Bean và pea khác nhau như thế nào năm 2024

2. How to calculate the amount of beans and peas according to the United States Department of Agriculture

For people who eat salty foods, often eat cattle, poultry and seafood, they consider beans and peas as a group of vegetables. But for people who are vegetarians, vegans and very rarely eat livestock, poultry or fish, they see beans and peas as a protein food group. There are two ways to calculate the amount of beans and peas in USDA food samples (unit: oz).

2.1 Beans and peas of the Vegetable Group

Beans and peas count as a vegetable group if total intake is greater than or equal to the recommended intake from the Protein Food Group (between 2 - 7 oz, or 1,000 - 2,800 calories or more). For example, with a menu that includes 3 1⁄2 oz of chicken and 2 oz of tuna and 1⁄2 cups of roasted beans, the recommended 51⁄2 protein intake would include 3 1⁄2 oz of chicken and 2 oz tuna. So, 1/2 cup of roasted beans in this incomplete menu would be counted as the vegetable group to preserve the energy value of 2,000 calories.

Bean và pea khác nhau như thế nào năm 2024

Đậu Hà Lan chưa rất nhiều chất xơ

2.2 Beans and peas belong to the Protein Food Group

Beans and peas are counted as a protein food group if the total intake is less than the recommended intake from the protein food group. So make sure to count any beans and peas eaten into the suggested intake until it is reached. Once the suggested intake in the protein food group is reached, start counting any beans or peas that are eaten as vegetables. For example, with a menu consisting of 2 eggs, 11⁄2 tablespoons of peanut butter, and 1⁄2 cups of chickpeas, the recommended 51⁄2 protein intake includes 2 eggs, 11⁄2 tablespoons Peanut butter is not enough. So, to meet the recommendation, 1⁄2 cups of chickpeas would count as the protein food group, not the vegetable group. We need to continue to add protein foods to ensure that we are getting enough of the recommended amount of protein equivalent to a 2,000-calorie value. After reaching enough, the amount of beans and peas consumed will be included in the vegetable group. Beans and peas are 2 unique foods that are both classified as protein foods and classified as vegetables, depending on the amount of beans consumed.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp . Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.



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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

Alright, folks—let’s talk about pulses. Not the one that thumps from your heart and throughout your veins and arteries, but the little seedlings that you might soak overnight and then cook in a pot of chili or soup. Yes, those pulses, as in, beans and peas. Both belong to the legume (Leguminosae) family, making them largely similar crops. They share similar nutritional properties in that they possess a good amount of protein, fiber, and fat.

When talking about pulses, you might hear any of the following terms—beans, peas, pods, seeds, and legumes. Okay, what?! How do we differentiate and categorize them all? For the most part, the difference between all of the above groups is miniscule, and in certain situations, the terms can be used interchangeably. In fact, the linguistics behind these terms is somewhat complex and further confuses the situation. A pea technically falls under the umbrella of the bean family, but specifically refers to the seed of a plant from the Pisum sativum family. Did we mention that there are over 40,000 bean varieties? Yeah, it’s a lot to digest, I know. That said, “bean” and “pea” are not generally regarded as precise terms—they both refer to the seed of a plant, but different sources define seeds and the families in which they are a part of differently.

Without overcomplicating things and getting too hung up on semantics, let’s focus on the main overarching difference between beans and peas. One of their most identifiable differentiating factors is their stem—a pea has a hollowed-out stem, whereas a bean has a more solid stem. Seems minor, right? Well, that’s because it is. This biological difference does account for the fact that beans tend to lack tendrils in comparison to peas, which grow in a spiral, twine-like fashion due to the presence of said tendrils. While their growth patterns differ, the two botanical species remain quite similar. Additionally, peas are typically consumed in their dried form, whereas beans can be consumed fresh or in their dried. All this to say, don’t let the minor nuances between these two legumes deter you from making them a staple in your diet. Do not be afraid to pulse it out.

Pea là gì?

Danh từ (Thực vật học) Đậu Hà-lan; đậu.nullpea – Wiktionary tiếng Việ › wiki › peanull

Bean là gì?

Nói một cách đơn giản, bean là những module chính của chương trình, được tạo ra và quản lý bởi Spring IoC container. Các bean có thể phụ thuộc lẫn nhau, như ví dụ về Car , Engine và ChinaEngine từ đầu series tới giờ. Sự phụ thuộc này được mô tả cho IoC biết nhờ cơ chế Dependency injection.nullBean và ApplicationContext là gì trong Spring Boot? - › bean-va-applicationcontext-la-gi-trong-spring-boot-Ljy5Vjwj5ranull