Fool time shame on you là gì năm 2024

câu tục ngữ Bạn nên do dự khi tin người vừa lừa bạn. Có phải Ralph sẽ lại lao ra từ sau cánh cửa đó không? Nào, lừa tui một lần, xấu hổ về bạn; lừa tui hai lần, xấu hổ về tui .. Xem thêm: lừa, trên, xấu hổ

Lừa tui một lần, xấu hổ về bạn; lừa tui hai lần, xấu hổ về tôi.

Prov. Sau một lần bị lừa, bạn nên cảnh giác, kẻo người đó lừa bạn lần nữa. Fred: Bạn có muốn một lon đậu phộng không? Jane: Hộp đậu phộng cuối cùng mà bạn đưa cho tui có một con rắn đồ chơi trong đó. Fred: Cái này thực sự là đậu phộng. Jane: Lừa tui một lần, xấu hổ về bạn; lừa tui hai lần, xấu hổ về tui .. Xem thêm: lừa dối, trên, xấu hổ. Xem thêm:

This article was reviewed by Gerald Posner and by wikiHow staff writer, Jessica Gibson. Gerald Posner is an Author & Journalist based in Miami, Florida. With over 35 years of experience, he specializes in investigative journalism, nonfiction books, and editorials. He holds a law degree from UC College of the Law, San Francisco, and a BA in Political Science from the University of California-Berkeley. He’s the author of thirteen books, including several New York Times bestsellers, the winner of the Florida Book Award for General Nonfiction, and has been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in History. He was also shortlisted for the Best Business Book of 2020 by the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing.

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"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me," is a common proverb, but what is it really saying? Maybe you read it in a book or heard a friend use it in conversation. Don't worry—we'll explain exactly what "fool me once" means and tell you how to use it.

  1. It's basically saying that it's not your fault if you're tricked by someone, but if you trust them and they trick you again, it's on you. You might hear it like this:
    • "Are you trying to pull the same trick on me again? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
    • "I really want to trust you again, but it's hard after you lied to me. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me."
    • "You're asking me to loan you money again? Fool me once, shame on you..."
  1. You can use the proverb to highlight that you've learned from your mistakes. Say you're talking with a friend and you're worried they're going to make a mistake—that they should know better. This is a great chance to use "fool me once, shame on you."
    • For example, say, "You should think before getting back together with the boyfriend who dumped you. Fool me once, shame on you, you know."
  2. There’s no need to include “fool me twice, shame on me” since most people are familiar with the proverb.
    • You might hear it like this: “Ever since my daughter swapped the sugar with the salt, I check before I put it into my coffee. Fool me once, shame on you…”
  • In 1650, courtier Anthony Weldon wrote a book describing the court of King James. In The Court and Character of King James he included juicy gossip and political secrets. At one point, he used this phrase for the first time:
  • "He that deceives me once, it's his fault; but if twice, it's my fault."

In 2002, Bush was giving a press conference defending the Iraq War. He famously misquoted the phrase and received a lot of teasing for it. Here's exactly what he said:

Cậu nghĩ sao về những người bạn thân xung quanh cậu,hãy nói về vài người gần gũi với cậu đi.Xem có tôi trong đấy không? :-w

Bạn thân của t thì đều lắng nghe và rộng lượng trước những sự khó chịu khó gần khó tính khó ở của t.

Giờ ít thời gian nên không còn gần gũi nhiều với mọi người nữa, thỉnh thoảng inbox nhau tâm sự vài chuyện dặn dò là đủ thấy ấm lòng rồi.

"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me" = lừa tôi lần một, lỗi do anh, lừa tôi lần hai, lỗi do tôi -> nghĩa là sau khi bị lừa, người ta nên cảnh giác hơn để không bị lừa nữa.

Ví dụ

“This is a good example of fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me,” ends Sangster. “This isn’t the first cyber blemish (nhược điểm) in Marriott’s logbook (sổ lộ trình). Beyond the penalties, Marriott will likely find itself in a protracted (kéo dài) legal battle with underwriters to receive insurance coverage again.”

“Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me” sprang to mind when I heard Richard Branson demanding a bailout (cứu trợ tài chính) for the airlines. It’s over a decade now since we bailed out the banks and what thanks did we get? Outrageous bonuses continued aplenty while better treatment of customers and communities there was not.

Falmouth Town Meeting Members forget the old saying Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Indeed, shame on all of them for buying into the omission (bỏ sót) of facts over the past twenty years.