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This is some placeholder content the Home tab's associated content. Clicking another tab will toggle the visibility of this one for the next. The tab JavaScript swaps classes to control the content visibility and styling. You can use it with tabs, pills, and any other .nav-powered navigation.

This is some placeholder content the Profile tab's associated content. Clicking another tab will toggle the visibility of this one for the next. The tab JavaScript swaps classes to control the content visibility and styling. You can use it with tabs, pills, and any other .nav-powered navigation.

This is some placeholder content the Contact tab's associated content. Clicking another tab will toggle the visibility of this one for the next. The tab JavaScript swaps classes to control the content visibility and styling. You can use it with tabs, pills, and any other .nav-powered navigation.


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A set of utility classes that are equivelant to writing the css property vertical-align:middle; You can use this on inline and table cell elements. .align-(baseline, top, middle, bottom) Utility .align-content-*
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Added to the parent flexbox container to determing how the elements are aligned horizontally. .align-content-(start (browser default), end, center, between, around, or stretch) Utility .align-items-*
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Class added to flexbox child items to specify if it should align towards the top or bottom of the container (start, end) Utility .align-self-*
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Used on flexbox items to align them vertically in relation to the parent container. If columns are used the items will align verticall. (start, end, center, baseline, or stretch (browser default) Utility .align-text-*
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A set of utility classes that are equivelant to writing the css property vertical-align:text-bottom; You can use this on inline and table cell elements. .align-text-(top, bottom) Utility .badge-*
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Used for labels and counters in applications .badge-(light, dark primary, secondary, transparent, white, warning, success, info, danger) Badge .bg-*
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Background color utility classes: .bg-(light, dark primary, secondary, transparent, white, warning, success, info, danger) Utilities .border-*
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A versatile border utility class that lets you add/remove borders on a side or change a border color. .nav0 Utility .btn-outline-*
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A button variation to have outlined buttons instead of a solid background. .nav1 Buttons .carousel-control-*
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When you have an image carousel with pagination you will use this class on the previous and next anchor links. .nav2 Carousel .carousel-fade n/a Animates the slide transition with a crossfade instead of a slide Utility .col
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Flexbox items are automatically equal width so this class is used when you want your columns to be equal width and then go 100% on the xs breakpoint. Grid .col-*
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This class is used for grid columns to determin the column width and the breakpoint you would like it to be active. The classes work from the breakpoint you set and everything larger. .nav3 Grid .form-range
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Changes the default styling of a form input range Forms .d-flex n/a Sets the element to have have the style property .nav4 Utility .d-none n/a Sets the element to have have the style property .nav5 Utility .d-*-* n/a A responsive display utility class that lets you specify when a display property is applied to the element. .nav6 Utility .d-print-* n/a Changes the display of elements when you print the document. .nav7 Utility .fixed-* n/a This class makes an element fixed to the top/bottom of the browser window. Here is what the CSS ruleset looks like. .nav8 Utility .flex-*-*-* n/a Change the flexbox items layout, alignment, or size. .nav9 Utility .flex-fill-* n/a Add to all sibling elements you would like to force into equal widths and fill all available horizontal space. .nav0 Utility .flex-(grow|shrink)-* n/a Forces an element to grow or shrink to use more or less of the space available .nav1 Utility .float-*-* n/a Responsive utility to float an element. .nav2 Utility .form-control-plaintext
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Use the .nav3 class to remove the default form field styling and preserve the correct margin and padding. Forms .form-row
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Works similar to a grid .nav4 but is more compact to make the form look more uniform Forms .h-*
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Height utility class that makes the element a percentage height of its parent element. .nav5 Utility .invalid-feedback
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This class can be added with server side form validation to add a feedback message to an invalid field Forms .is-* n/a If you do server side form validation you can use this class to set feedback colors on inputs or error message. .nav6 Forms .justify-content-*-*
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Class specifies where the flex items will be positioned inside the container. .nav7 Utility .m*-*-* n/a Applies margin to an element using responsive breakpoints {property}{sides}-{breakpoint}-{size}
.nav8 Utility .p*-*-* n/a Applies padding to an element using responsive breakpoints {property}{sides}-{breakpoint}-{size}
.nav9 Utility .progress-bar-animated
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When this class is added to a progressbar the progress will be animated using css3 animations Progress .nav-fill
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Makes all nav items use all available horizontal space. Nav items are different widths baded on their content. Navs .nav-justified
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Makes all nav items equal width and use all available horizontal space. Navs .navbar-collapse n/a The nav links that are collapsed and shown when toggled on mobile widths. Navbar .navbar-expand-* n/a Since the navbar is displayed collapse on mobile first, this class specifies what breakpoint you want the navbar to not be collapsed Navbar .navbar-text n/a Vertically centers text inside a navbar Navbar .navbar-toggler-icon
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The cheeseburger navigation icon is set using an svg background image of three horizontal lines Navbar .no-gutters n/a Removes the negative margin on the .nav4 and padding from the child columns. Helpful when you want an image to expand to the edges of the browser without padding on the left and right edges. Grid .order-*-*
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This class is used to control how the elements are ordered on the page regardless of their order in the source code. So you can rearrange your layout as needed. Grid .rounded-*
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The .img-rounded class was renamed to this and is primarily used with images. However, the class just adds a border radius so you could use this on other elements that you would like a radius applied. You can also add vertical-align:middle;1 or vertical-align:middle;2 to increase the size of the radius. Images .visible n/a Hides the visibility of an element but does not change their display property. Utility .w-*
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Width utility class that makes the element a percentage width of its parent element. vertical-align:middle;3 Utility .was-validated
