A nurse should recognize that which of the following findings is an indication for oxygen therapy

You spent much of your time in nursing school learning about what might go wrong with clients and their care. This makes sense; after all, nurses need to deal with problems and illnesses. Many test questions that your nursing school faculty wrote focused on what was wrong with clients and their care. In order to prove minimum competence, the beginning practitioner must demonstrate the ability to make appropriate nursing judgments. Competent nursing judgments include recognizing both expected and unexpected behaviors, so it is important for you to recognize expected outcomes on the NCLEX-RN® exam. Expected outcomes are the behaviors and changes you think are going to occur as a result of nursing care. These outcomes allow the nurse to evaluate whether goals have been met. Here is the path to finding the correct answer for Expected Outcomes questions:

A nurse should recognize that which of the following findings is an indication for oxygen therapy

Look at the following question.

If this question were included on one of your medical/surgical tests, you would assume that a problem was being described. So you would choose an answer choice that involves “fixing” the problem. Let’s look at this question.
The Reworded Question: What should you do with a client with these ABGs?
Step 1. Recognize normal. Interpret the ABGs. All are within normal limits.
Step 2. Decide how you should use this information. Because they are all normal, let’s reword the question again using this information.
Now the Reworded Question is: What should you do for a client with normal ABGs?

(1)  “Increase the rate of oxygen flow the client is receiving.” This is unnecessary because his O2 is within normal limits. Eliminate.
(2)  “Elevate the head of the bed.” This is unnecessary because the ABGs are within normal limits. Eliminate.
(3)  “Document the results in the chart.” This action should be done because the ABGs are normal.
(4)  “Instruct the client to cough and deep-breathe.” This is usually recommended in a situation in which there is some limitation of respiratory function, due to immobility or post-operative conditions, for example. The only information you are given in this question is the client’s ABGs, which are within normal limits. Although this could be done, you are given no indication that it is necessary. Eliminate.
The correct answer is (3). The ABGs are within normal limits. Some students select answer choice (2) because they think there’s something they missed, or it must be a trick question. The “trick” is deciding whether the information that you are given is normal or abnormal, and then answering the question accordingly.

The Reworded Question: What should you do for this client? To answer this question you need to know what these vital signs indicate.
Step 1. Recognize normal. Nitroglycerin is a potent vasodilator with anti-anginal, anti-ischemic, and antihypertensive actions. It increases blood flow through the coronary arteries. Side effects include orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, dizziness, and palpitations. A decreased blood pressure, increased pulse, and stable respirations after administration of a potent vasodilator are normal and expected.
Step 2. Decide how you should use this information. The question should be reworded as, “What should you do for a client who has responded as expected to a dose of nitroglycerin?”

(1)  “Notify the physician that the client has become hypotensive and obtain an order to administer IV fluids.” The blood pressure has decreased due to vasodilatation. Decreased blood pressure is expected. Eliminate.
(2)  “Place the client in semi-Fowler’s position and administer O2 at 4 L.” Respirations are stable and there is no indication of respiratory distress. Eliminate.
(3)  “Administer a second dose of nitroglycerin.” The nurse should assess the client for chest pain first, and administer a second dose of the medication only if the client continues to complain of chest pain. Eliminate.
(4)  “Document the results and continue to monitor the client.” This is the correct choice because you recognized the client’s response as normal, thus eliminating the other three answer choices.
The correct answer is (4). You would expect a client’s blood pressure to decrease after administration of nitroglycerin. The key to this question is understanding how the medication works, and correctly identifying the expected outcome.

  Previous: NCLEX Strategies: Don’t Predict Answers
Next: NCLEX Strategies: Using Answer Choice to Obtain Clues

  • Journal List
  • Emerg (Tehran)
  • v.5(1); 2017
  • PMC5325909

Emerg (Tehran). 2017; 5(1): e39.

Published online 2017 Jan 11.



Oxygen is a drug and physician and nurses should be familiar with the effects and potential risks of oxygen therapy. The current study aimed to assess familiarity of physicians and nurses with various aspects of oxygen therapy.


In this cross sectional study, the familiarity of physicians and nurses with various aspects of oxygen therapy in a teaching hospital was evaluated using a validated questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 21 software.


57 physicians and 79 nurses returned the completed questionnaire (response rate 97.1%). Mean clinical work experience of participants was 6.9±5.7 (1–15) years.

98.2% of physicians believed that oxygen therapy can be associated with risk and should be recorded in the patient's medical file. These measures were 92.4% and 98.2% for nurses. 38 (27.9%) participants correctly pointed out the reasons for oxygen therapy. Regarding necessary measurements and monitoring for oxygen therapy, 49 (86%) physicians and 65 (82.3%) nurses chose the correct answer. In addition, regarding necessity of blood gas analysis during oxygen therapy, 44 (77.2%) physicians and 55 (69.6%) nurses chose the correct answer.


