white about it là gì - Nghĩa của từ white about it

white about it có nghĩa là

A statement that is used when a typical Caucasian person do something that no other race has done.


Person: Susan slapped her mommy and didn't get punished for it.
Another person: sounds about white.

white about it có nghĩa là

Barbarians (Undisciplined) The only Racists, KKK Members, Oppressors of new lands, etc.
The easiest baits for green cards
The only people who have money
The only people who are arrogant and ignorant
The only people who are self-centered
The only people who are unknowledgeable about other cultures


An example of "Stereotypes about White people": "Wow, look at that White guy yelling at that Black girl about her stealing something just now. What a racist he is! He must be from the KKK, since he's white and yelling at her, a black girl, for what she just did wrong."

white about it có nghĩa là

when someone (usually a poc) sees a white person doing something only white people would do


*sees a post about a caucasian fucking their sister*
me: "sounds about white"

white about it có nghĩa là

A phrase often used by racists to attribute some behavior of a bad actor to the Caucasoid race. It's frequently seen in youtube comments. It's rarely pointed to as racism by self appointed PC police and social justice deputies. The failure to see it as racism is further helped by certain retarded individuals, attempting to change the definition of racism, who hold that racism cannot be perpetrated by "underprivileged" races or against the "privileged" white race.


Nubianprincess: That crazy cracker just topped his cheerios with a tide pod.
👍80k 👎 2 Pantherpower: @ Nubianprincess Sounds about white.
👍30k 👎 1 阻碍: @ Nubianprincess Statistically, race x, y, or z is more likely to eat tide pods.
👍5 👎 125 Cuckforblacky: @ 阻碍 WTF, you're a racist POS. You should just die. AfricanKing: @ 阻碍 Eat shit, white nationalist Trump tard. 阻碍: @ AfricanKing I voted for Hilary and I'm Asian. WokeAF : Us whites have issues for sure 😂😂😂🤦 ♀️

white about it có nghĩa là

A suburban moral code, to be "white about it" means doing things the way white people do it, this includes being truthful, sticking to your word, being on-time etc..

When in mixed company telling someone to "be white about it" often leads to PC types jaw dropping and much offense taken.


White suburban dude #1: Dude, can I borrow twenty bucks for the bar? I don't have any cash.

White suburban dude #2: That's cool, just be white about it and pay me back.

white about it có nghĩa là

An internet phrase that refers to an action or a statement done by the white people, that are incestuous, pedo, stupid, racist or weird.


White people: WE'RE THE MASTER RACE. Other people: Sounds about white. White people: JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US. Other people: Sounds about white. White people: Damn, my sister is hot. I'd love to hit that. Other people: Sounds about white White people: I'm going to take a selfie while dangling at a very high place. Other people: Sounds about white. White people: I wish I had a dog, so I would have someone to love me. Sexually. Other people: Sounds about white. White people: I'm going to pet this lion. Other people: Sounds about white. White people: Children are so sexy. Other people: Sounds about white.

white about it có nghĩa là

A phrase used when someone does something that is very white (typical to something a classic white person would do). Based off of the phrase, sounds about right.


*plane lands*
White person: *claps hands*
Literally everyone else: sounds about white.

white about it có nghĩa là

Shit that wyppo do/say, but would be too obscure for any other race .


White person: I told my dad that he got me pregnant as an april fools joke. He was scared af lmao. Me: sounds about white.

white about it có nghĩa là

To cheat someone out of something, with intent to gain personal benefit. Can also mean complete lie. A made up story. To deceive purposely.


Person 1: did you find out if she was telling the truth about where she was last night?
Person 2: she said she stayed home but everyone said they saw her at the bar with her friends.
Person 1: sounds about White. Person 1: I bought a car from the dealership but I think it's a lemon, things have been going out on it left and right.
Person 2: yeah same thing happened to my stepdad when he purchased a car from them, I think they're shysters.
Person 1: did he return the car and get his money back?
Person 2: no they write their own contracts and the way it's written, he can't take it back even though it was a bad deal and unfortunately the laws on their side.
Person 1: Wow, that sounds about White.

white about it có nghĩa là

I wrote that shit. Years before that shitty movie came out. That shit was stolen. Pathetic. You see how inferior to me these piece of shit hollywood writers are? You saw it! You were all here and saw me write that shit. What a fucking hack!


You know that "Bombshell" line from that shitty movie where he says "You're a cliche. You validate everyone the white man thinks about out you"? That's shit was stolen. So was the Joker's speech at the end of the movie. Stolen from a guy that talks about raping whores who fuck retards every day. You motherfuckers are that shit up like crumb cake didn't you? You dumb motherfuckers. Didn't publish the definition though. Why? Because doesn't matter is you love the shit. It's that I'm the one who's saying it. Dumb motherfuckers. I knew that shit was good when I wrote it. I am a goddamn genius. And all of you are idiots.