How quickly will a hiring manager decide if you are a good candidate based on your resume quizlet?

Chapter 15 Power Point:

Chapter 15 Power Point:

Applicant Tracking Systems:

Computer systems that capture and store incoming resumes and help recruiters find good prospects for current openings

attempt to analyze the content of resumes in order to find good matches with company job descriptions, aligning your language to the employers will help you get past keyword filters these systems use to rank incoming resumes

Chronological Resume:

The most common resume format; it emphasizes work experience, with past jobs shown in reverse chronological order.

Combination Resume:

Format that includes the best features of the chronological and functional approaches

Functional Resume:

Format that emphasizes your skills and capabilities while identifying employers and academic experience in subordinate sections; many recruiters view this format with suspicion


The process of making connections with mutually beneficial business contacts


A structured, written summary of a persons education, employment background, and job qualifications

What is meant by "Quality of Hire"?

A measure of how closely new employees meet the company's needs.

-Your ability to perform
-Your overall reliability
-Your motivation level

What are common mistakes made during job search?

- overlooking resume errors
- misspelling the hiring managers name
- arriving late for an interview
- tweeting something unprofessional
- completing application forms incorrectly
- not doing your own research

What is the purpose of an application letter?

To get them to look at your resume

What is the purpose of a resume?

To get you an interview

What is the purpose of an interview?

To get a job

What should you learn about to help you write your resume and application letter?

The individuals who may be reading your resume! Also important to conduct research on the professions, industries, and companies.

What is the most common way to organize a resume?

Chronological Resume Approach

Describe the Chronological Resume:

-Most common approach

-Emphasize Employment Experience

-Presents your professional history in a clear, easy-to-follow arrangement.

-Work experience section dominates and is placed immediately after your contact info and introductory statement. (educational info can go first if you have limited professional experience)

-Work experience is listed in reverse chronological order, beginning with most recent.

-List employers name and location, job title, dates, and highlight accomplishments

A resume should be written in a ______ and ______ style.

Simple and Direct

Avoid using which word?


It can begin to sound both self-involved and repetitious.

Use ______ that start with ______ to help catch the readers attention.

Short Phrases that start with strong action verbs

What are some general guidelines for composing your resume?

-Use a simple, direct style
-Use short phrases, not whole sentences
-Start phrases with action verbs
-Provide specific supporting evidence (#'s are great)
-Include business or technical words

Why are the particular words and phrases in your resume critically important?

The majority of resumes are now subjected to keyword searches.

Keywords are usually nouns and can include the business and technical terms associated with a specific profession, industry specific jargon, describe special skills, attributes, and experiences etc.

What is the purpose of active statements?

to offer concrete proof and show results

What are the essential elements of a resume?

-Contact Information
-Introductory Statement
-Special Skills

What should the contact information section of your resume include?

Your name, address (permeant and current), phone number, email address

What are the three types of introductory statements?

Career Objective: identifies either a specific job you want or a general career you want to pursue

Qualifications Summary: offers a brief capsule view of your key qualifications

Career Summary: recaps your career with the goal of presenting increasing levels of responsibility and performance

What should the education section include?

GPA! if not, be prepared to explain why

What should the experience section include?

-call attention to your workplace skills and your ability to handle responsibility.

-Emphasize accomplishments, not just responsibilities

-List is reverse chronological order and devote the most space to the jobs that are recent or closely related to target position

What should the activities and honors sections include?

List if they are relevant to the job you are seeking or if they highlight your skills as a leader, communicator, or team player.

As a rule, what shouldn't be included in your resume?

Personal data and "references available upon request"

Describe a traditional resume:

High quality paper is important

Choose neutral color paper

Describe a scannable resume:

Type of printed resume that is specially formatted to be compatible with optical scanning systems that convert printed documents to electronic text.

Should always include a keyword summary

Should be formatted in a simpler fashion that avoids underlining, special characters, and other elements that can confuse the scanning system.

When emailing and attaching a resume, what should we do to it and why?

First convert it to a PDF!

1) Preserves the formatting of your resume
2) Files are less vulnerable to computer viruses

Chapter 15 Textbook Notes:

Chapter 15 Textbook Notes:

What are the eight key steps to finding the ideal opportunity in today's job market?

Writing The Story of You

Learning to Think Like an Employer

Researching Industries and Companies of Interest

Translating Your General Potential into a Specific Solution for Each Employer

Taking the Initiative to Find Opportunities

Building Your Network

Seeking Career Counseling

Avoiding Mistakes

What will be the most important document in your job search?


Describe the Three Step Resume Writing Process:

Plan (analyze the situation, gather information, choose media and channels, organize the information)

Write (adapt to your audience, compose the message)

Complete (revise the message, produce the message, proofread the message, distribute the message)

Describe the The Chronological Resume:

The chronological is the most common approach.

The work experience section dominates and is placed immediately after your contact information and introductory statement.

Many employers prefer this format because it presents your professional history in a clear, easy-to-follow arrangement.

List your jobs in reverse chronological order (beginning the most recent).

For each job, start by listing the employers name and location, your official job title, and the date you held the position (write "two present" if you still hod it).

Next, highlight your accomplishments.