The findings showed that the familiarity level of participants with some aspects of O2 therapy such as its indications, necessary measurements and monitoring during therapy, and identifying delivery devices was fair to weak (<80%).

Key Words: Oxygen, oxygen inhalation therapy, knowledge, adverse effects, physicians, nurses


Oxygen is one of the most common drugs used in secondary care in hospital. Oxygen is an essential component of resuscitation, acute medical care, basic life support, anesthesia and postoperative care. When oxygen is used appropriately, it can save lives. On the other hand, any errors in oxygen therapy can worsen a patient’s condition and can even be life-threatening (1). Nowadays, the benefits and potential complications of oxygen therapy are well known; however, oxygen therapy is often done without special attention and sufficient knowledge (-). There are several guidelines and protocols for appropriate oxygen therapy (2, 6). It has been shown that use of protocols for oxygen therapy in hospital wards can be very helpful in reducing errors during this process (-). Previous studies have evaluated the use of oxygen in hospitals (10, 11). These studies reveal that doctors often prescribe oxygen improperly and without adequate supervision. Modified charts for prescribing oxygen and related requirements have been proposed (2, 11). Dodd et al. have shown that introduction of a specific prescription chart for oxygen improves the quality of its prescription by junior doctors from 55% to 91%. However, these recommendations had a positive effect on patient care only if health professionals had proper information and sufficient understanding of oxygen therapy and its correct administration (12).

To ensure the safe and effective oxygen delivery, flow rate, dose, devices, time, and method of monitoring should be given special attention and doctors and nurses should be familiar with the effects and potential risks of oxygen therapy.

Based on the above-mentioned, this study aimed to assess familiarity of physicians and nurses with various aspects of oxygen therapy.


Study design:

This cross sectional study was conducted in a teaching hospital affiliated to Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, in 2014. The familiarity of physicians and nurses with various aspects of oxygen therapy was evaluated using a predesigned questionnaire. After a full explanation about the study design, written informed consent was obtained from all nurses and physicians. All information about the participants was kept confidential. The study protocol was approved by the ethics committee of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences.


60 physicians and 80 nurses working in different hospital wards were enrolled. All participants had some experiences in oxygen therapy. It was assumed that all participants had the basic skills and training about oxygen therapy. Questionnaires were anonymous and 20 minutes were given to each participant to complete the questionnaire without conferring.


Internet search for international and local oxygen delivery guidelines was done and the most common and appropriate ones were used for designing a questionnaire (13, 14). Two consultant respiratory physicians, independently evaluated and confirmed the questionnaire items and responses. It was expected that questions about parameters in oxygen therapy would assess topics that all doctors and nurses had undergone in education and training courses.

In the first part of the questionnaire, participants were asked to identify oxygen delivery devices and choose their correct names. Then in the second part, a variety of questions about how to prescribe and deliver oxygen, and reasons for oxygen prescription were asked.

The familiarity rate was categorized into five groups based on Likert scale: ≥ 90% as excellent, 80-90% good, 70-80% fair, 60-70% weak and < 60% poor.

Statistical analysis

Data from the completed questionnaires were extracted and analyzed using SPSS version 17. To describe the data, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, median, and interquartile range (IQR) were used.


Baseline characteristics

60 physicians and 80 nurses were studied. The response rate was 97.1%, and a total of 136 participants [57 physicians (54.4% female) and 79 nurses (70.9% female)] were involved. Average work experience of participants was 6.9 ± 5.7 years (1-14). 70 (51.5%) participants stated that there was a protocol to prescribe oxygen in their ward. The usual method of oxygen delivery in hospital wards were nasal cannula (58.1%) and simple mask (33.1%), respectively. Table 1 shows the usage percentage of different O2 delivery devices in the studied hospital.

Table 1

The most often used oxygen delivery devices in Imam Hossein hospital

Devices Number (%)
Nasal cannula 79 (58.1)
Simple face mask 45 (33.1)
Non-Rebreathing face mask with reservoir bag 6 (4.4)
Venturi mask 6 (4.4)


98.2% of physicians believed that oxygen therapy can be associated with risk and should be recorded in the patient's medical file. These measures were 92.4% and 98.2% for nurses. Table 2 shows the familiarity percentage of participants with different oxygen delivery devices. 38 (27.9%) participants correctly pointed out the reasons for oxygen therapy. Regarding necessary measurements and monitoring for oxygen therapy, 49 (86%) physicians and 65 (82.3%) nurses chose the correct answer. In addition, regarding necessity of blood gas analysis during oxygen therapy, 44 (77.2%) physicians and 55 (69.6%) nurses chose the correct answer.