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This class is set by Bootstrap's javascript to apply sub class validation styles to the form inputs. Forms .alert-heading
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This class is added to headings inside alerts. It applies color:inherit so the colors match. Alerts .blockquote
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Add to blockquote elements to apply the proper spacing and bottom margin to seperate it from other text. Blockquotes .blockquote-footer
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Wrapping class for citation text underneath a blockquote. Used to lighten the text color. Blockquotes .btn-group-lg
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Increases the default button group size Button Group .btn-group-sm
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Decreases the default button group size Button Group .btn-group-toggle
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This class replaces an input checkbox with a custom style that is toggable on click Button Group .btn-lg
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Increases the default button size Buttons .btn-outline-*
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Transparent background with colored text and border (danger|info|primary|secondary|success|warning) Buttons .card
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The class added to the div that wraps each individual card Cards .card-body
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This class is added to the first child div inside the div.card parent Cards .card-columns
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The .card-columns class is added to the wrapping div of of masonry-like collection of cards Cards .card-*
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First add .card-inverse and then add one of the contextual background colors (danger|info|primary|secondary|success|warning) Cards .card-deck
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Similar to columns Bootstrap card decks are equal height and width Cards .card-footer
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Wrap class for a card footer content area Cards .card-group
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The parent wrapping class around a group of cards. Groups are similar to decks but they have no margin between each card. Cards .card-header
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Wrap class for a card header content area Cards .card-header-pills
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Class added in combination with .nav-pills to add pill navigation to a card header Cards .card-header-tabs
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Class added in combination with .nav-pills to add tab navigation to a card header Cards .card-img
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Add this class to the image you would like to have as a card background image. Used with creating cards with image overlays. Cards .card-img-bottom
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Similar to a card footer you can cap the bottom of a card with an image Cards .card-img-overlay
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Wrapper class used to create a card that has a background image overlay Cards .card-img-top
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Similar to a card header you can cap the top of a card with an image Cards .card-inverse
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Inverts the default colors to use light text on a dark background color Cards .card-link
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Adds spacing around links added inside cards Cards .card-subtitle
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Class added to card subtitles that adjusts the default heading styles Cards .card-text
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This class wraps the container around card text Cards .card-title
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The class added to titles inside cards. It applies the proper spacing. Cards .carousel-item
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The wrapper class applied to each individual carousel item Carousel .clearfix n/a Clears the floats of any child elements. Add this class to the parent element wrapping the floating elements. Utility .col-form-label
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Class added to form labels to apply consistent padding and margins Forms .col-form-label-lg
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Increases the font size and spacing of a form label Forms .col-form-label-sm
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Decreases the font size and spacing of a form label Forms .col-xl-* n/a Set column width for anything greater than 1200px. Specify the column span by adding 1-12 at the end Grid system .custom-checkbox
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Parent class that converts a default form checkbox into a custom HTML/CSS checkbox Forms .custom-control n/a Used on all custom form inputs and adds base styles like padding and display:inline Forms .custom-control-inline
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Custom form checkboxes are set to be display:block. Use this class to make the checkbox inline Forms .custom-control-input n/a This class is added to the default input that is going to be replaced. It adds the following: position: absolute; z-index: -1; opacity: 0; Forms .custom-control-label
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When creating a custom form checkbox, this class replaces the default checkbox with custom elements using :before and :after Forms .custom-file
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Class added to a label of grouped elements to create a custom file upload input Forms .custom-file-control
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Similar to the custom-control-indicator class this class is added to a div to build a custom file input using CSS :before and :after. Forms .custom-file-input n/a This class is added to the default input type="file" and hides it using CSS Forms .custom-file-label
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When creating a custom form file browser, this class replaces the default file browser with custom elements using :after Forms .custom-radio
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This class is added to the parent label tag along with .custom-control class to specify what kind of custom input it will be Forms .custom-select
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Class added to a select tag to create a custom select menu Forms .custom-select-sm
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Decreases the font size and padding on a custom select Forms .custom-select-lg
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Increases the relative size of a custom form select Forms .custom-switch
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Creates a custom form element that looks like a toggle switch found on touch devices. Forms .d-*
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Append the following to change the element display property (block, inline, inline-block) Utility .disabled
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Add this class to anchor tags to disable the click functionality but still have them visible. Buttons .display-*
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This set of classes increases the font size of headings in 4 stages. These classes are used for headings outside of the main content of the page like jumbotrons and page headers. Append (1-4) to the end to adjust size. Typography .dropdown-divider
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Class adds a horizontal line between dropdown link items Dropdowns .dropdown-item
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This class is added to each link item shown in a dropdown menu Dropdowns .dropdown-item-text n/a Removes the interactivity from a dropdown so it does not appear clickable Dropdowns .dropdown-toggle-split
