Which of the following is an important difference between light-dependent and light-independent

The light dependent and light independent reactions are two stages of photosynthesis that overall utilise light energy to fix carbon dioxide into sugar molecules. There are however major differences between the two stages.

Light requirement: As the name suggests, light dependent stage requires the absorption of light, and is the first stage of the reaction. The second stage is the light independent reaction, otherwise named as the Calvin cycle, which does not require sunlight.

Reaction site: Light dependent reaction takes place within the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts because the necessary machineries required are embedded within the membrane, including PSI, PSII, ATP synthase and various electron transport chain proteins. The light independent reaction takes place within the stroma of chloroplasts, where all the necessary enzymes are found.

Reactants and products: The reactants required for the light dependent reactions (not counting light) are ADP+ Pi, which will be converted into ATP and NADP, which will be reduced into reduced NADP. Additionally, water is also required for photolysis, with oxygen being produced as a waste product. The light independent reaction uses the ATP and reduced NADP from the light dependent reaction as reactants, to produce G3P by fixing carbon dioxide. RuBP, a 5 carbon compound is also required as a reactant for the light independent reaction, but will eventually be regenerated as a product.

Steps involved: The light dependent reaction is mostly a linear process that harvests light energy using pigments from both PSI and PSII, which results in excited electrons being passed through an electron transport chain. In certain cases, chloroplasts can also switch to a cyclic process, where only PSI is used and only ATP (no reduced NADP) will be produced as products. The light independent reaction is a cyclic process consisting of three major steps: carbon fixation, reduction, and regeneration.

Watch the VDO on photosynthesis posted under the "The Power of Photosynthesis" menu.

N.Martinez P1

11/6/2013 10:12:56 am

In light-dependent reactions, the first stage of photosynthesis, the energy from light propels electrons into a high-energy state. The thylakoid membrane absorbs photon energy of different wavelengths of light. These light-dependent reactions fuel the second stage of photosynthesis which are the light-independent reactions. CO2 provides a source of carbon for making carbohydrates.

Mr D

11/11/2013 02:00:44 pm

What are photons?

N.Martinez P1

11/13/2013 10:03:30 am

Particles which transmit light


9/21/2016 01:44:30 pm



11/11/2014 03:53:31 am



3/6/2017 07:58:52 pm


Cody LaMoureaux

11/8/2013 12:11:37 am

Light dependent reactions require an actual source of light. They need the wave lengths to help move the electrons creating energy. The photon cuts the H2O in half creating oxygen and hydrogen. This is what helps create energy and fuel the pant.

Mr. D

11/11/2013 02:00:17 pm

Once cut in half what does the Hydrogen and Oxygen do for photisynthesis?


3/6/2017 08:01:27 pm



7/25/2018 05:21:41 pm

the oxygen is released so we can breathe it. while the hydrogen continues to the light-independent process, where the hydrogen is concerted to chemical energy or sugar that the plant feeds on

C.Munoz P1

11/8/2013 12:13:33 am

Light dependent reactions have a more of a effect on the plant during photosynthesis, collecting the energy from the light that helps increase the CO2 levels in the reaction and keeps the O2 levels the same. The non-dependent reactions have a lesser effect, not letting the sunlight reach the plant because it is being covered up, the CO2 levels are still consistent but don't raise and the O2 levels are still the same.

Jmadera p.1

11/10/2013 12:45:57 am

Your right Charlie it will have more affect because by depending on light it has more affect on collecting energy for the plant.


11/11/2014 09:26:21 am

this really helped thanks

R.Aragon 13

11/8/2013 12:37:23 am

One of them dropped because the color of the light and theyand because of the all the energy that its is being priduce by the light so so if it was red it would have a lot of energy and get more co2 but if the color was cooler like bleu then it would be less energyand less co2

J.Molina P.1

11/8/2013 03:35:03 am

light dependent reaction is the first stage. it collects energy through electrons and gets it in a high energy state. then next come the light independent reaction where CO2 is used to produce carbohydrates.

Mr. D

11/11/2013 01:58:53 pm

how does it collect electrons what element helps the plant transfer electrons?

