fieldston là gì - Nghĩa của từ fieldston

fieldston có nghĩa là

One of the three independent hill schools, the other being horace mann and riverdale. Fieldston is by far the most comfortable and down-to-earth of the three, and less academically obsessed, but most definitely not a school for idiots. If some one is rejected by Fieldston, you can find them in Riverdale. Yeah, we get high, so what? We are the's kind of our reputation...and we're taught not to give a "flying" fuck about the opinions of other students from the stuck-up assholes at the other hill schools. On that note, go fuck a mop or get drunk if you're so damn good at it.


I go to Fieldston, therefore I am the one who rocks, not you bitchh from Riverdale...go transfer to horace mann so you can fuck a mop.

fieldston có nghĩa là

One of the so-called "prestigious" private high schools of New York City. The school aims at promoting ethical philosophies that I guess are meant to make the students better people. It fails miserably though, as I honestly see no difference in the "asshole to nice-people ratio" when I compare it to other schools.

The school tries to maintain a diverse environment which is also a joke in itself. Its funny that someone can get kicked out for making a slightly \racist comment in privacy while the school is selectively choosing different ethnic groups when it comes to admissions. But of course, we all know that true diversity comes from people who look different. Forget about ideas, values, culture and whatnot. And, everyone is jewish there somehow.

The school is ridiculously liberal. Mention anything that may be 1 notch to right and prepare to get your conservative ass raped by some ethical cock.


Fieldston. The place where the attractive people are at the top, the jocks are asses, the drama kids are weird, the nerds do their own thing, the workload is unbearable, everybody smokes weed (thank god), everyone drinks, and the normal kids in between the chaos are depressed as hell.

With each graduating class the world gets a bunch of ethical burn-outs who think they can change something in the world.

fieldston có nghĩa là

one of the three hill schools, the other two being riverdale and horace mann. fieldston is by far the shittiest school out of the three, with the most obnoxious people. fieldston is also the most diversity centered out of the three schools, which is why it was very ironic when there was a racial scandal among students in 2003-2004. also known for being the school where the kids get high.


i go to fieldston. i am therefore a fucking asshole.

fieldston có nghĩa là

1.n-the act of sticking a rock in your anus and farting it out
2.v-to give someone a blow job when they are asleep


1.My friend gave me $100 if I did a fieldston
2.Joe gave Tim a fieldston

fieldston có nghĩa là

1.n-the act of sticking a rock in your anus and farting it out
2.v-to give a man a blow job when they are asleep


1.I got $100 for giving myself a fieldston
2.Joe gave Tim a fieldston

fieldston có nghĩa là

A high school located in Riverdale, New York. This high school holds over 800 students and attracts some kids from the Greater NYC Area, The Bronx, and Westchester. At this school it is very easy to succeed, if you stay above the influence. But there are a few dumbasses who decide to not care. People cut class to go to Salvatore's Pizza and Yo Burger. Fieldston has successful sports teams. Even though the field hockey team eats ass, the football team is very good. The basketball teams are decent. Softball, baseball, soccer, squash, and tennis teams are also good. However, the swim teams suck ass. The boy's team is basically ran by this one black kid who beats everyone. At Fieldston, many kids enjoy getting drunk and high at fests. That's why they are called the Field-stoners. A few years ago a kid was even expelled for dealing weed to the whole school. At Fieldston, the females usually have big behinds and smell nice. It's a common sight to see a guy going: "Look at that BOOTIE". At Freshman Friday, the Freshman that go onto the Senior Grass are thrown into the trash cans. While this happens all of the upperclassmen laugh. Fieldston is diverse with blacks, whites, hispanics, asians, indians, and even a few martians.


Fieldston is literally the greatest and funniest school ever!

fieldston có nghĩa là

Past Tense Verb: The act of going to the Fieldston school, and then getting stoned, one would be Fieldstoned. The plural noun form Fieldstoners, derived from a comedic play on words involving the name of one of the NYC Ivy Leauge "Hill Schools", and narcotics.


Person #1:Man, that guy is so waaaay out of it.
Person #2:Yeah, I heard he goes to Fieldston. Guess he's a stoner.
Person #1:He is so Fieldstoned right now.

fieldston có nghĩa là

Ethical Culture Fieldston School is one of the most expensive prestigious New York Private Schools. It’s a place where the rich kids go and everybody else tries their best to get in. Everyone are just a bunch of jerks who party and are on the best sports teams. Some call it as one of the best three private hill schools with private schools Horace Mann for smart ass’ and Riverdale for jocks as it’s neighbors


Oh you go to Ethical Culture Fieldston school you must be wealthy

fieldston có nghĩa là

A neighborhood in the Bronx. Being in the Bronx, it has some negative connotations. It is actually a really nice neighborhood, home to Horace Mann School, Ethical Culture Fieldston School, and Riverdale Country Day School, some of NYC and the country's best schools. Has a few nice restaurants and is home to many upper middle or upper class people. The houses here are really, really nice and be compared to houses in the wealthier towns of Westchester.
Given that Ethical Culture Fieldston School is in Fieldston, a definition for Fieldston could also be the school - it is a "hilltop school" which just means those three schools mentioned above. It is one of the top schools in the country and prides itself on its diversity.


Fieldston is such a lovely neighborhood with such great schools!

fieldston có nghĩa là

A private school located in Riverdale, NY. It's very easy to succeed in Fieldston if you're rich and spoiled. At Fieldston, all the girls are "feminists" and the guys are solid 4s who think they're 10s. And everyone has a nicotine addiction. Sports are ok for a private school filled with white skinny stick boys. And the girls teams are all ass except the softball and soccer team. Girls basketball team is unacceptable, the frisbee team (that's it. It's just that they're the frisbee team), I forgot we had a golf team, wtf is squash, and everyone praises the hockey team because this one kid scored one goal and that was the most exciting thing that has ever happened at that school. The poly game is an excuse for the whole school to get wasted and spit on their principal. Any Fieldston party is a complete joke yet everyone thinks they can get lit. All the black kids are in love with the one black english teacher, and the white kids are in love with whatever the black kids think is cool. And everyone is jewish for some reason.
All the students spent a solid three months mourning a tree. Seriously. And the white kids love the black kids so much they say the n word whenever they want. It's a school where everyone is spoiled but they still go to protests cuz its "super trendy uwu." No one there is funny except the kids who are suicidal and poor. And the school praises itself for its long, skinny, ethical cock.


why am I still at Fieldston?