Table 2

Familiarity of participants with different oxygen delivery devices

Devices Nurses Doctors
Nasal specs/prongs/cannula 79 (100) 54 (94.7)
Bag mask ventilation 78 (98.7) 57 (100)
Venturi mask 76 (96.2) 50 (87.7)
Rebreathing face mask 41 (51.9) 40 (70.2)
Non-rebreathing face mask with reservoir bag 41 (51.9) 45 (78.9)

Data were presented as number and percentage.


The findings showed that the familiarity level of participants with some aspects of O2 therapy such as its indications, necessary measurements and monitoring during therapy, and identifying delivery devices was fair to weak (<80%).

Previous studies had evaluated the use of oxygen at hospitals in other countries (10, 11). In a study conducted in 2006 by Ganeshan et al., knowledge of 53 nurses and 40 doctors that worked in intensive care unit of the General Hospital in UK and were active in oxygen prescription, was evaluated. 25% of the physicians and 50% of the nurses could not prescribe the right dose and method of oxygen therapy in cardiorespiratory arrest cases. They concluded that doctors and nurses did not have sufficient knowledge and understanding of oxygen therapy (9).

In a similar study, Brokalaki et al. assessed the knowledge of oxygen therapy in seven hospitals in a major city of Greece, in 2004. The questionnaire was completed by 105 head-nurses. The results showed that training programs, protocols and guidelines should be mandatory to ensure proper use of oxygen therapy by nursing personnel (14).

In our study, approximately half of participants said that there is no protocol to prescribe oxygen in their wards, despite the existence of several international guidelines for proper oxygen therapy (2, 6).

However, only 51.9 to 78.9% of the nurses and doctors recognized O2 delivery devices such as non-rebreathing mask with reservoir bag, which is consistent with Ganeshan et al. results (13).

In the present study, only 38 participants (27.9%) correctly pointed out the indications for oxygen therapy, namely decreased level of consciousness, chest pain, respiratory distress, seizure, severe respiratory infections and sepsis.

98.2% of physicians and 92.4% of nurses believed that oxygen therapy can be associated with risk. Any error in oxygen therapy could lead to worsening of the patient's status and can even be life-threatening (1).

Although oxygen is used for the treatment of hypoxia, it can be deadly and should be considered as a drug (2). In our study, 33 (57.98%) physicians and 47 (95.5%) nurses believed that oxygen is a drug. In another study, it was shown that 59% of a hospital's head nurses believe that oxygen is a drug and should be administered with prescription, while 41% believe that the oxygen is a gas that improves patients’ breathing (14).

This study reveals that the knowledge of doctors and nurses on how to correctly use oxygen is fair to weak (in some aspects) and this could have a harmful effect on their performance.

It is clear that more emphasis on training in oxygen therapy is necessary during basic training courses for doctors and nurses; and constant and dynamic monitoring on personnel’s learning and performance should be applied.

Therefore, more consideration and further theoretical and practical training courses in this field seems to be necessary.

Small sample size and failure to evaluate the attitude and practice of participants are among the limitations of the present study and it is recommended to conduct more studies in this regard.


The findings showed that the familiarity level of participants with some aspects of O2 therapy such as its indications, necessary measurements and monitoring during therapy, and identifying delivery devices was fair to weak (<80%). Therefore, more consideration and further theoretical and practical training courses in this field seems to be necessary.


Many thanks to colleagues for their assistance and consultation in designing the questionnaire. Warm thanks to respected doctors and nurses who helped in carrying out our plan and completed the questionnaires with patience; without their assistance this project was not possible.

Authors’ contributions:

All authors passed four criteria for authorship contribution based on recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

Conflict of interest:


Funding support:

Special thanks to Clinical Research Development Unit of Imam Hossein Hospital, affiliated to Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, for the registration and financial support.


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Articles from Emergency are provided here courtesy of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences

Which of the following are indications for oxygen therapy?

Indications for Oxygen Therapy An acute situation in which hypoxemia is suspected. Substantiation of hypoxemia is required within an appropriate period of time following initiation of therapy. Severe trauma. Short-term therapy (e.g., carbon monoxide poisoning) or surgical intervention (e.g., post-anesthesia recovery).

What are the nursing considerations for oxygen therapy?

Key points.
Hypoxia is an indication that oxygen therapy should be started..
If blood oxygen levels are not low, oxygen will not treat breathlessness..
A target oxygen saturation range should be prescribed to guide therapy..
A lower target saturation range should be prescribed for patients at risk of hypercapnia..

What is the earliest indication to administer oxygen therapy?

Indications for acute oxygen Give oxygen empirically in patients with cardiac or respiratory arrest or when there is respiratory distress or hypotension. Arterial blood gases should be analysed as soon as possible to assess the degree of hypoxaemia, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (Pco2), and acid-base state.

What are the guidelines for oxygen therapy?

The 3 main recommendations include: Acutely ill adult medical patients (with exceptions) should stop oxygen therapy no higher than 96% saturation. (strong recommendation) Patients with acute stroke or MI should not start oxygen therapy between 90% and 92% saturation.