How to convert byte to hex python?

Python has bytes-to-bytes standard codecs that perform convenient transformations like quoted-printable (fits into 7bits ascii), base64 (fits into alphanumerics), hex escaping, gzip and bz2 compression. In Python 2, you could do:


In Python 3, str.encode / bytes.decode are strictly for bytes<->str conversions. Instead, you can do this, which works across Python 2 and Python 3 (s/encode/decode/g for the inverse):

import codecs

Starting with Python 3.4, there is a less awkward option:

codecs.encode(b'foo', 'hex')

These misc codecs are also accessible inside their own modules (base64, zlib, bz2, uu, quopri, binascii); the API is less consistent, but for compression codecs it offers more control.

  1. HowTo
  2. Python How-To's
  3. Convert Byte to Hex in Python

Created: December-03, 2020 | Updated: March-08, 2021

  1. Initialize a Byte Literal in Python
  2. Use the hex() Method to Convert a Byte to Hex in Python
  3. Use the binascii Module to Convert a Byte to Hex in Python

This tutorial will introduce how to convert bytes into hexadecimal in Python.

The byte data type in Python is a sequence of bytes that can be stored on the disk as a variable, which can then be encoded and decoded. They are declared like a string but prefixed by the character b. Bytes accept special Unicode characters prefixed with \x.

Initialize a Byte Literal in Python

We will give an example of a byte literal, declare a string with special characters, and use the function encode('utf-8') to convert it to a byte literal.

byte_var = 'γιαούρτι - yogurt'.encode('utf-8')



b'\xce\xb3\xce\xb9\xce\xb1\xce\xbf\xcf\x8d\xcf\x81\xcf\x84\xce\xb9 - yogurt'

The output of encode() will result in a byte literal prefixed with the character b and the special characters converted into Unicode symbols.

Now the declaration of a byte is covered, let’s proceed with converting a byte into hex.

Use the hex() Method to Convert a Byte to Hex in Python

The hex() method introduced from Python 3.5 converts it into a hexadecimal string.

In this case, the argument will be of a byte data type to be converted into hex.

byte_var = 'γιαούρτι - yogurt'.encode('utf-8') 

print('Byte variable: ', byte_var)
print('Hexadecimal: ', byte_var.hex())


Byte variable:  b'\xce\xb3\xce\xb9\xce\xb1\xce\xbf\xcf\x8d\xcf\x81\xcf\x84\xce\xb9 - yogurt'
Hexadecimal:  ceb3ceb9ceb1cebfcf8dcf81cf84ceb9202d20796f67757274

Use the binascii Module to Convert a Byte to Hex in Python

The binascii Python module contains efficient utility functions for binary and ASCII operations.

Within this module, there is a function hexlify() that returns a hexadecimal value of the given argument, which is a binary value.

In this example, the argument will be the byte variable to be converted into hex.

import binascii

byte_var = 'γιαούρτι - yogurt'.encode('utf-8') 

print('Byte variable: ', byte_var)
print('Hexadecimal: ', binascii.hexlify(byte_var))


Byte variable:  b'\xce\xb3\xce\xb9\xce\xb1\xce\xbf\xcf\x8d\xcf\x81\xcf\x84\xce\xb9 - yogurt'
Hexadecimal:  b'ceb3ceb9ceb1cebfcf8dcf81cf84ceb9202d20796f67757274'

Take note that the return value of hexlify() returns a byte literal, unlike hex(), which returns a converted string.

If you want to convert the result into a string, use the function decode('utf-8').

import binascii

byte_var = 'γιαούρτι - yogurt'.encode('utf-8') 

print('Byte variable: ', byte_var)
print('Hexadecimal: ', '' + binascii.hexlify(byte_var).decode('utf-8'))


Byte variable:  b'\xce\xb3\xce\xb9\xce\xb1\xce\xbf\xcf\x8d\xcf\x81\xcf\x84\xce\xb9 - yogurt'
Hexadecimal:  ceb3ceb9ceb1cebfcf8dcf81cf84ceb9202d20796f67757274

Now the hexadecimal result is converted into a string from a byte literal.

In summary, we’ve covered 2 methods of converting a byte to hex in Python. The simplest way is to use the built-in function hex() to a byte literal. Alternatively, the hexlify() function from the binascii module can also be used to produce the same output.

Related Article - Python Bytes

  • Convert Bytes to Int in Python 2.7 and 3.x
  • Convert Int to Bytes in Python 2 and Python 3
  • Convert Int to Binary in Python
  • Convert Bytes to String in Python 2 and Python 3

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  • Convert Int to Bytes in Python 2 and Python 3
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  • How to convert byte to hex python?

    How do you display bytes as hex in python?

    Use bytearray..
    byte_array = bytearray(b"\xab").
    hexadecimal_string = byte_array. hex().

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    A byte (or octet) is 8 bits so is always represented by 2 Hex characters in the range 00 to FF.

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    hex() function is one of the built-in functions in Python3, which is used to convert an integer number into it's corresponding hexadecimal form. Syntax : hex(x) Parameters : x - an integer number (int object) Returns : Returns hexadecimal string.

    Can we convert string to hex in python?

    We can convert the string to hexadecimal using the following methods: Using the hex(n) method. Using the encode () method. Using the literal_eval () method.