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Class added to the notched dropdown navigation. Great for providing additional actions but still having a primary action. Dropdowns .dropleft
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Dropdown menu that opens left of the button Dropdowns .dropright
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Dropdown menu that opens right of the button Dropdowns .dropup
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Displays the dropdown menu above the button instead of below. Dropdowns .embed-responsive-* n/a Class used to adjust responsive embed aspect ratio. Append one of the following for the desired aspect ratio (21by9, 16by9, 4by3, 1by1) Utility .embed-responsive-item n/a By default responsive embeds apply to iframe, object, embed, and video tags. You can add .embed-responsive-item to any other element to have the same responsive styles applied Utility .figure-caption
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Added to a figure figcaption element to apply font styling Content .figure-img
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Classed added to images inside a figure to apply some margin Content .font-*
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(italic, weight-bold, weight-light, weight-normal, monospace) Utility .form-check
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The parent class of form checkboxes Forms .form-check-inline
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Class used for a horizontal group of checkmarks or radio buttons Forms .form-check-input
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This class is added to the input tag for checkboxes and radio buttons. Adds styles for positioning and margins. Forms .form-check-label
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This class is added to checkbox and radio button labels Forms .form-control-file
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The class added to input type="file" to apply font and spacing Forms .form-control-*
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Apply this class to form elements to increase or decrease its size relative to the default sizing .form-control-(lg, sm) Forms .form-inline
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Use this class to have a series of labels and form elements on a single horizontal row Forms .form-text
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This class is used for help text alongside form elements. You can add .text-muted to make the text lighter in color Forms .has-*
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The .has-(success, warning, danger) is added to the parent form element container to apply visual feedback to the user on form validation. Forms .img-fluid
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This class is applied to images you would like to be responsive or fluid width across various screen sizes. This was .img-responsive in v3 Images .input-group-*
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This class lets you extend form controls by adding text or buttons to the left or right of the input. .input-group-(addon|btn) Input Group .input-group-append
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This class adds margin-left: -1px; to the input set to left of the group to compensate for the 1px border Input Group .input-group-prepend
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This class adds margin-right: -1px; to the input set to right of the group to compensate for the 1px border Input Group .input-group-text
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This class adds the background color and text styles to the text inside an input group Forms .list-group-flush
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When adding a list group to a card add this class to the list group to remove the border. Otherwise you will have a double border. Cards .list-group-item-action
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Add this class to each anchor in a list-group to remove the default anchor text color List Group .list-inline
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Change ul or ol list to be listed horizontally with a little margin between each li Typography .m*-#
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Sometimes you need to add some margin or padding to element without writing a custom CSS selector. Set margin or padding, the side to apply the spacing, and lastly the size of the spacing (m,p)-(t|r|b|l|x|y|a)-(0,1,2,1.5,3) Utility .nav-item
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If your nav uses a list add this class to each list item for the proper spacing Navs .nav-link
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Each anchor link inside your nav is given this class in order to have the proper styling Navs .nav-pills
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Use this class along with .nav to make each nav link into a button Navs .navbar-light
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Add this class to your navbar if you would like it to have a light background and dark text Navbar .navbar-toggler
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The infamous cheeseburger icon to signify a navigation menu on mobile Navbar .offset-*-*
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Used to offset a grid column from its original position Grid System .p*-#
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Sometimes you need to add some margin or padding to element without writing a custom CSS selector. Set margin or padding, the side to apply the spacing, and lastly the size of the spacing (m,p)-(t|r|b|l|x|y|a)-(0,1,2,1.5,3) Utilities .page-item
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This class is added to each li inside the ul.pagination and floats the li's' Pagination .page-link
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This class is added to each anchor link containing the numbers Pagination .pagination-sm
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Decreases the font size and spacing of a pagination nav Pagination .pagination-lg
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Increases the font size and spacing of a pagination nav Pagination .position-* N/A Not responsive, but a group of utility classes to add common position values. .position-(absolute, fixed, relative, static, sticky) Utilities .shadow-*
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Adds a black CSS box shadow to an element. vertical-align:middle;4 Utility .pos-f-t n/a Positions an element fixed to the top of the viewport and full width. Utility .sr-only n/a Hide element to all devices except screen readers Utilities .sr-only-focusable n/a Combine .sr-only with .sr-only-focusable to show the element again when it’s focused by a user using a keyboard Utilities .stretched-link
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This class extends the clickable area of an anchor link to fill the parent container. The parent container must have a position:relative for this to work properly. Utilities .table-*
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Adds a 1px stroke around the rows, columns, and table outline. You can also remove the borders entirely. vertical-align:middle;5 Tables .table-*
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Contextual classes of different color styles to provide user feedback (active|danger|info|primary|secondary|success|warning) Tables .table-hover
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Adds a background color when you hover a table row Tables .table-reflow
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The table header becomes the first column of the table to the left Tables .table-sm
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Removes vertical padding between table rows so it does not take as much vertical space. Good for tables with a lot of rows. Tables .table-striped
