Hướng dẫn how do i find the zip code in python? - làm cách nào để tìm mã zip trong python?

Trong hướng dẫn này, chúng tôi sẽ thảo luận về cách lấy mã zip của một vị trí cụ thể bằng cách sử dụng mô -đun Geopy trong Python. Geopy giúp người dùng Python dễ dàng xác định vị trí tọa độ của địa chỉ, thành phố và các quốc gia trên toàn thế giới.geopy module in Python. The geopy makes it easy for Python users to locate the coordinates of the address, cities, and countries across the whole world.

Để cài đặt mô -đun Geopy, người dùng có thể chạy lệnh sau:Geopy module, the user can run the following command:

Cách nhận mã zip

Chúng tôi sẽ làm theo các bước sau:

  • Bước 1: Nhập mô -đun địa lý Import the geopy module
  • Bước 2: Khởi tạo API nominatim để lấy vị trí từ chuỗi đầu vào. Initialize the Nominatim API for getting the location from the input string.
  • Bước 3: Chúng tôi sẽ nhận được vị trí bằng cách sử dụng hàm Geo_Locator.geocode (). We will get the location by using a geo_locator.geocode() function.
  • Bước 4: Lấy thông tin từ danh sách đã cho và phân tích nó vào từ điển bằng cách sử dụng Ray Function () Get the information from the given list and parse it into the dictionary by using ray function()
  • Bước 5: Trích xuất dữ liệu zip từ thể hiện vị trí. Extract the Zip data from the location instance.

Bước 1: Nhập mô -đun địa lý Import the geopy module

Bước 2: Khởi tạo API nominatim để lấy vị trí từ chuỗi đầu vào. Create the Nominatim object and initialize the Nominatim API by using the geoapiExercises parameter.

Bước 3: Chúng tôi sẽ nhận được vị trí bằng cách sử dụng hàm Geo_Locator.geocode (). Get the complete address by using geocode() function


Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States

Bước 4: Lấy thông tin từ danh sách đã cho và phân tích nó vào từ điển bằng cách sử dụng Ray Function () Get the information from the given list and parse it into the dictionary by using raw.


{' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}

Bước 5: Trích xuất dữ liệu zip từ thể hiện vị trí. Extract the Zip data from the location instance.


The Full Location is: 
['Ridgepoint', 'Drive,', 'Irving,', 'Dallas', 'County,', 'Texas,', '75063,', 'United', 'States']
The Zip code of the location is:  75063,

Bước 2: Tạo đối tượng nominatim và khởi tạo API nominatim bằng cách sử dụng tham số Geoapiexercise.

Bước 3: Nhận địa chỉ đầy đủ bằng cách sử dụng hàm geocode ()


Disneyland Drive, Anaheim, Orange County, California, 92812-9998, United States
{' place_id ': 211571693, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 568143583, ' boundingbox ': [' 33.8184966 ', ' 33.8200236 ', ' -117.9229381 ', ' -117.9224363 '], ' lat ': ' 33.819073 ', ' lon ': ' -117.9226168 ', ' display_name ': 'Disneyland Drive, Anaheim, Orange County, California, 92812-9998, United States ', ' class ': ' highway ', ' type ': ' secondary ', ' importance ': 0.41000000000000003}

The Full Location is: 
['Disneyland', 'Drive,', 'Anaheim,', 'Orange', 'County,', 'California,', '92812-9998,', 'United', 'States']
The Zip code of the location is:  92812-9998,

Bước 4: Lấy thông tin từ danh sách đã cho và phân tích nó vào từ điển bằng cách sử dụng RAW.

Thực hiện đầy đủ mã Python

Mã zip là một chuỗi hay số nguyên?

Lần duy nhất bạn nên lưu trữ một cái gì đó như một số nguyên là nếu bạn sẽ làm toán trên nó. Nếu không, đó là một chuỗi. Mã zip, số điện thoại, số an sinh xã hội - tất cả các chuỗi.

  • Làm thế nào để bạn nhập một địa chất trong Python?
  • Bộ định vị địa lý nhập nominatim >>> geolocator = nominatim (user_agent = "sperty_your_app_name_here") >>> vị trí = geolocator. GEOCODE ("175 Đại lộ 5 NYC") >>> In (Địa điểm. Địa chỉ) Tòa nhà Flatiron, 175, Đại lộ 5, Flatiron, New York, NYC, New York, ... >>> in ((Vị trí.
  • Mã zip là một chuỗi hay số nguyên?

    Lần duy nhất bạn nên lưu trữ một cái gì đó như một số nguyên là nếu bạn sẽ làm toán trên nó. Nếu không, đó là một chuỗi. Mã zip, số điện thoại, số an sinh xã hội - tất cả các chuỗi.

