Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

In the review, I visited two of these lenses, with serial numbers 5753025 and 5785412. The first copy was converted to a Nikon F mount, so it turned into a Nikon NON AI lens without automatic iris control.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Minolta MC Rokkor-PF 1: 1.4 f = 58mm

When used on a full-frame camera Nikon D700 converted lens Minolta MC Rokkor-PF 1: 1.4 f = 58mm catches зеркало when focusing on infinity. Most likely, in the redone version, he will hook a mirror on all full-size cameras Nikon and Canon.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Minolta MC Rokkor-PF 1: 1.4 f = 58mm

The lens is perfectly assembled - all made of metal and glass. The front lens gives off a pleasant blue-violet coating. Visually, the lens looks very nice and nice.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Minolta MC Rokkor-PF 1: 1.4 f = 58mm with covers.

Focus ring rotates on 180 degrees, while the front lens does not rotate, but the trunk of the lens lengthens by about one centimeter. The focusing ring is metal, the MDF of the lens is 60 centimeters, and the depth of field is indicated for F / 4, 8, 11, 16. The aperture ring has only a fixed set of values ​​and rotates with characteristic clicks.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Minolta MC Rokkor-PF 1: 1.4 f = 58mm when focusing on MDF, without front cover

For native cameras with a Minolta MD (MC) mount, an automatic blinking diaphragm is provided.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Minolta MC Rokkor-PF 1: 1.4 f = 58mm

The lens uses an aperture of just 6 blades and this is one of the few obvious flaws. On covered diaphragms, nuts in the blur zone can be seen.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Minolta MC Rokkor-PF 1: 1.4 f = 58mm

Sample Photos

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Minolta MC Rokkor-PF 1: 1.4 f = 58mm

Personal experience

Minolta MC Rokkor-PF 1: 1.4 f = 58mm - nice 'about fifty dollars'. It is comfortable to work with it and the quality of the images, as for such an old lens, is at a good level.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Minolta MC Rokkor-PF 1: 1.4 f = 58mm

Comments on this post do not require registration. Anyone can leave a comment. Many different photographic equipment can be found on AliExpress.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Minolta MC Rokkor-PF 1: 1.4 f = 58mm on Sony a7 camera

How to use SR/MC/MD mount lenses

To use a MINOLTA SR, MC, MD mount lens on modern mirrorless cameras, you should use the appropriate adapter:

  • Canon RF/RF-S: adapter SR/MD/MC -> RF/EOS R
  • Canon EF-M: adapter SR/MD/MC -> EF-M/EOS M
  • Sony NEX/ILCE/FE/E: adapter SR/MD/MC -> NEX/ILCE/FE/E
  • Nikon Z: adapter SR/MD/MC -> Z
  • Panasonic L / Sigma L / Leica L/T/TL: adapter SR/MD/MC -> L
  • fujifilm x: adapter SR/MD/MC -> X/FX
  • Samsung NX: adapter SR/MD/MC -> NX
  • Micro 4 / 3: adapter SR/MD/MC -> M4/3
  • Nikon 1: adapter SR/MD/MC -> N1

The adapters are compatible with SR, MC and MD mount lenses and these mounts are backwards compatible. But the use of lenses with a MINOLTA SR, MC, MD mount on SLR cameras is difficult due to the long working distance. In such cases, a corrective lens adapter must be used, which will degrade the image quality.

Comments on this post do not require registration. Anyone can leave a comment. Many different photographic equipment can be found on AliExpress.

The Minolta MC Rokkor-PF 1: 1.4 f = 58mm is a good lens with characteristic bokeh. It tolerates side and back light well, gives good image contrast.