Jacqueline Madera p.1

11/10/2013 12:42:27 am

The difference between light dependent and light independent reactions affect on plants is that during light dependent it needs light to react unlike light independent, it doesn't. Light dependent reactions happen by producing ATP and NADPH from all the energy that comes from the light. That's why light dependent cant react because it depends on light to do so. Unlike light dependent, light independents reaction occurs when fixing the carbon dioxide into the glucose using the ATP and NADPH produced in the light dependent reactions. Therefore, light dependent reactions cant happen without light unless ATP, CO2 and NADPH is present to react.


11/11/2013 07:34:00 am

In light dependent reactions you actually need light, or a light source. The wave lengths of the light help move the electrons creating energy. The non-light dependent reactions have less of an effect on the plant, since the plant isn't receiving light.

JGarcia P1

11/11/2013 01:07:04 pm

Light-dependent need light to react and light-independent don't need light to react. Light depended produce ATP and NADPH from energy captured from light. Light independent fix carbon dioxide into glucose using the ATP and NADPH from the light dependent. Light independent can react without light as long as CO2, ATP, and NADPH are present.

E. Hinton

11/11/2013 11:12:41 pm

Light-Dependent experiments are based on the plant or leaf needs a light in order to get it's data. Light-Nondependent experiments are based on the plant that doesn't need light in order to get it's data.

Zach Sanders P.1

11/12/2013 12:06:45 am

Light reaction is the actual source of light the divides the H2O by the photons, which makes hydrogen and oxygen these two things helps the plant lives.

Amelia harlan

11/13/2013 12:13:45 am

Light dependent reactions capture the energy directly from the light and convert it into chemical energy. Light independent reactions are reactions that use the energy to produce sugars, such as glucose.


11/13/2013 12:14:23 am

So during the light reactions the plant uses energy from the sun to divide H20 into H & O, then in the non dependent reactions it takes the C from the CO2 to produce carbohydrates.


11/13/2013 12:18:12 am

light dependent doesn't need light but plants do need light.

Samantha Fuller

11/13/2013 12:18:48 am

Light dependent reactions produce energy captured from light. Light independent reactions fix carbon into glucose using the energy produced in light dependent reactions.


11/13/2013 12:19:54 am

light independent reaction in plants has to do with fixing carbon dioxide into glucose using ATP and NADPH that is produced in the light dependent. Light dependent happens from producing ATP and NADPH from the energy from light. The difference between light independent and light dependent is that light independent doesn't need light to make energy and light dependent does.

bailey lerch

11/13/2013 12:20:29 am

bailey sheets period 1

11/13/2013 12:24:26 am

light dependent reaction gets energy from the light, and light independent reactions is reactions to fix carbon and to use the energy to produce glucose.

carter winn

11/13/2013 12:26:58 am

light dependent happens from producing NADPH and ATP. the differnece between light dependent and light independent are pretty obvious, light "dependent" means it needs light, light "indepebdent" means it doesnt need light. the plant uses energy from the light to split the h2o molecoules into H and O


11/13/2013 12:31:30 am

light dependent reactions in plants is the process in which a plant will capture and store sunlight that will later be converted into chemical energy.

Drew F. p1

11/14/2013 12:39:25 am

The first stage of photosynthesis is the light dependent, which requires light in order to capture the energy and for the photons (particles that transmit light) to split the H2O in half, releasing oxygen and hydrogen. Light independent reaction occurs when transforming carbon dioxide into glucose using ATP and NADPH produced in the light dependent stage.

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    Which of the following is an important difference between light-dependent and light-independent
    RSS Feed

What is an important difference between light

In the light-dependent reactions, energy from sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll and that energy is converted into stored chemical energy. In the light-independent reactions, the chemical energy harvested during the light-dependent reactions drives the assembly of sugar molecules from carbon dioxide.

Which of the following is an important difference between the light

What is the difference between light and dark reaction? The light reaction is the initial stage of photosynthesis which traps light energy to produce ATP and NADPH, whereas dark reaction is the second step of photosynthesis which utilizes the energy from ATP and NADPH to produce glucose.

What are two major differences between the light independent and light

There are however major differences between the two stages. Light requirement: As the name suggests, light dependent stage requires the absorption of light, and is the first stage of the reaction. The second stage is the light independent reaction, otherwise named as the Calvin cycle, which does not require sunlight.

How is light

The light-dependent reactions convert light energy into chemical energy. The goal of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis is to collect energy from the sun and break down water molecules to produce ATP and NADPH. These two energy-storing molecules are then used in the light-independent reactions.