Describe the Functional Resume:

The functional resume (sometimes called a skills resume) is often considered by people with limited or spotty employment history, but many employers are suspicious of this format.

Emphasizes your skills and capabilities, identifying employers and academic experience in subordinate sections.

This stresses individual areas of competence rather than job history.

Describe the Combination Resume:

A combination meshes the skills focus of the functional format with the job history focus of the chronological format.

Advantage is that it allows you to highlight your capabilities and education when you don't have a long or steady employment history, without raising concerns that you might be hiding something about your past.

Addressing Areas of Concern:

Frequent Job changes: consider grouping similar jobs under a single heading. Convey layoff in a subtle way

Gaps in work history: mention relevant experience/education you gained during employment gaps

Inexperience: mention related volunteer work, membership in professional groups, relevant course work, and internships

Over qualification: Tone done your resume, focusing exclusively on the experience that relates to the position

Long Term Employment with One Company: itemize each position held to show growth within organization and increasing responsibilities.

Job Termination for Cause: Be honest with interviewers and address their concerns with proof

Criminal Record: Doesn't have to be disclosed on resume. If you are asked, you are legally bound to answer truthfully.

What are the steps for completing your resume?

Revising Your Resume

Producing Your Resume

Proofreading Your Resume

Distributing Your Resume

Chapter 16 Power Point:

Chapter 16 Power Point:

What is a solicited application letter?

A letter in response to an identified/advertised job opening

-You know what qualifications the organization is seeking

-Solicited is EASIER

-Increased competition

What is a prospecting (unsolicited) letter?

An unsolicited letter to an organization that has not announced an opening

-unclear job qualifications

-fewer competitors

Tips for Application Letters:

1) Address your letter to a specific person ("dear hiring manager" is appropriate if you cant figure out who)

2) Clearly identify the opportunity you're applying for

3) Show you understand the company

4) Don't volunteer salary history

5) Keep your message short! No more than three or four paragraphs

6) Show personality, but still be professional

7) Project Confidence, not arrogance

8) Don't just repeat information from your resume

Explain the AIDA approach:

Attention: opening paragraph should clearly state your reason for writing & give the recipient a reason to keep reading by demonstrating that you have some immediate potential for meeting the companies needs.

Interest: The middle section presents your strongest selling points in terms of your potential benefit to the organization

Desire: This interest ^ creates desire to interview you

Action: Final paragraph asks the reader for a specific action (usually an interview) & to facilitate a reply. Be sure to include email address, phone number, and best time to reach you

Why is a follow up message important?

It can demonstrate that you're sincerely interested in working for the organization, persistent in pursuing your goals, and committed to upgrading your skills.

Explain how to best follow up after submitting your resume:

1) Communicate professionally

2) Follow employers instructions

3) Observe job postings close date

When is it appropriate to follow up after submitting your resume?

If the job posting lists a close date, don't call or write before then, because the company is still collecting applications and will not have made a decision about inviting people for interviews.

Wait a week or so after the close date

If no close date is given and you have no other information to suggest a timeline, you can generally contact the company starting a week or two after submitting your resume.

What are good things to do in a follow up email or phone call?

Share additional information that links your qualifications to the position and ask a question about the hiring process.

-Has a hiring decision been made yet?
-Can you tell me what to expect next in terms of the hiring process?

Handout Notes

Handout Notes

What word must be used somewhere in the body of your letter of application.

Resume to refer the reader to your resume

Guidelines for Application Letter:

First Paragraph: get your readers attention by telling what position you are interested in, how you learned about it, and what you can do for the company

Middle Paragraphs: Be sure to include topic sentences! Discuss your education, work experiences, and other activities/responsibilities. Instead of repeating information already given on your resume, elaborate and give concrete details about that info.

Last Paragraph: Politely ask for an interview. Avoid using the words "hope" or "if". Repeat the position in a more general way and provide contact number and email.

"Enclosure" or for online "attachment"

Other notes:

-Choose strong, active verbs!

-Avoid passive voice

-Use as few first person personal pronouns as possible (I, me, my, myself, we, us, our, ourselves, etc.)

-Avoid the "be" verbs (am, is, are, was, were)

-Name on resume should be larger than the other font (everything else should be the same size)

Review Handout for Example of Formatting Application Letter!

Review Handout for Example of Formatting Application Letter!

The chronological resume seems to be the most popular resume format used. This type of resume usually contains an objective and/or career summary statement and a chronological listing (from most recent to past) of all your employers along with related accomplishments.

Which of the following are best practices for creating your resume?

The best resume practices include pertinent contact details, a LinkedIn profile, career summary, work experience, education, and transferrable skills. An easy-to-read, consistent Word file format, standard font, bulleted paragraphs with quantifiable facts, limited to 2 pages.

Which of the following are true of a good resume?

Which of the following are true of a good résumé? It must help employers rapidly understand how the candidate will deliver value to them. It should catch the attention of hiring managers with a good design. It should present the candidate's main credentials within 15 to 30 seconds.

Which of the following is true of errors on resumes quizlet?

choosing a layout. Which of the following is true of errors on résumés? Careless mistakes and typos often lead to immediate rejection.