How to prevent RSV in newborns

Despite the unusually warm winter we are experiencing, our smallest family members remain at risk for getting sick, and one bug in particular can land them in the emergency room.

RSV, or Respiratory Syncytial Virus is a highly contagious respiratory virus that can often lead to infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract and is the leading cause of hospitalizations among babies during their first year of life. According to the CDC, almost all children have had an RSV infection by their second birthday. Despite its’ prevalence, it is important for parents to know how to protect their child from RSV this winter.

In adults and older children, RSV is nothing more than the common cold. Yet for a small percentage of babies, RSV can turn into a more serious infection such as pneumonia or bronchiolitis, which is an inflammation of the bronchioles or small air passages, in the lungs. The greatest risk for a severe infection can occur in infants under ten weeks of age, premature infants, as well as children under age two that are born with heart or lung disease or have a weakened immune system.

RSV can be easily be spread by coughing, sneezing and touching contaminated objects such as toys. Since the common cold is so common, it is easy to minimize the impact a cold can have on others. That is why it is so important to take precautions to protect new babies from people who are sick. Grandparents

Some symptoms of RSV include:

  • High fever (infants 3 months or younger with over a 100.4 temperature)
  • Severe cough or wheezing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Thick discharge from nose
  • A cough that produces a green, yellow or gray mucus
  • Refusal to bottle or breast feed

A sick-child appointment should be made with a pediatric provider if any of the symptoms are present. If the baby is breathing rapidly or appears to be lethargic or have a blue tint, emergency medical attention should be sought immediately.

The best way to prevent RSV is through diligent hand washing and disinfecting hard surfaces such as toys, countertops and doorknobs. Parents of infants under 10 weeks of age should avoid crowds or public events as much as possible during RSV season, which is November through March. This will help protect the baby from anyone who may be sick.

Your child’s care is a priority to the team at Rainbow Pediatrics. If you think your child may have RSV or if you have further questions about preventing your child from contracting RSV, contact Rainbow Pediatrics at 910-486-5437 or visit online.

RSV is a respiratory infection that is common and sometimes serious in babies. Some symptoms include difficulty breathing, lethargy, cough, and more. Recognizing the symptoms and when to get help can keep your baby safe.

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a serious respiratory infection that can affect people of all ages.

But RSV is most serious when it occurs in babies. That’s because babies’ airways aren’t as well-developed, so they cannot cough up mucus like older children or adults. Also, their airways are smaller, so they can experience airway blockage easily, causing trouble breathing.

In many people, RSV causes cold symptoms, often with a cough. In babies, RSV can cause a more serious illness called bronchiolitis. Babies with bronchiolitis have wheezing along with their cough.

RSV can lead to other severe infections, including pneumonia. In some cases, babies may need to receive treatment at a hospital.

RSV is a virus, so there are currently no medications that can cure it to shorten the course of the illness. Instead, doctors will often recommend treatments or remedies to help manage symptoms until the infection passes.

People can often transmit RSV from November to April, when cooler temperatures bring people indoors and when they’re more likely to interact with others. People can also transmit RSV earlier in the year. For example, in 2022, the RSV season started earlier, with a high number of cases in October.

Keep reading to learn more about this virus, including symptoms to watch out for and when to get medical help.

Symptoms of RSV in babies

In older children, RSV can cause symptoms similar to that of a cold. But in babies, the virus causes more severe symptoms.

RSV tends to follow a timeline of symptoms. Symptoms often appear4 to 6 daysafter exposure to the virus. However, a baby may start experiencing symptoms earlier or later.

Symptoms a baby may have with RSV include:

  • faster than usual breathing
  • difficulty breathing and feeding
  • cough
  • fever
  • irritability
  • lethargy or behaving sluggishly
  • runny nose
  • sneezes
  • labored breathing using chest muscles
  • wheezing

Some babies are more likely to experience RSV symptoms,includingthose born prematurely or babies with heart problems or a history of wheezing or breathing issues.

RSV vs. COVID-19

RSV and COVID-19 are both respiratory infections and share many similar symptoms. Both conditions can cause fever, cough, runny nose, and sneezing. Upset stomach, vomiting, or diarrhea may also occur in babies with COVID-19.

SymptomRSVCOVID-19coughcommoncommonfevercommoncommonirritabilitycommoncommonlethargy or sluggish behaviorcommoncommonrunny nosecommonmay occursneezingcommonmay occurwheezingcommonless commondifficulty breathingmay occurmay occurbreathing that’s faster than usualmay occurmay occurnausea or vomitingless commoncommonheadacheless commoncommonsore throatless commoncommon

If your child has any of the above symptoms, their pediatrician may recommend testing them for both RSV and COVID-19, depending on cases in your area and their exposure risk to either of these viruses.

When to get medical help for RSV

RSV cases can range from mild cold symptoms to those of severe bronchiolitis. Even if symptoms are mild, it’s important to call your pediatrician if you suspect your baby has RSV. Always get emergency medical care if your baby appears to have trouble breathing.

