In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

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Hunter Safety Exam Review Continued

by Schackow, Apr. 2015

Subjects: Hunter Safety

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In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

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In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

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In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?



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In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?
In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

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In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

What does this picture represent for hunters?

Zones of Fire for the three (3) safe hunters

When walking through brush or dense undergrowth what safety precaution should be taken to ensure that a firearm does not fire by mistake?

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

Place your hand over the trigger guard

When crossing a fence or other obstacle

alone, what should you do with your

firearm once it is unloaded?

Set the firearm on the ground, pointing the muzzle away from where you are crossing

What is the first thing a hunter should do

every time he or she loads a firearm?

a) Check the barrel for obstructions

b) Clean the firearm with a well-oiled rag

c) Adjust the sights on the firearm

d) Have the firearm inspected by a gunsmith

Check the barrel for obstructions

What type of personal flotation device (PFD) would be most recommended when hunting on rough or remote waters?

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

Type I

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

When hunting, when would it be advisable to cover the trigger guard on your firearm?

When walking through brush or dense undergrowth

Why would the safe hunter never shoot in the direction of rocks or water?

a) Rocks or water are not an appropriate

backstop as they might cause the bullet to


b) Shooting towards rocks or water will

effectively stop a bullet or shot

c) Shooting towards rocks or water will alert

the game animal of the hunter's presence

d) There is no reason to avoid shooting

towards rocks or water

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

Rocks or water are not

an appropriate backstop as they might cause the bullet to ricochet

If the safe hunter is alone, which of the following would be the safe and correct procedure for boarding a watercraft for a hunting excursion?

a) Board the watercraft while carrying all

equipment and firearms

b) Push off from shore and jump onto the

watercraft once launched

c) Load all firearms and equipment before


d) Board the watercraft and then load any


Load all firearms and equipment before boarding

What is the purpose of wearing hunter orange clothing?

It will help a hunter to be seen by other hunters

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

What safe hunter carry

is this?

the cradle carry

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

What is this arrowhead used for?

Blunt point arrowheads are used for hunting small game and are usually made of metal or rubber.

Which arrow points are predominantly used for target practice?

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

Bullet point

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

For which of the following activities is a field point best suited?

a) Big game hunting

b) Bow fishing

c) Target practice and

small game hunting

d) Exclusively for

target practice

Target practice and small game hunting

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

What shooting position is this?

The prone position.

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

What is controlled by the top dial on a telescopic sight?

The horizontal reticle (Side to Side)

When firing a handgun while standing, how

should it be held to provide the maximum

amount of control?

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

With both hands out in front of you

Which of the following is one of the fundamentals of safe shooting?

a) Installing a telescopic sight on your firearm

b) Always use the standing shooting position

c) Learn how to pattern a shotgun

d) Always use rimfire cartridges in a rifle

Learn how to pattern a shotgun

Which of the following rifle sights provides magnification of the game animal which helps to ensure an accurate shot?

a) Telescopic sight

b) Aperture (peep) sight

c) Open sight

d) Binoculars

Telescopic sight

Which of the following positions should be used to practice the fundamentals of good shooting?

a) Prone position

b) Sitting position

c) Kneeling position

d) Standing position

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

Prone position

Which of the following shooting positions is considered to be the least steady?

a) prone position

b) sitting position

c) kneeling position

d) standing position

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

standing position

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

Which of the following should be considered when sighting in a rifle?

a) Gravity, air resistance and energy loss all have an effect on the bullet's trajectory

b) A rifle sighted to hit a target at 100 yards will also hit the center of that target at 50 yards

c) Avoid using a steady rest when firing a rifle since this will affect the bullet's trajectory

d) Breathe normally while squeezing the trigger. Holding your breath will affect the bullet's trajectory.

Gravity, air resistance and energy loss all have an effect on the bullet's trajectory

What is the technique where a safe hunter moves slowly through a hunting area looking for game animals?

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

Still Hunting

Why is it important to quickly cool down a game animal after it has been harvested?

a) Cooling the animal helps to tenderize the


b) The animal is easier to carry once the heat

has escaped from the body cavity

c) Heat will quickly cause the meat to spoil

d) There is no reason to cool a game animal

after it has expired.

Heat will quickly cause the meat to spoil

What is the purpose of hanging a harvested game animal from a tree or specially designed rack?

a) To allow air to circulate, cooling the meat


b) To stop air from circulating, keeping the

meat warmer

c) To help dry out the meat for easier


d) To show off the harvested animal to other


In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

To allow air to circulate, cooling the meat


What is an important consideration when hunting from a treestand?

a) Hunters should avoid wearing blaze orange

clothing when in a treestand

b) Treestands are only permitted for firearms

hunting, not bow hunting

c) Treestands should be regularly inspected,

and not used if they show any sign of


d) Safety harnesses are very uncomfortable

and should only be used by beginning

treestand hunters

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

Treestands should be regularly inspected, and not used if they show any sign of damage

What is an important consideration for treestand hunters concerning falls from a stand?

It is important to carry emergency signaling devices that are readily accessible. Be prepared for a fall before it happens

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

What treestand is this?

Ladder stand

Which of the following treestands is considered unsafe and should never be used by hunters?

a) Fixed or hang-on stand

b) Permanent stand

c) Ladder stand

d) Tower stand

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

Permanent stand

Which treestand is best suited for hunting on the edges of fields or in open country?

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

Tower stand

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

What treestand is this?

Fixed or hang-on stand

Which of the following safety harnesses is the safest and MOST recommended when hunting from a treestand?

a) Simple belt harness

b) Chest harness

c) Fall Arrest System / Full Body Harness

d) Tree Anchored Safety strap

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

Fall Arrest System / Full Body Harness

Which treestand is considered to be the

safer one for the hunter to climb in and out


a) Self-climbing stand

b) Simple platform treestand

c) Ladder stand

d) Hanging stand

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

Ladder stand

Once in the treestand which of the following

should be done first?

a) Load your firearm

b) Remove orange clothing

c) Have a cup of coffee

d) Secure the safety harness

Secure the safety harness

How should your firearms and equipment

be brought into a treestand?

a) Thrown up by someone still on the


b) Using a haul line once having reached the


c) Carried up while climbing into the stand

d) Brought up while installing the treestand

Using a haul line once having reached the top

Which of the following is a basic tool used by today's trapper?

a) Digging Tool

b) Bore snakes

c) Bore light

d) Arm guard

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

Digging Tool

In which of the following images is the safe hunter using the trail carry?

Which carry is this?

The trail carry

If you encounter a fence or other obstacle while carrying a firearm, what is the FIRST thing that you should do before crossing?

What is the trail carry best for?

Trail carry — With the trail carry, the firearm is gripped in one hand allowing the other to be free. This carry should only be used when hunting alone or when others aren't in front of or to the side of you.

What is the safest firearm carrying position?

The elbow or “side” carry is a very comfortable carry for break-action firearms. The pivot of the open action rests easily in the crook of your elbow and down over your forearm. In this manner the barrel naturally points down. Others can easily see that your action is safe and open.

Which is the safest carry most of the time?

Two-handed Carry The shooter has good muzzle control with this carry, and is ready to shoulder the firearm quickly. This is an excellent carry for working upland bird cover. It is also one of the safest ways to carry a firearm. Never use it when someone is on the same side that the muzzle is pointed.

What is the elbow carry?

Elbow carry – Transporting a firearm with the forearm of the firearm hooked over your elbow. Muzzle is pointed toward the ground.