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Adds a light background color to every other table row for a striped effect Tables .text-*-*
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Aligns text left, right or center use choose breakpoint (xs|sm|md|lg|xl) then alignment (left, right, center) Utilities .text-break
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When you are building applications that have long strings or user generated content, this class breaks the long text so that it does not break the layout. Without this, the text would be as wide as the string itself. Utilities .thead-dark
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The default table head styling of light background and dark text Tables .thead-light
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Inverts the table head to have a dark background and light text Tables .alert
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The .alert class adds base styling with padding and margin. Alerts .alert-*
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Change the color of the alert to provide user feedback. (primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark) Alerts .alert-dismissible
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Similar to a well it is a box with a border and padding. This class and a child element with a .close class lets the user close the alert. Alerts .alert-link
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When you add links inside alert this class matches the font color to the parent alert class. Alerts .active
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Tables contextual class to change row color Tables .bg-danger
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Similar to the contextual text color classes, easily set the background of an element to any contextual class. Anchor components will darken on hover, just like the text classes. Helper Classes .bg-info
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Similar to the contextual text color classes, easily set the background of an element to any contextual class. Anchor components will darken on hover, just like the text classes. Helper Classes .bg-primary
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Similar to the contextual text color classes, easily set the background of an element to any contextual class. Anchor components will darken on hover, just like the text classes. Helper Classes .bg-success
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Similar to the contextual text color classes, easily set the background of an element to any contextual class. Anchor components will darken on hover, just like the text classes. Helper Classes .bg-warning
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Similar to the contextual text color classes, easily set the background of an element to any contextual class. Anchor components will darken on hover, just like the text classes. Helper Classes .breadcrumb
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Indicate the current page's location within a navigational hierarchy. Breadcrumbs .btn
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This class sets the spacing and size of the button. Buttons .btn-block
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By default buttons are inline this class makes it block to span the full width of its parent. Buttons .btn-danger
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Defaults to a red background button Buttons .btn-group
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Smushes multiple buttons together to make a pill shape. Each button is separated by a vertical line. Button groups .btn-group-vertical
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Make a set of buttons appear vertically stacked rather than horizontally. Button groups .btn-info
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Button for information on a topic like terms and conditions. Default is light blue. Buttons .btn-link
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Keeps the spacing set with the .btn class but removes the outer border. Buttons .btn-lg
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Fancy larger or smaller buttons? Add .btn-lg, .btn-sm, or .btn-xs for additional sizes. Buttons .btn-primary
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Use for the primary action in a set. Buttons .btn-sm
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Fancy larger or smaller buttons? Add .btn-lg, .btn-sm, or .btn-xs for additional sizes. Buttons .btn-success
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Defaults to a green background button with dark border. Buttons .btn-toolbar
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Used to create a row of buttons similar pagination row Button groups .btn-warning
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Defaults to a yellow background button with dark border. Buttons .carousel
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parent carousel class making it position relative Carousel .carousel-caption
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Caption for each slide item Carousel .carousel-indicators
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parent classed added to an ordered list for the little circles showing what slide you are on Carousel .carousel-inner
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The div wrapper that contains the carousel slide items Carousel .close
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Use the generic close icon for dismissing content like modals and alerts. Helper Classes .col-*-*
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span 1-12 column. Extra small devices Phones ( < 768px), Small devices Tablets (≥768px), Medium devices Desktops (≥992px), Large devices Desktops (≥1200px). Column device Column numeric values can be 1-12. Grid system .col-*-pull-*
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Easily change the order of our built-in grid columns with .col-*-push-* and .col-*-pull-* modifier classes. Pull numeric values can be 0-12. Grid system .col-*-push-*
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Easily change the order of our built-in grid columns with .col-*-push-* and .col-*-pull-* modifier classes. Push numeric values can be 0-12. Grid system .collapse
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hides content on hide and show component Collapse .collapsing
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applied during transitions on hide and show component Collapse .container
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Fixed width container with widths determined by viewport size. Equal margin on the left and right. Grid system .container-{breakpoint}
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width: 100% until the specified breakpoint Grid system .container-fluid
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Spans the full width of the screen Grid system .dropdown
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This class gives you the ability to add a dropdown to navbar, tabs, and pills so you can display a dropdown of additional navigation. Dropdowns .dropdown-header
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Used to add headers inside the dropdown menu Dropdown .dropdown-menu
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Adds the default styles for the dropdown menu container Dropdown .dropdown-toggle
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This class is added to the button that will have the toggle action applied that will hide and show the dropdown menu Dropdown .embed-responsive
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The default responsive iframe embed styles Embed .embed-responsive-16by9
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Div wrapper class to make child iframe responsive Embed .embed-responsive-4by3
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Div wrapper class to make child iframe responsive Embed .fade