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval. Training/Consultations | Youtube | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Telegram

The 1969 Minolta 58mm f/1.4 is a fast vintage lens for Minolta SLR cameras of the age. It was positioned between the budget kit 55mm f/1.7 and the premium 58mm f/1.2 as the middle lens in Minoltas standard lens lineup. In this review, I’m going to take a look at how it performs and handles on the Sony a6300.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

This isn’t the smallest vintage lens I’ve used, nor the lightest. At 275g (0.6 lbs) it adds noticeable weight to the camera but it’s not so heavy that it causes issues. With the adapter, it’s about as big as the Sony SEL 50mm f/1.8, which isn’t all that bad. Build quality is fantastic, as with most lenses of the time – the all metal body is built to last and my copy is still in great shape.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

The Minolta 58mm f/1.4 with K&F Concepts adapter and lens hood (item no. D55NA).

Crop Factor and Minimum Focus Distance

On APS-C, this lens fills the role of a short telephoto portrait lens (58 x 1.5 = 87mm on full frame). What this means is you can expect this lens to perform like an 87mm lens on a full frame camera which gives a slight zoomed-in effect.

The minimum focus distance (MFD) of 2 feet is pretty poor for a full frame 50-ish, but on APS-C it’s not that bad given the crop factor. By comparison, Sony’s APS-C 50mm f/1.8 has an MFD of 1.28 feet which is much better.


At f/1.4 there’s a whole lot of spherical aberration casting a dreamy haze over the picture, hiding most sharpness and contrast. It clears up a good deal by f/2.0 and contrast is good. At f/2.8 central sharpness is good and the corners begin to catch up. By f/5.6 the frame has excellent sharpness from corner to corner, and this level of sharpness is maintained going into f/8. From f/11 on diffraction softens the image.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

When stopped down for landscapes, you can get some nice pictures.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Taken at f/8.

Chromatic Aberration

Some lateral aberrations can be seen in the sharpness tests above.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Longitudinal aberrations are visible throughout the aperture range as well. The above crop was taken at f/4.0, a small amount of blue and green fringing are visible on out of focus lines of contrast.


Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Barrel distortion – a Lightroom correction of +3 will take care of it.


At f/1.4, it’s pretty significant.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá


Stop down to f/2 and most of it is gone.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá



Wide open at f/1.4, out of focus highlights can have a distinct outline. The bubble bokeh crowd will be happy with this, while those looking for creamy goodness won’t.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Taken at f/1.4 – lots of bubbles! Also note the huge aberrations where the light hits the tree.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Taken at f/1.4 – grass blades are busy.

Scenes that have low background contrast come out better. In these situations you can get some nice bokeh.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Taken at f/1.4 – the wood floor in the background is super smooth.

At f/2, things calm down a bit. This is my preferred aperture for busy backgrounds.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Taken at f/2 – no more bubbles, and aberrations are gone.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Taken at f/2 – grass is a bit smoother.

However, even at f/2 the slightly rounded 6-bladed aperture can be obvious when the subject is up close.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Taken at f/2 – Hexagon patterns in the bokeh.

Sunstars and Flaring

Performance here is typical from Minolta of the era – not the best, but not the worst.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Taken at f/8 – flares and ghosts.

With a bright source of light in the frame, you can expect a lot of ghosting and flaring. The example taken above is quite extreme. In the less extreme example below, you can make out some blue and purple ghosts and some flaring.

Minolta 58 1.4 đánh giá

Taken at f/8

6 aperture blades means 6 pointed sun stars, they can look pleasant in some situations.


The Minolta 58mm f/1.4 has a lot of character. Wide open it’s glowy and bokeh can be busy. If you’re looking for a lens with these characteristics then this might be your guy, I imagine there are folks out there who could use them to their advantage. Also keep in mind that flaring is average for a vintage lens – awareness and a lens hood will help control it.

On the a6300 I don’t find myself using this lens too often. It has excellent character and I like that for some occasions, but for most others I find myself reaching for something else. I feel this lens may perform better on a full frame camera and I’d like to explore that in the future.

You can pick this lens up on eBay for around $75 in decent-to-good condition, less if you’re willing to wait for a good deal.