It refers to organizational activities within a firm that surrounds decision-making.

May be defined as "the process of identifying & choosing alternative courses of action in a manner appropriate to the demands of the situation"

The heart of all the mgmt function

Diagnose problem

Analyze environment

Articulate problem or opportunity

Develop viable alternatives

Evaluate alternatives

Make a choice

Implement decision

Evaluate & adapt decision results

Exists when there is a difference bw an actual situation and a desired situation

Components of the Environment:

Refers to organizational activities within a firm that surrounds decision-making

Refers to variables that are outside the organization and not typically within the short-run control of the top mgmt

The process of selecting among alternatives representing potential solutions to a problem

Carrying out the decision so that the objectives sought will be achieved

The process wc requires checking at each stage of the process to assure that the alternatives generated, the criteria used in evaluation, and the sln selected for implementation are in keeping with the goals and objectives...

Actions made to ensure that activities performed matched the desired activities or goals, that have been set

Qualitative eval

Quantitative eval

Approaches in Solving Problems:

Refers to evaluation of alternatives using intuition and subjective judgment

Refers to the evaluation of alternatives using any technique in a group classified as rational and analytical

Inventory models

Queuing theory

Network models


Regression analysis


Linear programming..

Types of Quantitative Models:

Consist of several types all designed to help the engineer manager make decisions regarding inventory

EOQ model

Production Order quantity model

Back order inventory model

Quantity discount model

Used to calculate the number of items that should be ordered at one time to minimize the total yearly cost of placing orders..

Production order quantity model

An eoq technique applied to production orders

Back order inventory model

An inventory model used for planned shortages

Inventory model used to minimize the total cost when quantity discounts are offered by suppliers

Describes how to determine the number of service units that will minimize both customer waiting time and cost of service

Models where large complex tasks are broken into smaller segments that can managed independently

2 most prominent network models:

A technique wc enables engineer managers to schedule, monitor, and control large and complex projects by employing 3 time estimates for each activity

A network technique using only one time factor per activity that enables engineer managers to schedule, monitor, and control..

A forecasting method that examines the association bw two or more variables

A model constructed to represent reality, in wc conclusions about real-life problems can be used

A quantitative technique that is used to produce an optimum solution within the bounds imposed

A quantitative technique where samples of populations are statistically determined to be ised for a number of processes, such as quality control and marketing research

Statistical Decision-theory

Rational way to conceptualize, analyze, and solve problems in situations involving limited, or partial information abt th decision environment

The collection of past and current info to make predictions abt the future

May be simple or multiple depending on the number of independent variables present

What refers to organizational activities within a firm that surrounds decision

The internal environment refers to organizational activities within a firm that surrounds decisionmaking. THE ENGINEERING FIRM. The external environment refers to variables that are outside the organization and not typically within the short-run control of top management.

What is decision

The Brown University Division of Engineering (Brown University, n.d.) has defined the typical engineering decision making process as follows: define clearly the objectives of solving a specific problem. generate all possible solutions. predict the outcome of each solution.

What refers to the evaluation of alternatives using any technique in a group classified as rational and analytical?

Quantitative Evaluation. This term refers to the evaluation of alternatives using any technique in a group classified as rational and analytical.
The process used to accomplish organizational goals through PLANNING, ORGANIZING, LEADING, CONTROLLING people and other organizational resources. What is *Planning*? A management function that involves anticipating trends and determining the best strategies and tactics to achieve organizational goals and objectives.

What refers to evaluation of alternatives using intuition and subjective judgment?

Qualitative evaluation. This term refers to evaluation of alternatives using intuition and subjective judgement.