Dùng lets encrypt thỉnh thoảng bị lỗi năm 2024

Server operating system version Windows Server 2012 R2 Plesk version and microupdate number Version 18.0.47 Update


Hi guys,

I have been using Let's Encrypt for a while now. Everything worked just fine, even auto renew. Nowadays, after Plesk update, things isn't that smooth. For instance auto renew does no longer work. For the site mobile.ibrf.se the certificate has expired, and I'm not able to renew the certificate. I'll get different error messages each time.

  1. So I create a new subdomain for test: m.ibrf.se, and added a Let's Encrypt certificate which resulted in the error message: Could not issue an SSL/TLS certificate for m.ibrf.se Details Could not issue a Let's Encrypt SSL/TLS certificate for m.ibrf.se. \=> However, when checking the certificate has been installed and working.
  2. When trying to add certificate for mobile.ibrf.se, I'll get the following error message: Could not issue an SSL/TLS certificate for mobile.ibrf.se Details Could not issue a Let's Encrypt SSL/TLS certificate for mobile.ibrf.se. Authorization for the domain failed. Details Invalid response from https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/authz-v3/178709602037. Details: Type: urn:ietfarams:acme:error:connection Status: 400 Detail: Fetching https://acme-challenge.localhost/.w...e/KW19IXEhTvYcCfLMW5eADXOdJ9dlfF-DHJFJfqOOOrM: Invalid hostname in redirect target, must end in IANA registered TLD

I'm pretty confused. How can I trouble shoot what´s going on ?

PLESK Version:

Plesk Obsidian Web Pro Edition Version 18.0.47 Update


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Third-party Helicon "ISAPI_Rewrite 3 - Apache .htaccess mod_rewrite compatible module for IIS" Go to Domains > example.com > File Manager page and rename .htaccess file. It should help.

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Hello IgorG,

I'm sorry, but I have no such file(s).

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... we'll it turns out the that certificate has been updated after all, even when I received errors each time running reissue. Isn't this strange?

Events: 1. Site can't be reached 2. Reason: Site certificate has expired, even if auto renew is selected 3. Trying to renew manually - getting different error messages each time. Last time a LIMIT error is issued 4. Moving the site to a new subdomain and apply Let's encrypt certificate without and issues 5. Two days later, checking the old site site/certificate again, now using the let's debug tool. The certificate now seems OK 6. Checking the site, yes, the certificate is now OK. Somehow this issue fixed it's self!? How can this be?

I'm not to impressed by PLESK. A previous trivial task, feels now more like rocket science, moreover a fragmented help/documentation doesn't help much.

All issuance requests are subject to a Failed Validation limit of 5 failures per account, per hostname, per hour. You should receive the following error message from your ACME client when you’ve exceeded the Failed Validation limit:

too many failed authorizations recently: see https://letsencrypt.org/docs/failed-validation-limit/

The ‘authorizations’ that this error refers to are the result of authorization requests, sent by your ACME client, to validate control over a domain name before we can issue or renew a certificate. This error indicates that the multiple requests for validation were sent successfully but all attempts to validate have failed.

Common Causes

Subscribers who hit the Failed Validation limit often do so due to a misconfiguration in their environment.

HTTP-01 or TLS-APLN-01

For ACME clients requesting authorization via the HTTP-01 or TLS-APLN-01 validation methods, the problem usually stems from a network or firewall configuration which makes it impossible for our validation servers to reach the server that the request was sent from.


ACME clients requesting authorization via the DNS-01 validation method usually require that you create a CNAME record in your main DNS zone which allows the ACME client to set the required DNS records during the validation process. Failed DNS-01 validations are usually the result of missed steps or typos during this initial setup process.

When troubleshooting or testing the deployment of your applications we encourage you to configure your ACME client to use our staging environment. Rate limits for our staging environment are .

Requesting Help

If you’re not sure how to configure your ACME client to use our staging environment or you need some help debugging, we encourage you to request help on our community forum.