this, restart your computer and enter the Advanced Startup Options. From there, choose the "Disable driver signature enforcement" option, and Windows will start with driver signature enforcement disabled. Install the driver that is causing the error, and after installation, you can re-enable driver signature enforcement.

    3. Contact the driver manufacturer: If you are unable to find a digitally signed version of the driver or have concerns about the authenticity of the driver, it is best to contact the manufacturer directly. They can provide guidance on how to proceed or may have plans to release a digitally signed driver in the future.

    3. Can I install an unsigned driver in Windows 8.1?

    Although Windows 8.1 prioritizes the installation of digitally signed drivers for security reasons, it is still possible to install an unsigned driver. However, this requires temporarily disabling driver signature enforcement as mentioned earlier. It is important to note that installing unsigned drivers can pose security risks as they have not undergone the same level of verification as digitally signed drivers. Therefore, it is recommended to only install unsigned drivers from trusted sources and revert the driver signature enforcement settings back to default once the installation is complete.

    4. What are the advantages of using digitally signed drivers?

    Using digitally signed drivers offers several advantages:

    1. Enhanced security: Digitally signed drivers ensure that the driver has not been tampered with or modified by a malicious source. This helps protect your computer and its data from potential security threats.

    2. Authenticity: Digital signatures verify that the driver comes from the original manufacturer and has not been altered or tampered with during distribution or installation. It gives you confidence that the driver is genuine.

    3. Stability: Digitally signed drivers are more likely to be stable and compatible with your system, reducing the chances of compatibility issues or system crashes.

    5. Does installing digitally signed drivers guarantee problem-free usage in Windows 8.1?

    While installing digitally signed drivers can significantly reduce the chances of encountering issues in Windows 8.1, it does not guarantee problem-free usage. Other factors such as hardware compatibility, software conflicts, or system settings can also impact the performance of your computer. It is always recommended to ensure that your drivers are up to date, regularly perform system maintenance, and troubleshoot any issues that arise.

    In conclusion, it is important to understand that a digitally signed driver is required in Windows 8.1 for security purposes. The digital signature ensures that the driver comes from a trusted source and has not been tampered with, protecting your computer from potential malware and unauthorized access.

    Without a digitally signed driver, you may encounter compatibility issues and face difficulties in installing or using certain hardware devices. It is recommended to always download and install drivers from reputable sources that provide digitally signed drivers to ensure the safety and stability of your system.