    Làm thế nào để bạn nhập một địa chất trong Python?Tkinter

    Bộ định vị địa lý nhập nominatim >>> geolocator = nominatim (user_agent = "sperty_your_app_name_here") >>> vị trí = geolocator. GEOCODE ("175 Đại lộ 5 NYC") >>> In (Địa điểm. Địa chỉ) Tòa nhà Flatiron, 175, Đại lộ 5, Flatiron, New York, NYC, New York, ... >>> in ((Vị trí.


    Mô-đun Tkinter là một mô-đun được xây dựng trong Python, tuy nhiên, chúng ta cần cài đặt mô-đun Geopy:

    pip install geopy


    1. Nhập mô -đun địa lý.
    2. Sử dụng API Nominatim để truy cập tương ứng với một tập hợp tọa độ, Nominatim sử dụng dữ liệu OpenStreetMap để tìm các vị trí trên Trái đất theo tên và địa chỉ (mã hóa địa lý).
    3. Sử dụng Geocode () để có được vị trí của ZipCode đã cho và hiển thị nó.

    Dưới đây là việc thực hiện phương pháp trên:


    from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim


    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}

    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}

    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    The Full Location is: 
    ['Ridgepoint', 'Drive,', 'Irving,', 'Dallas', 'County,', 'Texas,', '75063,', 'United', 'States']
    The Zip code of the location is:  75063,

    The Full Location is: 
    ['Ridgepoint', 'Drive,', 'Irving,', 'Dallas', 'County,', 'Texas,', '75063,', 'United', 'States']
    The Zip code of the location is:  75063,
    The Full Location is: 
    ['Ridgepoint', 'Drive,', 'Irving,', 'Dallas', 'County,', 'Texas,', '75063,', 'United', 'States']
    The Zip code of the location is:  75063,
    The Full Location is: 
    ['Ridgepoint', 'Drive,', 'Irving,', 'Dallas', 'County,', 'Texas,', '75063,', 'United', 'States']
    The Zip code of the location is:  75063,
    The Full Location is: 
    ['Ridgepoint', 'Drive,', 'Irving,', 'Dallas', 'County,', 'Texas,', '75063,', 'United', 'States']
    The Zip code of the location is:  75063,

    The Full Location is: 
    ['Ridgepoint', 'Drive,', 'Irving,', 'Dallas', 'County,', 'Texas,', '75063,', 'United', 'States']
    The Zip code of the location is:  75063,
    The Full Location is: 
    ['Ridgepoint', 'Drive,', 'Irving,', 'Dallas', 'County,', 'Texas,', '75063,', 'United', 'States']
    The Zip code of the location is:  75063,
    The Full Location is: 
    ['Ridgepoint', 'Drive,', 'Irving,', 'Dallas', 'County,', 'Texas,', '75063,', 'United', 'States']
    The Zip code of the location is:  75063,
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}

    The Full Location is: 
    ['Ridgepoint', 'Drive,', 'Irving,', 'Dallas', 'County,', 'Texas,', '75063,', 'United', 'States']
    The Zip code of the location is:  75063,
    Disneyland Drive, Anaheim, Orange County, California, 92812-9998, United States
    {' place_id ': 211571693, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 568143583, ' boundingbox ': [' 33.8184966 ', ' 33.8200236 ', ' -117.9229381 ', ' -117.9224363 '], ' lat ': ' 33.819073 ', ' lon ': ' -117.9226168 ', ' display_name ': 'Disneyland Drive, Anaheim, Orange County, California, 92812-9998, United States ', ' class ': ' highway ', ' type ': ' secondary ', ' importance ': 0.41000000000000003}
    The Full Location is: 
    ['Disneyland', 'Drive,', 'Anaheim,', 'Orange', 'County,', 'California,', '92812-9998,', 'United', 'States']
    The Zip code of the location is:  92812-9998,


    Zipcode: 800011
    Details of the Zipcode:
    Danapur, Dinapur-Cum-Khagaul, Patna, Bihar, 800011, India

    Dưới đây là triển khai GUI của chương trình trên bằng mô -đun Tkinter:tkinter module:


    from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim


    Disneyland Drive, Anaheim, Orange County, California, 92812-9998, United States
    {' place_id ': 211571693, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 568143583, ' boundingbox ': [' 33.8184966 ', ' 33.8200236 ', ' -117.9229381 ', ' -117.9224363 '], ' lat ': ' 33.819073 ', ' lon ': ' -117.9226168 ', ' display_name ': 'Disneyland Drive, Anaheim, Orange County, California, 92812-9998, United States ', ' class ': ' highway ', ' type ': ' secondary ', ' importance ': 0.41000000000000003}
    The Full Location is: 
    ['Disneyland', 'Drive,', 'Anaheim,', 'Orange', 'County,', 'California,', '92812-9998,', 'United', 'States']
    The Zip code of the location is:  92812-9998,
    Disneyland Drive, Anaheim, Orange County, California, 92812-9998, United States
    {' place_id ': 211571693, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 568143583, ' boundingbox ': [' 33.8184966 ', ' 33.8200236 ', ' -117.9229381 ', ' -117.9224363 '], ' lat ': ' 33.819073 ', ' lon ': ' -117.9226168 ', ' display_name ': 'Disneyland Drive, Anaheim, Orange County, California, 92812-9998, United States ', ' class ': ' highway ', ' type ': ' secondary ', ' importance ': 0.41000000000000003}
    The Full Location is: 
    ['Disneyland', 'Drive,', 'Anaheim,', 'Orange', 'County,', 'California,', '92812-9998,', 'United', 'States']
    The Zip code of the location is:  92812-9998,