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To have your alerts use animation when closing, make sure they have the .fade and .in classes already applied to them. Alerts .form-control
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Class added input, textarea, and select to make them 100% and responsive Forms .form-group
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A div wrapper class that goes around a form input and label Forms .h2 - .h6
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Apply heading styles to other elements. Make a paragraph look like an h2 Typography .img-thumbnail
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Adds rounded corners and an inset border to an image Images .info
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Tables contextual class to change row color" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="https://v5.getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/content/tables/#contextual-classes Tables .initialism
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Add .initialism to an abbreviation for a slightly smaller font-size. Typography .input-group
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Wrapper class used to enhance an input and label group by adding a button in front or behind as help text Input groups .invisible
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Make something invisible Helper Classes .lead
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Increase the font size and line height of a paragraph. Good to use on the first paragraph of an article to improve readability. Typography .list-group
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Wrapper ul class that contains li with borders List group .list-group-horizontal
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The list group items are positioned horizontal intead of vertically. Be careful of long lists because they can break the layout. example List group .list-group-item
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Class added to each li in a list-group List group .list-group-item-text
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Class added to an anchor or p for a .list-group-item text under a heading List group .list-group-item-*
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Change color of list group item by adding one of the following: default, warning, info, danger, primary List group .list-inline
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Overrides a lists default style to be inline and block Typography .list-unstyled
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Removes all bullet styling from a ul or ol list Typography .mark
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For highlighting a run of text due to its relevance in another context, use the mark tag. Typography .modal
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The parent wrapper class of modal content Modal .modal-backdrop
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Added by the modal javascript to make the area around the modal clickable to hide the modal Modal .modal-body
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The modal body content class : Header - Body - Footer Modal .modal-content
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modal-content contains modal-body, modal-header, and modal-footer Modal .modal-dialog
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The secondary wrapper class of the entire modal content Modal .modal-dialog-centered
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Vertically and horizontally centers a modal dialog Modal .modal-footer
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The footer of the modal that contains action buttons or help text Modal .modal-header
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The header section of the modal that contains the title and close button Modal .modal-lg
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Makes a modal wider Modal .modal-open
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Javascript adds this class to the body tag to prevent scrolling with the modal is open Modal .modal-sm
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Makes the modal not as wide Modal .modal-title
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The title of the modal Modal .nav
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nav base class added all types of navigation: tabs, pills, justified, disabled links Navs .nav-tabs
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Class added to enable Bootstrap tabs Tab .navbar
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Navigation header class Navbar .navbar-brand
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Most navbars contain a logo or brand. This class is added to the anchor Navbar .navbar-nav
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The wrapper class of the navigation elements excluding the brand Navbar .next
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Used in the carousel control to identity the next control Carousel .pagination
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The wrapper class that contains all of the page navigation Pagination .progress
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The parent class wrapper of a progress bar Progress bars .progress-bar
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The class applied to the progress bar graphic that moves Progress bars .progress-bar-striped
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Changes progress to a striped version Progress bars .row
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used a parent wrapper of any vertical columns Grid system .row-cols-*-*
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Instead of setting the column width on the vertical-align:middle;6 you can specify the column grid on the .nav4. This can be used for a list of posts or for making a responsive card deck. Example vertical-align:middle;8 Grid system .small
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Create lighter, secondary text in any heading with a generic tag or the .small class. Typography .sr-only
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Hide an element to all devices except screen readers with .sr-only. Helper Classes .success
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Tables contextual class to change row color Tables .tab-pane
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Class added to the div that will act as a tab content area Tab .table
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Adding this class to a HTML table applies the Bootstrap styles Tables .table-sm
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Removes some padding from the table cells Tables .table-bordered
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Adds borders to a table and its cells Tables .table-responsive-*
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Makes a table responsive by cropping a wide table and makes it scrollable horizontally. .table-responsive or .table-responsive-(lg, md, sm, xl) Tables .text-capitalize
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Capitalize the text or title case Typography .text-justify
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Full justifys the text Typography .text-lowercase
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Changes text to lowercase Typography .text-nowrap
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Prevents the text from wrapping Typography .text-*
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Changes text color to a contextual color or grayscale value vertical-align:middle;9 Color .text-uppercase
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Makes text uppercase Typography .tooltip
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This class is used by the tooltip javascript as the wrapper of the toolitp Tooltip .tooltip-inner
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The wrapper class of tooltip text. This is generated by the Bootstrap javascript Tooltip

