How can access properties and methods explain with example in php?

Accessing Properties and Methods

Once you have an object, you can use the -> notation to access methods and properties of the object:

            $object->methodname([arg, ... ])

For example:

printf("Rasmus is %d years old.\n", $rasmus->age);  // property access
$rasmus->birthday();                                // method call
$rasmus->set_age(21);                               // method call with arguments

Methods are functions, so they can take arguments and return a value:

$clan = $rasmus->family('extended');

PHP does not have the concept of private and public methods or properties. That is, there’s no way to specify that only the code in the class should be able to directly access a particular property or method. Encapsulation is achieved by convention—only an object’s code should directly access its properties—rather than being enforced by the language itself.

You can use variable variables with property names:

$prop = 'age';
echo $rasmus->$prop;

A static method is one that is called on a class, not on an object. Such methods cannot access properties. The name of a static method is the class name, followed by two colons and the function name. For instance, this calls the p( ) method in the HTML class:

HTML::p("Hello, world");

A class’s documentation tells you which methods are static.

Assignment creates a copy of an object with identical properties. Changing the copy does not change the original:

$f = new Person('Fred', 35); $b = $f; // make a copy $b->set_name('Barney'); // change the copy printf("%s and %s are best friends.\n", ...

3.6. Accessing Methods and Properties Using the $this Variable

During the execution of an object's method, a special variable called $this is automatically defined, which denotes a reference to the object itself. By using this variable and the -> notation, the object's methods and properties can be further referenced. For example, you can access the $name property by using $this->name (note that you don't use a $ before the name of the property). An object's methods can be accessed in the same way; for example, from inside one of person's methods, you could call getName() by writing $this->getName().

3.6.1. public, protected, and private Properties

A key paradigm in OOP is encapsulation and access protection of object properties (also referred ...

A class's documentation tells you which methods are static.

Assignment creates a copy of an object with identical properties. Changing the copy does not change the original:

$f = new Person('Fred', 35);
$b = $f;                               // make a copy
$b->set_name('Barney');                // change the copy
printf("%s and %s are best friends.\n", $b->get_name(), $f->get_name( ));
Barney and Fred are best friends.

PHP - Access Modifiers

Properties and methods can have access modifiers which control where they can be accessed.

There are three access modifiers:

  • public - the property or method can be accessed from everywhere. This is default
  • protected - the property or method can be accessed within the class and by classes derived from that class
  • private - the property or method can ONLY be accessed within the class

In the following example we have added three different access modifiers to three properties (name, color, and weight). Here, if you try to set the name property it will work fine (because the name property is public, and can be accessed from everywhere). However, if you try to set the color or weight property it will result in a fatal error (because the color and weight property are protected and private):


class Fruit {
  public $name;
  protected $color;
  private $weight;

$mango = new Fruit();
$mango->name = 'Mango'; // OK
$mango->color = 'Yellow'; // ERROR
$mango->weight = '300'; // ERROR

In the next example we have added access modifiers to two functions. Here, if you try to call the set_color() or the set_weight() function it will result in a fatal error (because the two functions are considered protected and private), even if all the properties are public:


class Fruit {
  public $name;
  public $color;
  public $weight;

  function set_name($n) {  // a public function (default)
    $this->name = $n;
  protected function set_color($n) { // a protected function
    $this->color = $n;
  private function set_weight($n) { // a private function
    $this->weight = $n;

$mango = new Fruit();
$mango->set_name('Mango'); // OK
$mango->set_color('Yellow'); // ERROR
$mango->set_weight('300'); // ERROR

How can we access the methods and properties of a class in PHP?

Once you have an object, you can use the -> notation to access methods and properties of the object: $object -> propertyname $object -> methodname ([ arg, ... ] ) Methods are functions, so they can take arguments and return a value: $clan = $rasmus->family('extended');

How can we access properties and methods of a class in PHP give example?

There are three access modifiers:.
public - the property or method can be accessed from everywhere. This is default..
protected - the property or method can be accessed within the class and by classes derived from that class..
private - the property or method can ONLY be accessed within the class..

How do you access properties and methods Explain with example and also explain $this variable?

For example, you can access the $name property by using $this->name (note that you don't use a $ before the name of the property). An object's methods can be accessed in the same way; for example, from inside one of person's methods, you could call getName() by writing $this->getName().

How do you access the properties of an object in PHP?

Within class methods non-static properties may be accessed by using -> (Object Operator): $this->property (where property is the name of the property). Static properties are accessed by using the :: (Double Colon): self::$property .