    pip install geopy
    pip install geopy

    pip install geopy
    pip install geopy
    pip install geopy

    pip install geopy
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}

    pip install geopy
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    Zipcode: 800011
    Details of the Zipcode:
    Danapur, Dinapur-Cum-Khagaul, Patna, Bihar, 800011, India
    Zipcode: 800011
    Details of the Zipcode:
    Danapur, Dinapur-Cum-Khagaul, Patna, Bihar, 800011, India

    pip install geopy
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    The Full Location is: 
    ['Ridgepoint', 'Drive,', 'Irving,', 'Dallas', 'County,', 'Texas,', '75063,', 'United', 'States']
    The Zip code of the location is:  75063,

    pip install geopy

    pip install geopy

    pip install geopy
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    1 geopy.geocoders 1

    pip install geopy
    Disneyland Drive, Anaheim, Orange County, California, 92812-9998, United States
    {' place_id ': 211571693, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 568143583, ' boundingbox ': [' 33.8184966 ', ' 33.8200236 ', ' -117.9229381 ', ' -117.9224363 '], ' lat ': ' 33.819073 ', ' lon ': ' -117.9226168 ', ' display_name ': 'Disneyland Drive, Anaheim, Orange County, California, 92812-9998, United States ', ' class ': ' highway ', ' type ': ' secondary ', ' importance ': 0.41000000000000003}
    The Full Location is: 
    ['Disneyland', 'Drive,', 'Anaheim,', 'Orange', 'County,', 'California,', '92812-9998,', 'United', 'States']
    The Zip code of the location is:  92812-9998,

    geopy.geocoders 6

    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    1 geopy.geocoders 8

    geopy.geocoders 9

    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}


    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    1 import5




    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}

    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}

    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}

    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}

    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}
    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}

    {' place_id ': 209975995, ' licence ': ' Data � OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright ', ' osm_type ': ' way ', ' osm_id ': 567473012, ' boundingbox ': [' 32.908872 ', ' 32.9091407 ', ' -96.9887504 ', ' -96.9883353 '], ' lat ': ' 32.9088978 ', ' lon ': ' -96.9886835 ', ' display_name ':       ' Ridgepoint Drive, Irving, Dallas County, Texas, 75063, United States ', ' class ': 'highway ', ' type ': ' tertiary ', ' importance ': 0.42000000000000004}


    Hướng dẫn how do i find the zip code in python? - làm cách nào để tìm mã zip trong python?

    Làm thế nào để tôi tìm thấy vĩ độ và kinh độ của mã zip trong Python?

    Điều đầu tiên cần làm là cài đặt Geopy ...
    PIP Cài đặt Geopy. Thiết lập kết nối. ....
    từ geopy.geocoders nhập danh định. ....
    từ geopy.extra.rate_limiter nhập Ratelimiter. ....
    Vị trí = Geocode.reverse ((lat, dài)) ....
    vị trí.raw. ....
    zipcode = vị trí.raw ['địa chỉ'] ['mã bưu điện'] ....
    # Sau khi bắt đầu định vị địa lý ..

    Tại sao zip được sử dụng trong Python?

    zip () trong phương thức python python zip () có thể sử dụng được hoặc các thùng chứa và trả về một đối tượng lặp duy nhất, có các giá trị được ánh xạ từ tất cả các container. Nó được sử dụng để ánh xạ chỉ số tương tự của nhiều container để chúng có thể được sử dụng chỉ bằng cách sử dụng một thực thể duy nhất.to map the similar index of multiple containers so that they can be used just using a single entity.

    Mã zip là một chuỗi hay số nguyên?

    Lần duy nhất bạn nên lưu trữ một cái gì đó như một số nguyên là nếu bạn sẽ làm toán trên nó.Nếu không, đó là một chuỗi.Mã zip, số điện thoại, số an sinh xã hội - tất cả các chuỗi.all strings.

    Làm thế nào để bạn nhập một địa chất trong Python?

    Bộ định vị địa lý nhập nominatim >>> geolocator = nominatim (user_agent = "sperty_your_app_name_here") >>> vị trí = geolocator.GEOCODE ("175 Đại lộ 5 NYC") >>> In (Địa điểm. Địa chỉ) Tòa nhà Flatiron, 175, Đại lộ 5, Flatiron, New York, NYC, New York, ... >>> in ((Vị trí.