Emergency symptoms to watch out for include:

  • dehydration, including a sunken fontanel (soft spot), dry diaper, or no tear production when they cry
  • difficulty breathing, which can include rib lines showing through the skin (retraction) as they breathe
  • blue fingernails or mouth, which is cyanosis, an indication that they are not getting enough oxygen and are in severe distress
  • fever greater than 100°F (38°C), rectally obtained, in babies younger than 3 months
  • fever greater than 104°F (39°C) in children of any age
  • thick nasal discharge that makes it hard for the child to breathe

Treatment for RSV in babies

In the most severe cases, RSV may require the help of a breathing machine known as a mechanical ventilator. This machine can help to inflate your baby’s lungs until the virus goes away.

Doctors used to routinely treat many cases of RSV with bronchodilators. Some doctors still use bronchodilators for RSV treatment, but experts no longer recommend this for the most part.

Doctors prescribe bronchodilators for people with asthma or COPD to help open up the airways and treat wheezing, but they don’t help the wheezing that comes with RSV bronchiolitis.

If your baby has dehydration, their doctor may also provide intravenous fluid.

Antibiotics won’t help your baby’s RSV because antibiotics treat bacterial infections. RSV is a viral infection.

Can you treat your baby at home if they have RSV?

If your doctor gives you the OK to treat RSV at home, you’ll likely need a few tools. These will keep your baby’s secretions (mucus) as thin as possible so they don’t affect their breathing.

A bulb syringe

You can use a bulb syringe to clear thick secretions from your baby’s nose.

To use the bulb syringe:

  1. Compress the bulb until the air is out.
  2. Place the tip of the bulb in your baby’s nose and release the bulb. This will pull mucus into the bulb.
  3. When you remove the bulb, squeeze it onto a cloth or paper towel to clear the bulb.
  4. After clearing your baby’s nose, wash the bulb with warm soapy water, rinse it, and allow it to dry well between uses to prevent mold.

It is especially important to use the bulb syringe before your baby’s feeding. A clear nose makes it easier for your baby to eat. Combine the tool use with over-the-counter saline drops, which you can place into each nostril and suction out afterward.

Cool mist humidifier

A humidifier can introduce moisture into the air, helping thin your baby’s secretions. Make sure to clean and care for the humidifier properly.

Hot water or steam humidifiers could be harmful to your baby because they can cause scalding.

You can talk with your child’s doctor about treating any fevers with acetaminophen. Your doctor will suggest a dose based on your baby’s weight. Do not give your baby aspirin, as this can harm their health.

Preventing dehydration in babies with RSV

Providing fluids, such as breast milk or formula, can prevent dehydration in your baby. You can also ask your doctor about potentially giving your baby an electrolyte-replacing solution, like Pedialyte.

Keep your baby in an upright position, which makes it easier for them to breathe. You can keep your baby more upright in a stable and secure car seat or baby seat while they are awake during the day.

Except while in a car, never put a baby to sleep in a car seat due to the risk of suffocation. If using a car seat to prop your baby up while they are awake, place the car seat on a stable, secure, low surface with direct supervision at all times.

Limiting your baby’s exposure to cigarette smoke is also vital to keeping them healthy. Cigarette smoke can make your baby’s symptoms worse.

Is RSV contagious?

When an otherwise healthy baby has RSV, they can pass on the infection to someone for3 to 8 days. Try to keep the child with the infection separate from other siblings or children to prevent transmission.

RSV is transmissible through direct and indirect contact with a person who has an active infection. Transmission can involve touching a person’s hand after they sneeze or cough, and then rubbing your eyes or nose.

Frequent handwashing with warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds per time is the best way to reduce the risk of RSV. It’s also important to help your baby cover sneezes and coughs.

The virus can also live on hard surfaces, such as a crib or toys, for several hours. If your baby has RSV, regularly clean toys and surfaces where they play and eat to help reduce the spread of germs.


Babies can make a full recovery from RSV in1 to 2 weeks. Most babies can recover from RSV without receiving treatment in a hospital setting. However, if you think your baby has dehydration or is in moderate to severe distress, get emergency medical care.

What causes RSV in a newborn?

Respiratory syncytial virus enters the body through the eyes, nose or mouth. It spreads easily through the air on infected respiratory droplets. You or your child can become infected if someone with RSV coughs or sneezes near you. The virus also passes to others through direct contact, such as shaking hands.

How can I prevent my baby from getting RSV from a cold?

Preventing the Spread of RSV If you have a cold, be careful around your baby. Here are some tips to keep RSV from spreading: Wash your hands often, before touching your baby and before handling food. Wash your hands after sneezing, coughing, or changing diapers.

Does breastmilk protect against RSV?

Conclusion: Breastfeeding has been shown to have a protective effect for infants with RSV bronchiolitis. WHO recommends minimum 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding for maximal immune protection against viral infections in infants.

What age are babies most at risk for RSV?

Premature infants..
Infants, especially those 6 months and younger..
Children younger than 2 years old with chronic lung disease or congenital (present from birth) heart disease..
Children with weakened immune systems..