male feminist là gì - Nghĩa của từ male feminist

male feminist có nghĩa là

Most often, the males who vociferously support feminism fall under the beta positive or beta negative category within the male social hierarchy. They usually patronize the feminist ideology simply to elevate their status in women's eyes, even though stridently feminist men are almost always found explicitly on the internet (similar to the "white knight"). Regardless of the numerous hypocrisies and double-standards endorsed by most sources of feminism, the male feminist will leap to his armchair, a dedicated keyboard warrior, to defend women against the horrible "profanations" and "vulgarities" people make towards the delicate and faint-hearted damsel in distress.


Person: "Women are clearly less intelligent than men."
Male feminist: "Bro, you're just a sexist douchebag. Lmao, like, go back to the 17th century."
Person: "But under today's equal opportunity, men still dominate every scientific and political field in the entire world."
Male Feminist: "HAHA wow - hey women, not all guys are like this. I'm a man, and I can assure you that not all men are sexist. P-please validate my pathetic existence. ;_;"

male feminist có nghĩa là

A person who usually sexually inadequate that invades gender equality politics in order to (attempt poorly) get laid. These people kiss the feet of feminists every day with very little reward reciprocated; in fact they are still seen as privileged assholes by feminists.


Dave is a male feminist, he licked my cum out of his gf's pussy in the name of equality.

male feminist có nghĩa là

A person who can be often noticed to be upholding topics of severe importance, mostly related to women on the internet, for the very purpose of getting some pussy (sometimes a random hole is sufficient). They can be spotted using the word 'friendzoned' very casually when asked about a girl they were rumored to be crushing on. They are also seen to be contradicting their own words because of extreme abuse of opinions gathered through interaction with people who suffer from stage sixty nine cancer, which in turn affect their ideologies.


A : I was wondering if being a feminist causes cancer?
B : Are you kidding me? It's one of the best things to exist in this world.
Also dude, they have a really cool name for it, "Male Feminist"!
Ain't that so fucking cool?
I told that SJW chick I have been crushing on that I am a Male Feminist and you know what she did bro?
She invited me to her house party and let me guard her door while she was getting drilled by four other boys oh my god dude it was so cool.
A : But she calls you bro.
B : Doesn't matter, I'll be here boyfriend someday.

male feminist có nghĩa là

(n.) a simp.


In Eugene's final attempt to get spare coochie, he has declared himself a male feminist.

male feminist có nghĩa là

A man so desperate so to touch the female genitalia that he shows hate towards himself and his own gender.


Man, I really need to get my dick wet but every female despises me . I guess I’ll just become a a male feminist.

male feminist có nghĩa là

Male feminists are men who are actively supportive of feminism and of efforts to bring about gender justice and equality. Some pro-feminist men are involved in political activism. One of the most common areas of involvement is men's violence, and there are men's groups in Australia, the US, Canada, Europe and elsewhere who have this as their focus. Pro-feminist men do anti-violence work with boys and young men in schools, offer sexual harassment workshops in workplaces, run community education campaigns, and counsel male perpetrators of violence, just to name a few common activities. Pro-feminist men also are involved in men's health, activism on pornography, academic research on masculinity, the development of gender equity curricula in schools, and many other areas. This work is sometimes in collaboration with feminists and women's services (such as domestic violence and rape crisis centres). Other pro-feminist men are not active in public campaigns. Nevertheless, their commitment to pro-feminism takes the form of trying to live in egalitarian and respectful ways in their daily lives -- at home, at work and on the street. Men's support for feminism has various sources: love and care for the women and girls in their lives, commitments to principles of equality or justice, a sense of distance from traditional masculinity, and so on.


Male feminists are sympathetic to feminist understandings of society.

male feminist có nghĩa là

A dude who repeats empty, overused feminist buzzwords and mantras he read somewhere on social media and brags about how woke he is, incorrectly believing it will get him laid.


In an attempt to quench his thirst for pussy, Joseph now spends much of his time bringing up how much of a woke male feminist he is to every female he meets and explaining how women can empower themselves by sending him titty pics.

male feminist có nghĩa là

A conservative, not deadbeat dad, who ended up with a daughter that kindled parental affection.


Ever since Brett had a daughter he talks like a male feminist.

male feminist có nghĩa là

A guy who has awareness of how patriarchy and gender inequality hurt him and other people. The male feminist is either a reasonable feminist who isn't whiny like cis female feminist or just a simply simp, no inbetween.


Those male feminists are complaining about male victim, mental health and strict gender roles.

male feminist có nghĩa là

A male person who supports equal rights between men and women.


Person 1: Do you consider yourself feminist?
Person 2: No, only women can be feminists right?
Person 1: Of course not! Do you support equal rights for men and women?
Person 2: Yes, sure. Person 1: That means you are a feminist. A male feminist.