Bootstrap Cheat Sheet là gì?

Bootstrap Cheatsheet là một tập hợp tất cả các lớp, biến và mixins mà bạn sẽ cần tạo một trang web hoặc ứng dụng tương tác.a collection of all the classes, variables, and mixins you are ever going to need to create an interactive website or application.

Có bao nhiêu lớp học trong Bootstrap 5?

Lưới của Bootstrap bao gồm sáu tầng của các lớp được xác định trước để xây dựng bố cục đáp ứng phức tạp.Tùy chỉnh kích thước của các cột của bạn trên các thiết bị cực nhỏ, nhỏ, trung bình, lớn hoặc cực lớn tuy nhiên bạn thấy phù hợp.six tiers of predefined classes for building complex responsive layouts. Customize the size of your columns on extra small, small, medium, large, or extra large devices however you see fit.

Làm thế nào để bạn thực hiện bootstrap?

Hướng dẫn bootstrap..
Bước 1: Thiết lập và tổng quan.Tạo một trang HTML.Tải Bootstrap qua CDN hoặc lưu trữ cục bộ.Bao gồm jQuery.Tải Bootstrap JavaScript.Đặt nó tất cả cùng nhau..
Bước 2: Thiết kế trang đích của bạn.Thêm một thanh điều hướng.Bao gồm CSS tùy chỉnh.Tạo một thùng chứa nội dung trang.Thêm hình ảnh nền và JavaScript tùy chỉnh ..

Bootstrap 4 là gì?

Bootstrap 4 là phiên bản mới hơn của Bootstrap, đây là khung HTML, CSS và JavaScript phổ biến nhất để phát triển các trang web đáp ứng, đầu tiên trên thiết bị di động.Bootstrap 4 hoàn toàn miễn phí để tải xuống và sử dụng!a newer version of Bootstrap, which is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first websites. Bootstrap 4 is completely free to download and use!