Which of the following statements about ethics is true?

1. Which of the following statements is true about Ethics? a. It is the study of the wants and needs in business.b. It is the study of what is right and wrong in human behavior andconduct in business.c. It is the study of the relationship between people in a business.d. None of the above.2. Which is considered an unethical business practice?a. Treating employees fairly.b. Selling a good quality product.c. Hiring the most qualified applicants for vacant positions.d. Buying substandard materials for production.​


1letter A

2letter C


hope it help

24.(p. 62)

B. It is the victim of subjectivity as it yields to the will of cultural relativismC. It is the belief that the ethical standard of a country is based on the culture that created it and that moral concepts lack universal applicationD.It is not related to the area of corporate social responsibility

Which of the following statements about ethics is true?

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1.Which of the following statements about ethics is true?a.Acting ethically is always easier than any other form of actionb.Employees assume no risk when they conduct themselves ethicallyc.Like other laws, ethics can be definedd.If an act is legal, it must by definition be ethicale.Ethics is the set of moral principles or values that defines right and wrong fora person or group

2.Which of the following is a recommendation for how managers can model andencourage ethical behavior in employees?

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3.The U.S. Sentencing Commission Guidelines impose smaller fines on companies that____.

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Which is a true statement about ethics?

The correct answer is: c. Ethics is related to the culture in which a business operates. Ethics refers to a set of moral values that direct the behavior of an individual. Ethics are influenced by aspects such as cultural practices, social norms, and religion.

Which of the following statements is true in respect to business ethics Mcq?

Business ethics is nothing but the application of ethics in business. Business ethics is the application of general ethical ideas to business behavior. Ethical business behavior facilitates and promotes good to society, improves profitability, fosters business relations and employee productivity.

What is the correct definition of ethics quizlet?

Define Ethics. The discipline relating to right and wrong, moral duty and obligation, moral principles and values, and moral character; a standard for honorable behavior designed by a group with expected conformity.

Which statement best describes ethics in business?

Which of the following statements best describes ethics? Ethics is about values and principles.